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----- Original Message -----
From: SolidNet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 10:01 AM
Subject: NCP of Britain, NCP message of condolense

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               NCP of Britain, NCP message of condolense
         From: New Communist Party of Britain, Wed, 29 Aug 2001
     maikto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] , http://www.newcommunistparty.org.uk

Dear Comrades,

The Central Committee of the New Communist Party of Britain strongly
condemns the assassination of PFLP General Secretary Abu Ali Mustafa by
the Israeli security forces. This cowardly Zionist murder is the latest
in the long catalogue of crimes committed by the Zionist entity against
the Palestinian people and it will, no doubt, not be the last.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine was one of the first
movements to recognise our Party when we were formed in 1977. We have
always supported the just struggle of the Palestinian Arabs and we have
always regarded the PFLP as our friends.

Comrade Abu Ali Mustafa, like most of Zionism's victims, was an unarmed
civilian. He was murdered in his office. He died at his post. He has
joined the ranks of martyrs who have fallen in the struggle against
Zionism and imperialism. None of them will be forgotten.

We salute Abu Ali Mustafa and send our condolences to his family and

Yours fraternally,

Andy Brooks
General Secretary
New Communist Party of Britain

New Communist Party of Britain
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