From: "mart" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 The Scotsman
 September 3, 2001
 One source close to the Ministry of Defence said:
 "Let's get serious, nobody expects this weapons
 collections mission to work. The rebels won't be
 handing in their good kit. This mission was a way of
 getting in. Once you're on the ground it's much easier
 to justify staying."
British troops to remain in Macedonia
 Chris Stephen Eastern Europe Correspondent
 BRITAIN plans to keep a permanent force in Macedonia
 long after a promised 30-day weapons-collection
 mission is over, The Scotsman has learned. When a NATO
 force including British paratroopers pulls out after
 gathering arms from Albanian guerrillas, a new,
 smaller force will replace them.
 The troops will ride "shotgun" to unarmed monitors
 operating not under NATO, but the Organisation for
 Security and Co-operation in Europe.
 Operation Essential Harvest has been portrayed as
 month-long, in-and-out operation to remove the weapons
 that have driven Macedonia's escalating crisis, before
 the country spirals into war. But fears of "mission
 creep", where troops once in would surely stay, have
 hovered from the start.
 One source close to the Ministry of Defence said:
 "Let's get serious, nobody expects this weapons
 collection mission to work. The rebels won't be
 handing in their good kit. This mission was a way of
 getting in. Once you're on the ground it's much easier
 to justify staying."
 The news comes amid every sign that the Macedonian
 crisis could take months or years, not weeks, to
 The Macedonian parliament reopens today with a debate
 on legislation to offer new rights to the country's
 Albanian minority. It was halted amid demonstrations
 outside on Friday.
 While NATO said the National Liberation Army had
 already surrendered a third of the promised 3,300
 weapons, Macedonian hardliners in parliament tabled
 motions demanding more guarantees - including freeing
 at least eight prisoners and allowing 70,000 refugees
 to return home quickly. Amid warnings of war, debate
 ground to a halt. 

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