
             The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 31 August 2001
                         Vol. 5, Number 69 1/2 (#593)

What's Worth Checking: 15 stories
More On Religious Discrimination Around the World


                          WHAT'S WORTH CHECKING
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2375. Philip Blenkinsop (Reuters), "US Lawyer Says Seeks Worldwide Case
Against  Bayer," 17 Aug 01, "An American lawyer suing pharmaceutical giant
Bayer AG over  its recalled drug Baycol said on Friday he would try to
expand the suit to  embrace cases worldwide and had also included another
industry heavyweight,  GlaxoSmithKline Plc, in the action. 'This is
probably going to be one of the  largest litigation matters in
pharmaceutical history,' Ed Fagan told a news  conference. He declined to
say how much compensation his client might be  seeking."

2374. David Saperstein, Rabbi (The Religious Action Center of Reform
Judaism),  "Reform Jewish Movement Urges Powell To Attend U.N. Conference
On Racism," 16  Aug 01, "'In a letter today to Secretary of State Colin
Powell, Rabbi David  Saperstein, Director of the Religious Action Center of
Reform Judaism,  encourages Powell to attend the United Nations World
Conference Against Racism  in Durban, South Africa, noting, "Essential
values will be under attack in  Durban, and we continue to hope that you
will lead the American delegation and  will personally participate in
efforts to eliminate any anti-Semitic language  and to rebuff attacks
against Israel....and equally importantly (to) further the  urgent
legitimate goals of the Conference in addressing the scourge of racism  and
its lasting impact.' Saperstein commends Powell stating, 'Your steadfast
opposition to the equation of Zionism with racism, your work to ensure that
Israel is not singled out in the Conference documents, and your commitment
to  resist attempts to minimize the evil of the Holocaust have all been
both widely  noticed and deeply appreciated by our community'."

2373. Reuters, "U.S. Arrears to UN Caught in Court Dispute - Paper," 16 Aug
01,  "House of Representatives Republican leaders are threatening to
withhold $582  million the U.S. owes the United Nations in a fight with the
Bush Administration  over the crafting of a measure to exempt Americans
from the International  Criminal Court, the Washington Post reported on
Thursday. The lawmakers have  told the White House they will hold up the
payment of U.N. dues unless it is  approved along with the American Service
Members' Protection Act, the Post  reported, citing administration

2372. Dianne Lynch (ABCNEWS), "Afghan Women Reach Out Via Web," 15 Aug 01,
"The  Taliban have taken control of their country and relegated women to a
life of  deeply controlled servitude. But some Afghan women, writes our
columnist, are  reaching out internationally via the Web. Imagine it: You
can't work. You can't  go to school. You can't leave home without a male
guardian, and even then, you  must be shrouded in a veil from head to toe.
You can't laugh or talk aloud in  public, and even your shoes must make no
sound. Wearing cosmetics or showing  your ankles is punishable by whipping;
women have had their fingers amputated  for wearing nail polish. You paint
the windows of your house black so you cannot  be seen from the outside.
You are forbidden from walking on your balcony or in  your backyard. It has
been years since the sun shone on your face. And all  public references to
you have disappeared. You are a woman in Afghanistantoday,  living under
the regime of the Islamic fundamentalist Taliban."

2371. Berger & Montague, P.C., "Class Action Race Discrimination Lawsuit
Filed  Against ARAMARK Corporation: 152,000-Employee Corporation is
Nation's Largest  Outsourcing Provider," 15 Aug 01, "A Class Action race
discrimination lawsuit  was filed today against the nation's largest
provider of outsourcing services,  ARAMARK Corporation, which posted
revenues in excess of $7 billion in 2000. The  suit is being handled by a
team of lawyers at two Philadelphia firms: Joel I.  Fishbein at Abrahams,
Loewenstein & Bushman, P.C. and Stephen A. Whinston,  Jonathan Auerbach and
Shanon J. Carson at Berger & Montague, P.C. The suit  alleges that ARAMARK
Corporation managers are guilty of ongoing, pervasive  racial
discrimination against blacks employed by ARAMARK at Philadelphia's
Presbyterian Medical Center. Ten African-American workers filed suit for
themselves and on behalf of all black workers in the Patient Services,
Environmental Services and Distribution Departments. Workers in these
departments, who are almost all black, transport patients throughout the
Presbyterian Medical Center complex, clean the rooms and floors, and
distribute  the linens. The complaint alleges that white managers harass
African-American  workers through an oppressive pattern of unfair and
unjustified discipline. In  response to repeated complaints by the black
workers, according to the  complaint, white managers retaliate by raising
the level of discipline."

2370. Karen Iley (Reuters), "U.N. Committee Slams U.S. Racism Record," 14
Aug 01,  " A U.N. body has slammed the United States' record on racism,
suggesting a halt  to the death penalty and immediate moves to stamp out
police brutality. The  Committee on the Elimination of Racial
Discrimination unveiled three pages of  preliminary conclusions late
Monday, almost two weeks after the United States  presented it with its
first-ever report on how it was combating discrimination.  The body of 18
independent experts, who monitor how signatory countries comply  with the
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination,  noted
'a disturbing correlation between race, both of the victim and the
defendant, and the imposition of the death penalty'' in America. It called
on  the United States to ensure that no death penalty was imposed as a
result of  racial bias, 'perhaps by pronouncing a moratorium'."

2369. WJLA, "Intruders Rob, Vandalize Anne Arundel Church," 14 Aug 01,
"Vandals  hit a southern Anne Arundel County church over the weekend,
trashing its  interior with food from its pantry and leaving racial slurs
and satanic  symbols."

2368. Reuters, "U.N. Racism Talks End Without Agreement," 10 Aug 01, "Talks
failed  Friday to settle angry disputes over how the U.N. Conference on
Racism will deal  with Israeli policies toward Palestinians and
compensation for African slavery.  But U.N. human rights chief Mary
Robinson put on a brave face, voicing optimism  that consensus could be
reached on final texts on both controversial issues at  the conference
which opens in Durban, South Africa, in three weeks."

2367. Reuters, "Provocative German Holocaust Denial Poster Removed," 10 Aug
01, "A  German Jewish fund-raising group Friday pulled down posters
apparently denying  the Holocaust after they caused controversy across
Germany and split opinion in  the Jewish community. The provocative posters
declaring 'The Holocaust never  happened' against a serene lake and a
mountain backdrop had hung from billboards  and appeared in newspapers for
three weeks. Only much smaller text revealed the  true message of a
campaign designed to raise funds for a Berlin memorial to  Jewish victims
of the Nazis and to stir awareness of the Holocaust."

2366. WCCO Channel4000, "Safety Officials Prepare For KKK Rally: Public
safety  officials are preparing for a Ku Klux Klan rally scheduled for Aug.
25 at the  State Capitol," 9 Aug 01, "The KKK plans to recruit new members.
'I don't think  there are many police officers who imagined during their
career they'd be  protecting the rights of the Ku Klux Klan,' Maj. Kevin
Kittridge of the  Minnesota State Patrol said.' Kittridge is in charge of
Capitol security. He  said that, regardless of what he or his officers
think, they must do their  jobs."

2365. Evelyn Leopold (Reuters), "Indigenous Peoples Organize at United
Nations," 9  Aug 01, "Tribal chiefs from Canada to Peru and beyond on
Thursday sought to get  the grievances of indigenous people heard at the
United Nations and said they  were even shut out of a upcoming conference
on racism. Honoring the Seventh  International Day of the World's
Indigenous People, more than 700 activists,  many of them from the United
States, celebrated their cultures in spiritual  rituals. They discussed
ways to protect themselves from discrimination, economic  exploitation and
environmental degradation."

2364. Michael Carney (Reuters), "Israel Says U.N. Racism Draft Mocks
Holocaust," 9  Aug 01, "Israel accused Arab and Islamic countries Thursday
of mocking the  Holocaust by trying to equate the Jewish state with the
Nazis at a United  Nations (news - web sites) racism conference to be held
in South Africa this  month."

2363. Ann Rostow (PlanetOut), "Program threatened over gay participation,"
9 Aug  01, "Bill Jankalow, the governor of South Dakota, is considering
ending his  state's participation in the Adopt-A-Highway program rather
than face a lawsuit  from the American Civil Liberties Union over his
reluctance to allow a gay group  to participate fully in the program."

2362. Ann Coulter, "The ACLU's Speech Exception ot the Pornography
Amendment," 9  Aug 01, "The ACLU is getting a lot of credit these days for
defending our  precious First Amendment right to scribble sadistic child
pornography. Convicted  child pornographer Brian Dalton recently pleaded
guilty in an Ohio court to a  second pandering offense. He later claimed
his journal was intended to be used  exclusively as his private
masturbatory aid, winning the undying devotion of  self-proclaimed civil
libertarians. People seem to take enormous psychic  satisfaction in
defending Brian Dalton's creepy journal. Oh sure, we get the  dutiful
statements of personal revulsion at Dalton's fantasies. But, oddly, the
more repellent his writings are, the more they give Dalton's defenders the
self-satisfying sensation of rising above the angry mob calling for his

2361. American Anti-Slavery Group (AASG), "Escaped Slave to Address
Thousands at  San Francisco Music Festival," 9 Aug 01, "At CyberFest, 22-
year-old Sudan native  Francis Bok recounts ten years in bondage, urges
Americans to become  abolitionists once again in fight against modern day
slavery. Since escaping  from slavery in Sudan at age 17, Bok has become an
icon of the neo-abolitionist  movement. In the last year, he has testified
to the Senate live on C-Span, met  privately with Madeleine Albright,
spoken alongside Coretta Scott King, appeared  on stage in front of 40,000
people during a Jane's Addiction concert, and been  featured in the Boston
Globe, the Village Voice, and NBC Nightly News."



1) AA News, "Catholics Demand Removal of Oregon Billboard Branding Pope as
    the Anti-Christ: A Public Debate Over 'Hate Speech,' Free Expression,"
    29 Jul 01
2) Muddassir Rizvi (Asia Times), "A Slap In the Facr For Pakistani Women,"
    23 Aug 01

- - - - -

1) Catholics Demand Removal of Oregon Billboard Branding Pope as the Anti
      -Christ: A Public Debate Over "Hate Speech," Free Expression
    AA News
    29 Jul 01

Larry Weathers, a barber in the town of Talent, Oregon has some pretty
strong feelings when it comes to religion and especially the Vatican.

Weathers is a member of the Rogue Valley Historical Seventh-day Adventists,
a congregation of about 40  which is considered a "renegade" by the larger
Adventist denomination.  The church distributes a 94-page book, "The
National Sunday Law," that claims to reveal the identity of the Anti-
Christ, a shadowy figure and proxy for the devil who will walk the earth
during the last days prior to the Second Coming of Jesus.  "The pope is the
antichrist," says Mr. Weathers, and he is so sure of this that he has
purchased space on a high-profile advertising billboard proclaiming the
same.  The colorful sign sits along Interstate 5 outside of Medford,

Roman Catholics and the Archdiocese of Portland, are furious, and they are
demanding removal of the billboard which Weathers legally rented from
Outdoor Media Dimensions.

"It's a deliberately and gratuitously offensive statement that singles out
Catholics for contempt," Rev.  Liam Cary of the Sacred Heart Catholic
Church in Medford declared.  "It's not in someone's back yard.  It's right
there, in your face, on a public road."

So are crosses and other religious iconography on church  buildings,
though, along with outdoor ads promoting prayer and religious belief. The
Oregon billboard has ignited a spirited debate over free expression and
"hate speech," especially when it is directed against a religious

"What's to stop someone from putting an anti-Jewish billboard up or an
anti-black or anti-Hispanic billboard up?"  Cary mused in an interview with
the Mail Tribune newspaper.  "I'm sure there would be a great uproar in
Medford.  But if it's anti-Catholic, why do we tolerate it?"

Weathers defends the billboard, and the tome which claims to unmask the
pesky Anti-Christ.  "The book outlines who the anti-Christ is," he said.
"Anti means in the place of Christ.  A lot of people think it means against
Christ.  Any pope that holds that office becomes the person on Earth that
represents Christ."

Underneath the words "The POPE Is The ANTICHRIST" the billboard invites
people to visit http://www.anti-christ666.com, a amateurish web site which
asks, "Do you REALLY know the TRUTH about the Anti-Chris or the number 666?
With SOOOOOO many theories floating around, WHAT is the absolute info that
is un-refutable?"  Surfers can then sign up for the free reading material
which presumably will reveal a potpourri of theological and eschatological

The sign has sparked a debate over free expression and "hate speech,"
especially since a powerful religious figure is being attacked.  The
Portland-based Catholic Sentinel newspaper said that the billboard
"presages the start of a new West Coast campaign to discredit the Catholic
Church."  It quoted one Sacred Heart Parish member, Kathy Morgan: "As a
Catholic, I do find the billboard offensive, but it also just makes us in
southern Oregon look like idiots.  It makes us look like a bunch of

Dominican priest Gerald Buckley told the Sentinel that the billboard was "a
disgrace," and urged its removal.  "We get e-mail and letters from people
traveling from California who see this sign just as they come into the
state.  Can you imagine putting something up like that about the Jews or
Martin Luther King?"  he asked.

                   Church Working Against Free Expression?

The Portland Archdiocese has called for removal of the sign, focusing its
wrath not only on Larry Weathers but the billboard rental company, Outdoor
Media Dimensions.  Bud Brunch, director of communications for the
Archdiocese, told World Net Daily that, "This is not a First Amendment
issue; it's not a free-speech issue."  He suggested, "It's a matter of what
kind of advertising that a media outlet will accept," and added that a
public billboard -- a device used to promote everything from brand name
products to organizations and even religious messages -- is "not a media
outlet you can turn off like a car radio."

A prepared statement from Outdoor Media read, "The content expressed on
billboards leased by Outdoor Media Dimensions does not in any way express
the opinion or beliefs of our company or staff."

An attorney for the firm, Alan Herson, told the Mail Tribune, "The person
who bought space from the billboard people has the right to free speech
like all Americans do.  If the Archdiocese doesn't like it, rather than
censorship, they should print their own speech and buy a billboard.  That's
the American way.  Your newspaper (The Mail Tribune) quotes anti-Semitic
statements regularly, and nobody is calling for an end to your newspaper."

The church, though, seems willing to sacrifice the principle of free
expression in order to protect its own public image.  The Diocesan
newspaper noted that "Three years ago, the local Catholic vicariate (sic)
even agreed to a conscious policy to remain mum (about the sign) not
wanting to hurt the cause of an unrelated lawsuit that would press
billboard companies to get state permits."
Added Jon Legg, identified as a committee member of the Archdiocese of
Portland group, "We don't want to get into a big flap on religion.  We
don't want the billboard people to have freedom of speech and religion as a
defense."  (Quoted in The Catholic Sentinel, July 27, 2001 "Spruced-up
billboard marks beginning of new 'pope-is-Antichrist' campaign.")

"I do not believe hate messages should fall under the aegis of freedom of
speech," declared Mary Jo Tully, chancellor of the archdiocese. "Hate
messages are simply unacceptable no matter at whom they are directed."

                 A Theme Since The Protestant Reformation

Billboards, books and other materials suggesting a relationship between the
Roman Catholic Church and the Anti-Christ are not new. Indeed, the Church
of Rome was condemned during the Protestant Reformation by figures like
Thomas Muentzer and Martin Luther as a sinful institution debauched by
privilege, wealth and arbitrary rule. That theme has lived on in many
Protestant quarters, often incorporated into a wider narrative about the
Apocalypse and the coming of the Anti-Christ.  Before the end of the world,
say some believers, Satan will establish a fraudulent church -- identified
by some as the Catholic religion -- to begin a campaign of persecution
against "true Christians."

According to the Sentinel, Mr. Weathers presumably is receiving "tens of
thousands of dollars" for his anti-pope billboard campaign from an
individual "out of state with deep pockets."  He is also part of a "loose
association" of "renegade" Seventh-day Adventists which are linked to
businessman Danny Vierra.  Vierra heads Modern Manna Ministries in Lodi,
California, and peddles a combination of health food products and Bible
prophecy materials.  His radio show, "Healthline," airs on stations
throughout the country.

The Oregon fracas also represents a global "turf war" between established
denominations, including the Catholic Church, and energized Protestant
fundamentalist and evangelical ministries many of which are aggressively
proselytizing in the U.S.  and elsewhere.  For instance, the Rogue Valley
group of which Mr. Weathers is a member has connections to Printed Page
Ministries of Troy, Montana.  run by a former Portland car salesman named
Les Balsiger.  Balsiger is publisher of "The Protestant," and is planning
on opening a training school for Adventist activists in Eastern Europe.
Another figure in the anti-Catholic Adventist movement is Raphael Perez, a
Florida preacher who is working with Balsiger to expand their respective
ministries.  Perez is even involved in a court fight with the Seventh-Day
Adventist church over his use of the word "Adventist."

As for the billboard outside of Medford, Oregon and other anti-Catholic
advertisements, the Seventh-day Adventist Church denies any responsibility.
A spokesperson told the Catholic Sentinel, "Billboards attacking the pope,
and by implication the Catholic Church, are not associated with any
ministry sponsored or approved by the Seventh-day Adventist church.  The
group calling themselves SDA Remnant Ministries (Rogue Valley) ...  chooses
its form of theology and ministry outside of that which is approved by the
Seventh-day Adventist organization."

A broader question has less to do with doctrinal minutiae, though, than
with free expression.  The Portland Archdiocese is supporting efforts to
have the state essentially use its licensing power to censor billboards
that may deal with controversial themes -- in this case, statements
unfavorable to one of the state's most powerful religious groups.  The
assertion that attacking religion in any form is a type of "hate speech"
has also become more prevalent in the debate over free expression.  It
seems that along with commercial advocacy for products like liquor and
cigarettes, salacious musical lyrics, or anything having to do with the
risqu , opinions critical of religion may soon no longer find protection
under the mantle of the First Amendment.

- - - - -

2) A Slap In the Facr For Pakistani Women
    Muddassir Rizvi (Asia Times)
    23 Aug 01

ISLAMABAD - Pakistan's highest Islamic advisory body is the target of  ire
from rights groups after issuing a pronouncement that seeks to ban women
from seeing male doctors and from having their clothes sewn  by men.

The rule, published earlier this month in the Urdu-language press, has so
infuriated some people that they are questioning the wisdom of  having such
an institution as the Council of Islamic Ideology (CII). "We call upon the
government to ensure that the CII refrains from  formulating moral
frameworks for women of Pakistan," reads a press statement signed by dozens
of rights groups in the country. "In fact," it continues, "we urge the
government to re-examine the rationale and raison d'etre of having the CII
at all, and its advisory role."

Others have called on the military government to do away with institutions
that they say are retarding development by propagating  conservative views
that have nothing to do with Islam - but only reflect male chauvinism.

But some observers are advising activist groups to calm down, saying  that
the CII's decree is not binding on the government. Says Hafiz Azizur
Rehman, who specializes in Islamic law, "The CII cannot issue  a decree
fatwa. Whenever somebody approaches it with an issue, it gives its opinion.
The case in point is also an opinion and not decree fatwa."

Others argue, though, that since the CII is a constitutional body, whatever
it says has considerable weight. Many were also upset to note that the
publication of the "opinion" coincided with a meeting  of the National
Commission on the Status of Women, convened by two rights groups, Aurat
(Women's) Foundation and Shirkat Gah, in Islamabad.

The commission was formed by the military government, headed by President
General Pervez Musharraf, to ensure that the voices of women are heard in
policy-making and their rights protected. Interestingly enough, among the
commission's members is CII chairman  S M Zaman, who boycotted the meeting.

An official at the ministry of women's development says, "We have been
contacted by some rights groups asking for the removal of the chairperson
from the commission. This is a sensitive issue as it may  bring the clergy
head-on with rights groups."

The CII declaration came as surprise to many people as it follows several
decisions by the government that were aimed at promoting women's role in
governance and emancipation in all spheres of life.  The government has
already inducted women ministers in federal and provincial governments.
Local polls held on August 2 also yielded thousands of women councillors
and at least three women who were elected as district nazim (governors).

Now, many women see the CII declaration as a reminder to all elected  women
of the odds they have to work against. "This is a typical way  of thinking
of men to control women, sometimes in the name of traditions and morality
and others in the name of religion," says Rukhsana Faiz, who was elected
councillor of the Punjab town of Sargodha. "But the only objective is to
keep women subservient to their desires."

Seconds Kaneez Zehra, an Islamabad-based consumer rights activist, "The
decree is nothing but the reinforcement of the typical mindset  of the
religious right and the reiteration of their position on the  role they
perceive for women." Zehra believes the CII's issuance is a  direct attack
on a woman's right to choose services and service providers. She argues,
"Women have the right to be treated by a male  gynecologist, just as men
can go for treatment to female doctors. In  this case the gender is not
important, but expertise and competence." The CII ruling has also irked the
medical community, which believes  that it has put into question the sacred
patient-doctor relationship.  Ahmed Sohail, who has a private clinic, says,
"When a doctor sees a  patient all he cares about is the suffering of the
person, disregarding the caste, creed, sex or economic group."

He also says that in the first place the lack of female doctors in suburban
and rural areas could pose problems for those trying to comply with the
CII's pronouncement. "Not many female doctors go and  work in rural areas,"
says Sohail. "Even in cities, a majority of female doctors do not opt for
night shifts because of cultural obligations. The other area is the
specialization," he adds. "Not many female doctors are specialists in
fields other than gynecology." Those, however, are not the only concerns
covered by the CII pronouncement. According to the council, women should
not work in the  advertising industry and as airport protocol personnel.
While the CII  allows women to work as flight attendants and in many other
professions, they have to do so wearing veils.

According to official figures, 29 percent of Pakistani women have no  real
access to healthcare while an alarming 72 percent - as against  47 percent
of males - are deprived of educational opportunities.

Struggling for the repeal of discriminatory Islamic laws introduced  by the
military dictator Zia ul Haq 20 years ago, rights groups maintain that
spirituality and morality cannot be enforced through legislation and
policing, in the manner of Afghanistan's ruling Taliban.

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