General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Nong Duc Manh has
stressed the key role of elders and chiefs of ethnic groups in the Central
Highlands in strengthening regional unity for socio-economic development and
political stability.

The Party leader made a tour of Dak Lak province from September 9-11.

Mr Manh, himself a Tay ethnic minority member from the northern mountains,
met 32 elders and 29 chiefs of communes representing 44 minority groups
across the Central Highlands province. He showed his emotion at their
stories about the former bases of the revolution, especially their pride of
Buon Ma Thuot city, the starting point of the historic Ho Chi Minh campaign
that led to the liberation of southern Vietnam in 1975.

He took this opportunity to advise the local authorities to work closely
with elders and communal chiefs in mobilising people around the Party to
develop provincial advantages and overcome difficulties.

Dak Lak and the Central Highlands as a whole, is a point of strategic
importance, which is crucial to not only the national economy but also the
national security and defence, the Party leader stressed.

He urged the elders and communal chiefs to raise their people's sense of
vigilance against hostile forces' moves to abuse the current temporary
socio-economic difficulties to undermine the unity of the provincial
minority groups or incite people to flee abroad.

Authorities and elders and communal chiefs of ethnic minorities should set
bright examples in lifestyle and production. They should base on the latter
to educate light-minded law violators to return to the ordinary life and
join the villagers' efforts in building their homeland to be more
prosperous, the Party leader said.

He visited D'lie Yang commune, Ea H'leo district, 80 kilometres north of
Buon Ma Thuot city, where a large number of locals got involved in an unrest
last February. The commune of 2,508 families with half belonging to the Ede
group has had its people's lives recently badly affected by a sharp drop in
coffee prices. 

The Party general secretary stressed that the drop in coffee prices had just
caused a temporary difficulty in the road to development but never a
stalemate. The problem here is how the local authorities find the best
solution, probably changing production style, bettering the intensive
farming of coffee, and diversifying the strains of crops and domestic
animals so as to avoid a "lose all" situation. (VNA)


PM wishes for development of Vietnam-Japan co-operation

Prime Minister Phan Van Khai expressed the hope that the co-operative
relations between Vietnam and Japan would be further developed for the
benefit of both sides, contributing to the common interests of the region
and the world. 

Prime Minister Khai was speaking while receiving on September 11, Japanese
Minister for Industry, Trade and Economy Takeo Hiranuma, who had come for
the Third ASEM Economic Ministers' Meeting.

Mr Khai spoke highly of Japan's co-operative ties with Vietnam, and affirmed
that Japan is a very important partner of Vietnam and the biggest donor to
Vietnam. He said that the trade relations between the two countries are
developing satisfactorily.

The Vietnamese prime minister also expressed his hope that Minister Takeo's
visit would contribute to further accelerating the trade relations between
the two countries. 

Minister Takeo expressed his admiration for the Vietnamese government and
people's efforts to overcome difficulties and challenges and take the
national economy forward.

Minister Takeo welcomed Vietnam's policy to continue with its renovation
process and said he hoped that the investment environment in Vietnam would
be further improved, thus creating favourable conditions for foreign
investors, including Japanese investors, to do business.

He pledged to speed up the co-operation with Vietnam in hi-tech development
especially in building the Hoa Lac Hi-Tech Zone.

* Prime Minister Phan Van Khai expressed pleasure at the fine development of
the relations between Vietnam and Japan while receiving Koji Tamani, deputy
governor of the Japanese Bank for International Co-operation (JBIC), in
Hanoi on the afternoon of September 11.

Despite its economic difficulties, Japan has steadily supplied aid and ODA
loans to Vietnam, he said.

On this occasion, Mr Khai conveyed his best regards to the JBIC governor and
expressed his wish that the JBIC would continue to help Vietnam. He told
JBIC Deputy Governor Koji Tamani about several projects in Vietnam that need
the JBIC's consideration, including a project to upgrade the drainage system
in Hue city and another to build infrastructural facilities in rural areas.

The JBIC deputy governor promised to draw the JBIC's attention to Prime
Minister Khai's proposal. He expressed his wish that the Hanoi-based JBIC
would receive further assistance from the Vietnamese government and relevant
agencies. (VNA) 


Delegates present speeches at EMM-3

Three foreign head delegates presented speeches at the opening ceremony in
Hanoi on September 11 morning of the third Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM)
Economic Ministers' Meeting.

The European Commissioner for Trade, Pascal Lamy, said:

"The ASEM process has evolved considerably during the past five years. When
ASEM started in Bangkok in 1996, leaders created a forum for an informal
high-level dialogue, facilitating an open exchange of views on all issues -
political and economic, social and cultural, regional and global. We discuss
a wide variety of issues where having an ASEM perspective can create a
difference, improving the economic framework between the two regions and
initiating more people-to-people and cultural contacts. With each meeting
and summit, we have adapted ourselves to new ideas and taken new directions,
but we remain firmly committed to the process, which fosters the interests
of both the EU and Asia by promoting mutual understanding and co-operation.

"Dialogue is in itself a goal, unique to ASEM, which can act as a catalyst
to find negotiated solutions in the context of the various international or
regional organisations, or to develop bilateral solutions.

"The recent initiative of ASEM foreign ministers to meet before the United
Nations General Assembly and other UN gatherings, sets a good example which
should be taken up in other contexts. ASEM partners should take advantage of
available opportunities to consult together and, where appropriate, try to
find common positions, for example in international trade bodies such as the

"I would therefore suggest that we try today to identify a few priority
issues where ASEM can add real value by improving the business environment
between Asia and Europe.

"For example, the Trade Facilitation Action Plan (TFAP) is an important tool
which provides a practical means to identify and overcome trade barriers. It
covers a number of critical aspects, not all of them have progressed at a
similar pace. To optimise efforts, the plan could focus on specific
barriers, where there are the greatest synergies with mutual market access
interests and where we can work together to produce results in a reasonable

"We can intensify our exchanges in the standards area on regulatory best
practice, making better use of international standards, and collaborate more
closely on how to carry out risk assessments on SPS matters. We can improve
the current lack of transparency in the area of public procurement, as well
as ensuring that mechanisms to enforce IPR are implemented, and that the
customs evaluation procedures agreed in WTO are uniformly applied.

"The Investment Promotion Action Plan (IPAP) has an equally vital role,
provides a setting to discuss obstacles to investment and measures to
attract FDI. It is critical for economies to promote investment as a means
of securing economic growth and stability. Voluntary benchmarks, on the Most
Effective Measures to Attract FDI, were endorsed by the Second Economic
Ministers Meeting in Berlin (October 9-10 1999). We should continue work
based on these benchmarks in the best interests of our economic operators.

"The Asia Europe Business Forum (AEBF) has made a substantial contribution
to the ASEM process, particularly through its recommendations to
governments. Their work must be taken forward by actions which reinforce
these recommendations. It is also our responsibility as economic leaders to
help generate greater business support for AEBF - the business community
represents a vital partner within ASEM.

"ASEM was initially created 'top-down' as a dialogue among leaders, now,
given the more mature state of the dialogue process, the 'bottom-up'
approach should be given greater importance and weight. The best way to
achieve this is involvement - of parliamentarians, business, NGOs. All
sectors of society should be invited to contribute their ideas to the
process, through the implementation of civil society-type initiatives. The
Asia Europe Foundation (ASEF) is already playing an important role in this

"Ultimately, ASEM must continue to contribute to broader economic policies,
EMM3 will probably be the final opportunity for representatives of two
regions with huge global trading interests to build upon common interests
and narrow differences in the approach to a New WTO Round in Doha."

Minister for Economy and Scientific Research Charles Picque said on behalf
of the European Union which Belgium has the honour to chair during the
second half of this year:

"The reports submitted by each member State of ASEM in the framework of the
TFAP constitute a solid base for proposals. That plan is a most useful tool
for reducing the obstacles to trade. I suggest that, for each of the eight
priority sectors defined, the facilitating countries identify a few specific
obstacles where more rapid progress seems possible and that they organise a
programme of work between experts of the ASEM countries...

"We must unite our efforts to lead and accompany the process of
globalisation so that it will benefit the greatest number. In particular,
the social and environmental dimensions deserve our full attention."

For the Chinese delegation, Sun Zhenyu, vice minister of Foreign Trade and
Economic Co-operation, stressed:

"Committed to forging a new and comprehensive partnership between Asia and
Europe, ASEM has been playing an important role in enhancing mutual
understanding, promoting co-operation between and among countries and
peoples of the two continents, and maintaining peace, stability, and
development of the whole world.

"Over the past five years, ASEM has carried out extensive dialogues and
co-operation of various forms. As the foundation and driving engine of ASEM,
economic co-operation has achieved great progress, laying an important
cornerstone for developing the new and comprehensive Asia-Europe
partnership. While gradually becoming the main arena where Asian and
European countries exchange views on economic issues of mutual concern and
interest, the economic forum of ASEM has created a sound atmosphere for
countries of the two continents to co-ordinate stances and enhance

"We believe that ASEM co-operation will embark on an ever-broader road and
keep on yielding new fruits, as long as we deepen trade and economic
co-operation and exchange in a comprehensive manner by working out long-term
development plan and exploring effective and concrete measures under the
principle of mutually benefit and mutual complement.

"As a member of ASEM, China has been consistently supportive of and actively
participating in the process of Asia-Europe co-operation. We are willing to
work with other ASEM partners to further promote the healthy development of
ASEM and enhance understanding and co-operation between peoples of the two
continents, and to make concerted efforts toward a prosperous, strong, and
brilliant future of Asia and Europe." (VNA)


Vietnam ratifies UN optional protocols
on rights of the child

Vietnam has ratified two optional protocols to the Convention on the Rights
of the Child, which were passed by the United Nations General Assembly on
May 16, 2001. 

These are optional protocols on the sale of children, child prostitution,
child pornography, and the involvement of children in armed conflicts.

The ratification was announced at a press conference held in Hanoi on
September 11, by Minister Tran Thi Thanh Thanh, chairwoman of Vietnam's
Committee for Child Protection and Care, and Uong Chu Luu, vice minister of

"These two protocols are international legal documents of great significance
as they are considered as an expression of Articles 11, 34, 35 and 38 of the
UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in order to prevent the sale of
children, child prostitution, child pornography, and the use of children in
armed conflicts," Ms Thanh told the conference.

The protocols were signed by Vietnam's Foreign Minister Nguyen Dy Nien on
behalf of the State president at the UN Millennium Summit in New York on
September 8 of last year. They were approved by President Tran Duc Luong on
September 6 of this year.

"The signing and approval of these optional protocols reflect Vietnam's
Party and government's efforts to promote child protection and care in the
country as well as its determination to implement the UN Convention on the
Rights," Ms Thanh said.

She added, "The approval will pave the way for the enforcement of Vietnam's
policies and laws on the rights of the child and its national plan of action
on Vietnamese children between now and 2010."

"Vietnam will continue to revise its legal documents in accordance with
these two protocols," Minister Thanh told the press conference. (VNA)


ASEAN-EU consultation press briefing opens with statement on attacks on US

Trade Minister Vu Khoan of Vietnam opened a press briefing on ASEAN Economic
Ministers and the EU Trade Commissioner consultation in Hanoi this morning,
September 12, with a joint statement on the attacks in New York and
Washington, DC. 

The ministerial statement said: "ASEAN Economic Ministers and the EU
Commissioner strongly condemned the terrorist attacks in New York City and
Washington, DC on September 11, 2001 and underlined the need for the
international community to strengthen cooperation in combating terrorism
around the world." 

The ASEAN Economic Ministers and the EU Trade Commissioner extended their
condolences to the American government and people, and to the families of
the victims. 

Minister Khoan told reporters that trade co-operation between the European
Union (EU) and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) increased
markedly over the past time with last year's trade value reaching US $94.67
billion or a year-on-year increase of 4.7%. However, EU foreign direct
investment in Southeast Asia dropped last year.

The Ministers agreed on the urgency of intensifying ASEAN-EU economic
co-operation and expressed support for further reducing non-tariff barriers
so as to facilitate trade flows between the two regions. They requested
senior officials from both sides to identify possible areas of cooperation
to address challenges of globalisation and the facilitation of trade flows
between ASEAN and the EU.

Mr Khoan noted that the participants agreed to expedite implementation of
existing co-operation schemes, including the ASEAN-EC Cooperation Programme
on Standards, Quality and Conformity Assessment and the ASEAN-EC
Intellectual Property Rights Cooperation Programme.

Also at the press briefing, EU Trade Commissioner Pascal Lamy said that
ministers reiterated their support for the lauch of the new WTO round in
Doha, Quata. 

The EU official also stressed the need to further simplify customs
procedures and expressed his hope for a near future meeting of customs
general directors of ASEAN and EU members to map out effective measures to
boost trade flows between the two regions.

Regarding declining EU-ASEAN investment, Mr Lamy said ASEAN members should
readjust their investment and tax policies and remove investment barriers to
attract European investors to the region. According to the commissioner, one
of the advantages is that both sides were of the same view that ASEAN
possesses great potential in terms of investment.

The press briefing was also attended by Minister of Industry and Primary
Resources Pehin Dato Abdul Rahman Taib of Brunei, Minister of Commerce Cham
Prasidh of Cambodia, Minister of Industry and Trade Rini M S Soewandi of
Indonesia, Minister of International Trade and Industry Dato' Seri Rafidah
Aziz of Malaysia, Minister of Industry and Handicrafts Soulivong Daravong of
Laos, Minister at the Office of the Chairman of the State Peace and
Development Council Brigadier General David O Abel of Myanmar,
Undersecretary of Trade and Industry Dr. Thomas G Aquino of the Philippines,
Minister for Trade and Industry Brigadier General George Yeo of Singapore,
Minister of Commerce Adisai Bodharamik of Thailand, and ASEAN Secretary
General Rodolfo C Severino.

This is the second consultation between the AEM and the EU Trade
Commissioner with the first one held in Chieng Mai, Thailand, last year.


Chinese FM spokesman opposes US's Vietnam Human Rights Act

China's foreign ministry spokesman Zhu Bangzao said that China opposed the
US intervention in Vietnam's internal affairs through the endorsement of the
so-called Vietnam Human Rights Act by the US House of Representatives on
September 6. 

Asked by a Vietnam News Agency correspondent in Beijing to comment on the US
House's approval of the Vietnam-US Bilateral Trade Agreement (BTA) and the
so-called Vietnam Human Rights Act, Mr Zhu said "We have followed with
interest Vietnam's Foreign Ministry spokesperson's comments on this issue."

China welcomed the US House of Representatives' approval of the BTA as it
was the result of concerted efforts made by both sides on the basis of
respect for each other's sovereignty and territorial integrity, equality,
and mutual benefit, he said, adding that the BTA was also beneficial to the
development of normal trade relations between Vietnam and the US.

China also agreed with Vietnam's comments on the so-called Vietnam Human
Rights Act passed by the US House of Representatives, Mr Zhu said in a
regular press briefing held in Beijing on September 11. (VNA)


Opinions received on Constitution changes

The Bill Drafting Committee for the Amendment of and Supplement to some
articles of the 1992 Constitution held a three day conference on September
11 to receive opinions for the revised Constitution.

National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Van An, who chaired the conference,
affirmed that the Vietnamese State is a State of people, by people and for
people. The constitution is a fundamental law of great significance in the
State's legal system. The amendment of and supplement to the Constitution
directly affects the whole society. Therefore, people of all social strata
should contribute their opinions on the issue. The collection of the
people's ideas on the issue is the responsibility of all sectors and braches
concerned and should be carried out in many forms.

The revision of the 1992 Constitution must continue expressing in the whole
the nature and model of the State apparatus stipulated in the 1992
Constitution and institutionalise renovation policy of the Party. The
amendment should be focused on the organisation of the State apparatus in
order to ensure a more streamlined, purer, stronger and more effective State
apparatus. Some other articles on economy, education, science and technology
should also be revised in accordance with the Resolution of the Ninth Party

Attending the conference were representatives from the Party's Organisation
Commission, the Government Committee on Organisation and Personnel, the Ho
Chi Minh National Political Institute, the National Administration
Institute, the Party Central Committee's Office, the Government Office, the
National Assembly Office, the People's Supreme Court and the People's
Supreme Procuracy. 


Vietnam welcomes UN summit on children

More than 500 children of Hanoi representing about 14 million Vietnamese
children gathered at a meeting held in Hanoi on the evening of September11,
to welcome the upcoming UN Summit on Children due to take place in New York
from September19-21.

Also present at the meeting were first secretary of the Ho Chi Minh
Communist Youth Union Central Committee Hoang Binh Quan; Cabinet Minister
Tran Thi Thanh Thanh, who is also chairwoman of Vietnam's Committee for
Child Care and Protection; and Morten Giersing, chief of the UNICEF Mission
in Vietnam. 

Over the past decade, progress has been made through joint efforts from the
entire Party and people to realise the UN Convention on the Rights of the
Child, Vietnam's Law on Child Care, Protection and Education, and the
national plan of action for children in the 1991-2000 period.

A sum-up report on the national plan of action pointed out that Vietnam's
children are now stronger when they are born and that they also enjoy better
medical and primary health care services. Most children have been vaccinated
and provided with better school education and entertainment.

These results are being continued through various activities of Vietnam's
Year of Social Volunteers for Vulnerable Children and its 2001-2010 national
plan of action for children.

A debate entitled 'Leaders' Initiatives on Children' was held by the
Committee for Child Care and Protection and the United Nations Children Fund
(UNICEF) also in Hanoi on the same day.

During the debate, delegates discussed issues relating to progress and
challenges in the protection and care for children over the past ten years.
They also put forth initiatives, experiences and concrete measures to
effectively improve the quality of life for children.

The meeting was chaired by Vice President Nguyen Thi Binh, Cabinet Minister
and Chairwoman of the committee and Mr Morten Giersing, chief of the UNICEF
Mission in Vietnam.

Attending the talks were also representative agencies, domestic and
international organisations, artists and children.

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