
Iraq Has No Links to Anti-US Attacks: Iraqi Minister.
Visiting Iraq <http://www.peopledaily.com.cn/english/data/iraq.html> i Trade
Minister Mohammad Mehdi Salah said Saturday that his country "had nothing to
do with" Tuesday's anti-US attacks, Egypt
<http://www.peopledaily.com.cn/english/data/egypt.html> 's state-run MENA
news agency reported.

"Iraq is under continued destruction by the United States
<http://www.peopledaily.com.cn/english/data/usa.html>  on a daily basis and
the size of destruction in Iraq caused by U.S.- British aircraft exceeds
that of the U.S. attacks," Salah said after his talks with Egyptian Foreign
Minister Ahmed Maher.

"If the United States wants all countries to live in peace, it has to
refrain from attacking other countries in the world and to stop its
interference in domestic affairs of other countries," the Iraqi minister

He also slammed Israel <http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/israel.html>
for waging an all-out attack on targets in the Palestinian territories,
saying that "no one is denouncing such Israeli acts."

"The U.S. administration should realize that no single country can control
the entire world," Salah said.

The talks between Salah and Maher focused on ways to develop trade and
economic cooperation between Iraq and Egypt, especially after the signing of
a free trade agreement between the two countries.


Bin Laden Issues Statement Denying invovlement in US Attacks

Osama bin Laden, the man suspected by the United States of orchestrating the
worst terrorist atrocity in history, denied any involvement in last week's
attacks on New York and Washingto


Hand Over Osama or Face War, Pakistan to Tell Taliban.

A delegation of senior Pakistani officials will go to Afghanistan on Monday
(today) to demand that the ruling Taliban militia hand over Osama bin Laden
to the United States, a top government official said. The Pakistani
delegation, which is travelling to the Taliban's headquarters in the
southern city of Kandahar, will issue an ultimatum to the religious militia:
either deliver bin Laden, the leading suspect in the terrorist attacks on
New York and Washington, or risk a massive retaliatory assault, the official
said on Sunday, speaking on the condition of anonymity.
The Taliban will be told that the international community has been mobilised
to attack Afghanistan if the Taliban refuse to hand over bin Laden, the
official said. There is no indication that the Taliban will be given a
deadline to decide.
Word of the delegation's trip came a day after Pakistani military and
diplomatic officials said Pakistan has agreed to a list of US demands for a
possible attack on Afghanistan, including a multinational force to be based
there. Pakistan is to give the Taliban rulers three days to hand over Saudi
millionaire Osama bin Laden or face US military action, CNN reported on
Sunday. The ultimatum comes as Pakistan makes eleventh-hour diplomatic
efforts to prevent a military strike in the region.
A Pakistan emissary will be going to Afghanistan within the next 24 hours to
push for a peaceful solution to the confrontation. Thousands of Afghans have
poured across the border into Pakistan in the past few days, swelling
refugee camps already near bursting point with around two million residents.
"A delegation will be going to Afghanistan, maybe on Monday," Major-General
Rashid Qureshi, spokesman for Pakistan's military government said.

Inter-Korean Ministerial Talks Begin.
The fifth inter-Korean ministerial meeting opened Sunday morning in Seoul,
with two sides exchanging ideas on the issues on the meeting agenda.

"We exchanged our opinions on the issues on the agenda, and that's all we
did this morning," said Unification Minister Hong Soon-young, the head of
the South Korean delegation to the four- day meeting held at the Olympia
Hotel in Seoul. 

"The two parties presented their stances and proposals this morning. We are
going to work out an agreement on the agenda in subsequent meetings," said
Kim Ryong Song, senior DPRK
<http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/dprk.html>  cabinet councilor who is
leading Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK)delegation.

DPRK leader Kim Jong Il's visit to South Korea was not discussed at the

"We're not here to discuss it," said Kim Ryong Song, who arrived here
Saturday afternoon at the head of a 27-member DPRK delegation.

At the meeting Sunday morning, the South Korean delegation proposed plans to
settle issues agreed in the first inter-Korean summit between South Korean
President Kim Dae-jung and DPRK leader Kim Jong Il in Pyongyang last year,
said a spokesman of the South Korean delegation.

It also suggested the inter-ministerial meeting on a regular basis, measures
to ease the pains of separated families.

The South Korean delegation also urged the DPRK to implement the agreements
on relinking inter-Korean railway and high-way, setting the site of an
industrial complex to be constructed for South Korean businesses in Kaesong
city of the DPRK, and building a overland tourist road from South Korea to
DPRK's Mount Kumgang, said the spokesman.

When asked about possible adoption of a joint anti-terrorist declaration
denouncing last week's terrorist attacks in the United States
<http://www.peopledaily.com.cn/english/data/usa.html> , the spokesman said
"We hope there will be progress (on the issue) as delegates from the two
parties discuss it."


Full Text of Jiang's Message to World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention.
The following is the full text of a congratulatory message Chinese President
Jiang Zemin sent to the Sixth World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention that
opened Monday morning in Nanjing:
Message of Congratulation by President Jiang Zemin to The Sixth World
Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention
It is the first time that the Chinese entrepreneurs in the world hold their
convention in their homeland, the mainland of China. It is a major event in
the exchanges among Chinese entrepreneurs across the globe. I wish to
extend, on behalf of the Chinese Government and people, and in my own name,
a warm welcome to the Chinese entrepreneurs from all four corners of the
world, and sincere congratulations on the convocation of the Sixth World
Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention.
The overseas Chinese worldwide have for long lived in harmony with the local
people. Thanks to their diligence and talents, they have contributed greatly
to the local economic development and social progress, and played a positive
role in promoting trade, scientific and technological cooperation and
friendly exchanges between China and the countries or regions they reside
in. The vast number of overseas Chinese constitute a major force promoting
China's opening-up and participating in China's economic development.
In the new century, China has entered a new stage of development whereby we
will make an all-round effort to build a society in which people will enjoy
a comfortable life and speed up our socialist modernization drive. Our goal
is to basically realize modernization by the middle of this century and
build China into a rich, prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced
and modern socialist country. We will unswervingly adhere to the policy of
reform and opening-up and strengthen exchanges and cooperation with all
other countries and regions in the world. I endorse the theme of this
convention and I hope that Chinese entrepreneurs will work together more
closely, further strengthen exchanges and cooperation, give more attention
and support to China's modernization drive and actively participate in it,
and make fresh and bigger contributions to the great cause of China's
national rejuvenation and to world peace and development.
May the Sixth World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention be a complete success.
Jiang Zemin 
President of 
the People's Republic of China
September 1, 2001 

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00841 Helsinki
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