From: "Stasi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: [Peoples War] Afghanistan: Battle-Hardened, Fully Armed - And Ready
to Die - Guardian

Battle-hardened, fully armed - and ready to die
Special report: Afghanistan

Special report: terrorism in the US

Luke Harding
Tuesday September 18, 2001
The Guardian

If US troops ever set foot inside Afghanistan they will find themselves
confronted with a battle-hardened enemy at home in the Hindu Kush mountains
and with a formidable array of weapons - many provided by America.
Back in the 1980s, as the cold war intensified, the CIA poured in money and
military equipment to the various Mojahedin groups who were fighting the
invading Soviet Union. In 1986 and1987 the US covertly provided the Afghan
resistance with some 900 Stinger missiles.

The Taliban emerged out of the Mojahedin after the Russians left in 1989,
and inherited most of the Mojahedin's military hardware, including an
estimated 50 unused Stingers. It is something of an irony that the
shoulder-held missiles could now be deployed against the country that
supplied them.

The bulk of the military hardware now used by the Taliban, however, was left
behind by the retreating Soviet army in its hasty departure from

The Taliban have an unknown number of old Soviet T-59 and 55 tanks. They
also have artillery guns with 130-155 calibre, as well as innumerable rocket
launchers and ancient machine guns.

Pakistani security officials with extensive knowledge of the Taliban's
existing military resources last night said the Taliban have enough arms and
ammunition to engage any army of the world in a protracted guerrilla fight.
They are equipped with 12.7mm and 14.5mm anti-aircraft guns, as well as a
large number of anti-tank missiles. They also have plenty of fuel.

The Taliban army consists of anything from 20,000-40,000 troops. They have
been well trained over the past five years in crushing the remaining pockets
of opposition inside Afghanistan. More than a third of the army is made up
of "foreign" Islamist militants who have volunteered to fight in the jihad
against the opposition. They include an estimated 8,000-9,000 Pakistanis;
some 3,000 Arabs who owe their allegiance to Osama bin Laden, as well as
volunteers from Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Chechnya.

The Taliban even has three MiG aircraft, also left behind by the Soviets.
The MiGs have recently been used on devastating bombing runs against
opposition-held positions in northern Afghanistan. They were the target of
an opposition attack on Kabul airport last week. Increasingly, the Taliban
have also taken to using the fleet of Antonovs, belonging to the country's
dilapidated civilian airline, to ferry troops.

But the main advantage Taliban fighters have over any invading American
ground force is that they know the terrain. They are equipped with Toyata
pick-ups (supplied by Saudi Arabia) and drive in battle formation at high
speeds across Afghanistan's atrocious roads. The fighters sit in the trucks,
usually on top of rocket launchers covered with Afghan carpets.

They have walkie-talkies. And they are prepared to die.,1300,553661,00.html

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