I think the problem here in Britain is that the Left
and communists have not done enough over the years
to promote anti US feeling.Anti Amercianism has been
put on the backburner by the British left since the
     Britain has been culturally colonized by the US-
McDonalds everywhere whole TV schedules consiisting
of Amercian films and yet very little opposition
to it.Sompe people opposed McDonalds simply because
it ill treated animals and damaged the evironment
not because it was a yank imperialist multinational
corporation and a prime example of Yank cultural
       It is hardly any surprise that after decades
of pro Yank brainwashing that the majority of
British people are supporting Bush's warmongering.It
is time to break free !!!
                Dennis Boyett
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> From: James Tait <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Socialist Labour Youth
> Subject: UK: 2 In 3 Support Air Strikes - Guardian
> Visit our website: HTTP://WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK
> ---------------------------------------------
> US terror attacks: Britain's response
> 2 in 3 back air strikes
> Special report: terrorism in the US
> Alan Travis, home affairs editor
> Tuesday September 18, 2001
> The Guardian 
> Two out of three British voters support military
> strikes against the
> terrorist organisations responsible for last week's
> attacks, but there is
> less stomach for an all-out war against terrorism,
> the results of a
> Guardian/ICM poll show.
> The survey shows levels of support for military
> retaliation in Britain below
> those recorded in the past week in the United
> States. Tony Blair and George
> Bush both receive strong endorsements from British
> voters for the way they
> have acted in the past week.
> The poll shows that 66% of British voters back the
> use of military force
> against the terrorist organisations responsible for
> the attacks and 63% are
> prepared to see British troops, ships and planes
> take part in such military
> strikes. Only 14% reject a military response.
> Almost as many, 59%, say countries that harbour or
> assist terrorists should
> also be the target of military strikes by the United
> States and Nato. Only
> 21% oppose such action. Labour and Conservative
> voters are equally prepared,
> with 68% in favour, to see military attacks on
> countries, such as
> Afghanistan, that harbour or assist known
> terrorists.
> The ICM survey shows that there is greater support
> among Labour voters (76%)
> than Conservatives (69%) for military strikes
> against terrorist
> organisations. Liberal Democrat voters are more
> sceptical, with 59% backing
> military strikes and 22% opposed.
> The young are more belligerent than the old, with
> 74% of 25-to-34-year-olds
> supporting military action compared with 60% of
> over-65s.
> Perhaps the biggest split in British public opinion
> is between men and
> women: 74% of men support military strikes, compared
> with 58% of women.
> But when voters were asked if they would continue to
> support military action
> against countries that harbour terrorists "if it
> meant that the United
> States and Nato (including the UK) got into a war"
> then some attitudes begin
> to change: 49% support hitting back if it means
> getting into a prolonged
> war. Again there is a gender split with a majority
> of men, 55%, prepared to
> contemplate war but only 43% believing it is
> necessary; 32% of women say
> they oppose taking military action if it means war.
> There is very strong support for Tony Blair's role
> in the crisis: 76%
> believe he has so far got the relationship with the
> US about right during
> the past week. Only 14% believe he has been too
> close to the Americans and
> 3% believe he has not been close enough.
> . ICM interviewed a random sample of 1,007 adults by
> telephone between
> September 14 and September 16 2001. Interviews were
> conducted across the
> country and the results weighted to the profile of
> all adults.
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