subject: Suicide Hijacker Alive and Well in Jedda. And other News

Suicide Hijacker Alive & Well in Jeddah
Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit

Mr. Fisk calls attention to some of the gaping holes that can't be
easily explained away -- as Reuters tried to do over the weekend --
by "differences in transliteration of Arabic names that
are common when dealing with the Niddle East," as if it was
somehow the fault of the Middle East.

source - "Marpessa Kupendua" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
17 September 2001
'Suicide Hijacker' an Airline Pilot Alive and Well in Jeddah
by Robert Fisk in Beirut

A man named by the US Department of Justice as a suicide hijacker of
American Airlines flight 11 -- the first airliner to smash into the
World Trade Centre -- is very much alive and living in Jeddah.

Abdulrahman al-Omari, a pilot with Saudi Airlines, was astonished to
find himself accused of hijacking -- as well as being dead -- and has
visited the US consulate in Jeddah to demand an explanation.

None has so far been forthcoming. It is possible that the hijacker
adopted Mr al-Omari's identity but, if he had been using the same
false name while training as a pilot in the US, he would presumably
have been uncovered.  [A big presumption, Mr. Fisk!!]

That is not the only error on the list of hijackers. The name of Ziad
Jarrah -- identified as the pilot-hijacker of United Airlines flight
93, which crashed in Pennsylvania -- was misspelt "Jarrahi." He was a
Lebanese whose family, living in the Bekaa Valley, spoke to him just
two days before his death but who still refuse to believe that he was

Mr al-Omari's first name  -- Abdulrahman  -- was later given out by
the US authorities as "Abdulaziz" but there can be little doubt that
it referred to the pilot who lives in Jeddah. The Americans described
him as a father of four and Mr al-Omari does have four children, all
of whom live with him and his family in Saudi Arabia's second city.
He has refused to talk to reporters and -- in the words of one
prominent Saudi journalist -- "is one nervous guy."

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