From: "Walter Lippmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2001 06:24:46 -0700
To: "CubaNews" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [CubaNews] Soviet Generals Warn Of 'Sea of Bloodshed'

Soviet Generals Warn Of 'Sea of Bloodshed'
Veterans Recall Failure in Afghanistan

By Susan B. Glasser
Washington Post Foreign Service
Wednesday, September 19, 2001; Page A13

MOSCOW, Sept. 18 -- Boris Gromov was the last Soviet soldier
to leave Afghanistan. The commanding general's lonely retreat
on foot across the Friendship Bridge spanning the Amu Daria
river on Feb. 15, 1989, was the symbol of a superpower

"I felt that a huge burden had lifted when I crossed that
border," he recalled in an interview today.

As the United States threatens to go to war in the same rugged
land that defied its would-be Soviet conquerors, Gromov and
many other veterans of the decade-long war in Afghanistan,
which has been called the Soviets' Vietnam, can think only of
"the sea of bloodshed" it would take to win.

Now the governor of the Moscow region, Gromov denounced the
terrorists who carried out last week's attacks on the World
Trade Center and the Pentagon as "animals," and -- like much
of Russia -- he said that "powerful strikes" must be delivered
in retaliation. But he also remembered the first time his
column was ambushed, deep in a gorge, back in 1980 -- and the
daily pointlessness of hunting down mujaheddin leaders who
could not be caught -- and the 1 million Afghans and 15,000
Soviet soldiers who died because of what Gromov once famously
called "a political mistake."

"For the Americans, introducing land forces would not lead to
anything good," he said. "It would not bring anyone laurels."

As Russia wavers on whether and how to support the United
States in fighting what President Vladimir Putin has called a
"common enemy," Gromov's story is a reminder that Russia's
ambivalence is not just the lingering mistrust of a former
Cold War rival. Neither is its hesitation due only to concerns
about the United States getting involved militarily with the
Central Asian countries in Russia's traditional sphere of
influence on its southern border.

Instead, Russia's reluctance reflects the country's conviction
that Afghanistan is a place where a war cannot be won, where
high mountain gorges still hold the terrifying memories of a
thousand ambushes and where controlling the cities never meant
subduing the land. In interviews over the past few days,
several of the top Soviet commanders from the Afghan war
agreed that a U.S. ground war there would be "useless," as
retired Gen. Makmut Goryeev put it, and "inexpedient," as
former Gen. Valentin Varennikov said.

"The American army will meet with fanatical resistance," said
Ruslan Aushev, who commanded a motorized infantry battalion in
Afghanistan and is now president of Ingushetia, an internal
Russian republic.

"The Americans can launch an attack that will look really
dramatic and effective on television, but I don't think the
result will be the expected one. Even with all the power of
the American army, it will not reach success," he said.

The Soviet incursion into Afghanistan began at Christmas 1979
as an effort to block the ouster by Islamic rebels of a
recently installed, Moscow-backed government in Kabul.
Hundreds of Soviet special forces, disguised as Afghan troops,
conducted a raid on the presidential palace in which the
president, Hafizullah Amin, was killed. Two days later,
thousands of Soviet troops poured across the border from
Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan.

More than 100,000 Soviet troops were stationed there at any
one time during the war. It became a brutal, asymmetrical
struggle in which Russians often resorted to overwhelming
force in unsuccessful efforts against elusive targets, a
strategy similar to that conducted more recently inside their
own borders, in Chechnya.

"The Soviet Union had a bloody, bad experience in
Afghanistan," said Aleksandr Golts, a military analyst who
covered the war. "Afghanistan is a tough country for any
intruder. The culture, the geographical environment --
everything gives a lot of opportunities for guerrilla war in
which modern army methods are more or less useless.
Our armed forces came prepared for the Cold War, for
general battle, and they were completely ineffective."

Then-Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev called it a "bleeding
wound," and ordered the pullout in 1988. By the time Gromov
retreated across the bridge alone and embraced his teenage son
in February 1989, the war's fallout was already hastening the
breakup of the Soviet Union that would come two years later.

"The way they sent the Soviet army into Afghanistan was simply
a crime," general-turned-politician Alexander Lebed said in a
1994 interview. "They had no idea of what they were getting us
into, they knew nothing of the country or its people. It seems
to me that they didn't even have a strategic plan."

This week, Lebed said the United States also would find
Afghanistan unconquerable. "All of the stockpiles of bombs in
both the United States and Russia would not be enough to solve
this problem," he said in a telephone interview from
Krasnoyarsk, where he is governor.

Asked to recall his impressions of the war, he listed "lice,
dirt, blood." The Soviets' tactics of destroying villages made
clear the danger of retaliatory strikes, Lebed said. For every
town annihilated, "perhaps one mujaheddin was killed. The rest
were innocent. The survivors hated us and lived with only one
idea -- revenge. They are wolves, these people."

Such tactics, Lebed said, created today's Afghanistan, "a
miserable and destroyed country. We left because we came to
realize that the whole country had begun to hate us."

One consequence of the Soviet involvement was the arrival of
Osama bin Laden, now the chief suspect in the Sept. 11
attacks, and thousands of otherArab Islamic militants who
joined the U.S.-supported Afghan resistance.

Goryeev recalled his first encounter with bin Laden and his
men during the battle for Jalalabad in early 1989. Officially,
the Soviets had already withdrawn their troops, but Goryeev
had stayed behind to oversee the effort to help prop up
Moscow's puppet government.

"Bin Laden fought with money and he fought with terror. He
paid the fighters $200 a day to fight against the Soviet
troops. And he prepared a whole range of subversive acts --
every day there were explosions at marketplaces, offices,
against troops. He paid very generously for all terrorist
acts," Goryeev said.

Today, bin Laden is once more operating out of Afghanistan,
his enemy no longer a Soviet Union that has ceased to exist
but the United States that once funded the holy war against
Moscow's Communist leadership.

Many former Soviet generals like Goryeev cannot forgive that.
"Let us not forget," he said, "that he was created by your
special services to fight against our Soviet troops. But he
got out of their control."

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