
President Jiang Held Phone Talks with Blair, Chirac and Putin
Chinese President Jiang Zemin held respective phone talks with French
President Jacques Chirac, British Prime Minister Tony Blair and Russian
President Vladimir Putin Tuesday night on the international situation
following the terrorist attacks against the United States on September 11.

Talk with French President Jacques Chirac
Chirac said European countries have expressed support to the United States
after the attacks. He said all efforts should be made to combat terrorism.
The French president stressed that under current circumstances, it is
necessary to restart the Middle East peace process as soon as possible and
urge both Palestine and Israel to return to the negotiating table.
Jiang expressed appreciation for Chirac's views and expounded the principled
stance of the Chinese Government that it is always opposed to all kinds of
terrorism. He stressed the necessity and urgency for international
collaboration on the issue of combating terrorism.
Jiang said that under current circumstances, keeping sober-minded is
especially needed and prudence should be exercised in handling relevant
issues. All action should be conducive to the long-term interests of world
peace and development, he said.
Jiang said that China will, as always, support the Middle East peace
process, and hopes that all people in Middle East countries can live in
The two leaders agreed that both China and France will continue to maintain
close consultations and cooperation on major issues concerning world peace
and stability. 

Talk with British PM
Chinese President Jiang Zemin and British Prime Minister Tony Blair Tuesday
exchanged views over the phone on the terrorist attacks in New York and
Washington D.C. 
Blair said many British people lost their lives in the terrorist attacks and
under the current circumstances, it is very necessary for leaders of Britain
and China to have a direct exchange of views. He briefed Jiang on the views
of the British side on the issue.
Jiang said many British people were killed or injured in the terrorist
attacks, while some Chinese citizens were also killed, injured or missing.
They were all victims of the terrorists, he said.
China strongly condemns this horrible act of terrorism, Jiang said. The
Chinese people stand side by side with the American and British people as
well as the international community on the issue of anti-terrorism.
Terrorism has become a prominent threat to the world's peace and stability
and a grave common scourge of the international community, Jiang said.
The Chinese government is firmly opposed to any kind of international
terrorism, he said, adding that global collaboration is very necessary and
pressing in combating terrorism.
Jiang stressed that any military action against terrorism should be taken
with irrefutable evidence and should aim at clear targets so as to avoid
casualties to innocent people.
He also said any military action must comply with the objectives and
principles of the UN. Charter as well as widely- recognized norms in
international laws. It is necessary for the UN Security Council to play its
due role, and all actions should help maintain the long-term interests of
world peace and development, he said.

Talk with Russian President
Jiang thanked the Russian President for the warm hospitality Chinese Premier
Zhu Rongji received from the Russian side when he visited Russia recently.
On the terrorist attacks against the United States on September 11, Jiang
reiterated China's principled stance that the Chinese Government is firmly
opposed to any form of terrorism.
He stressed that in dealing with the issue, it is necessary to take note of
both the direct result of the incident and its deep impact on the regional
situation, and furthermore, the long-term interests of world peace and
development should be taken into consideration.
Jiang said China is willing to strengthen and deepen the anti- terrorism
cooperation with the international community. China holds that the role of
the United Nations Security Council should be fully exerted and the five
permanent members of the UN Security Council should increase consultations.
China and Russia have common stance on and common interests in combating
terrorism, and the two countries should keep in contact and exchange views
in accordance with the spirit of the Sino- Russian Good-Neighborly Treaty of
Friendship and Cooperation, Jiang said.
The Shanghai Cooperation Organization should implement relevant conventions
as soon as possible so as to safeguard peace, security and stability of the
region more effectively, Jiang said.
Putin thanked Jiang for his remarks and expressed that it is of great
importance and urgency that Russia and China increase cooperation under the
current tense international circumstances. He agreed with Jiang on that it
is necessary to perfect all kinds of international anti-terrorism mechanism
as quickly as possible.
Putin stressed that in handling relevant issues of the region, the interests
of all countries and people in the region should be considered and
respected, and the peace and stability of the region should be maintained.
Both the two leaders agreed on keeping close contacts, consultations and
cooperation on major issues concerning world and regional peace and


"September 18 Incident", a Historical Fact Not to be Distorted.
The "September 18 Incident" is a long premeditated invasion of China staged
by Japanese Imperialist forces, a prelude of the occupation of the northeast
China and a provocation of an all-round aggressive war against China. This
is an undeniable historical fact which has been written into the history of
mankind and is not allowed to be distorted, according to Yan Zheng, a
historian present at an "International Forum Commemorating the 70th
Anniversary of the 'September 18 Incident'" held in Beijing on September 16.
Historians pointed out that the history textbook compiled by Japanese
rightists contains serious falsehoods, such as its attempts to deny the
September 18 Incident as "only blasted part of the 'Nanman'
(Changchun-Lushun) Railway" and whitewash Japan's invasion of northeast
China as "entering into northeast China". The despicable fabrication of
Japanese rightists can only make us never to forget the true history.
With sufficient historical facts, historians pointed out that Japanese
troops committed towering crimes in its 14-year occupation of the northeast
China since September 18, 1931. The 14-year crimes, recorded in human
history, are indelible by any lies and fallacies. Any attempt by the
Japanese government and rightists to deny and distort the history of the
Japanese invasion will only help rouse opposition to them from among the
countries and people who love peace.
Historians emphasized that to develop Sino-Japanese friendly ties is the
constant wish of the Chinese people, however, it depends on how the Japanese
government looks at its past history of aggression. Only to face it squarely
but not deny and whitewash the history can the Japanese government get the
initial faith of the Asian people and establish friendly relations with


President Jiang's Speech on Poverty Alleviation Published.
Xinhua News Agency published Monday the full text of a speech by Chinese
President Jiang Zemin at a central working conference on poverty alleviation
on May 25. 
In his speech, the president, also general secretary of the Central
Committee of the Communist Party of China, hailed the nation's achievements
in its poverty-relief efforts over the last two decades and summarized
China's experiences in the field.
Jiang pointed out that over the last two decades, China has reduced its poor
population in rural areas by 220 million, and the proportion of impoverished
people to the total rural population decreased from 30.7 percent to about
three percent. 
He stressed that China's success in poverty relief is an important
embodiment of the advantages of the socialist system and proof of the great
importance attached by the Chinese government and the Communist Party of
China to promoting the development of human rights, especially the rights of
subsistence and development.
Such success has also contributed greatly to the sustainable development of
the economy, and to the maintenance of ethnic harmony and unity, safety of
the border and social stability, Jiang said.
On the other hand, Jiang noted that there are still 30 million people living
under the poverty line in rural areas. To bring them out of poverty will be
an arduous task. 
He stressed that for future poverty relief programs to succeed, China must
advance its reforms even further, uphold the spirit of hard work and
diligence, explore new means of development that fit local conditions, and
mobilize the whole of society in the cause.
China's relatively more developed eastern regions shall continue to give
support to the development of the western regions in the form of partnership
between them, Jiang said.
He emphasized that in poverty relief programs, priority must be given to
minority ethnic areas, border areas and extremely poor areas.


Chinese Foreign Minister Leaves for US
Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan left here Tuesday afternoon for the
United States <http://www.peopledaily.com.cn/english/data/usa.html>  at the
invitation of the US side.

This is a return visit following the visit to China by US Secretary of State
Colin Powell at the end of July.

During his US visit, Tang is scheduled to exchange views with Powell and
other US leaders on Sino-US relations, and on international and regional
issues of common concern.


Wall Street Stocks End Lower.

Wall Street stocks ended lower Tuesday following the steep losses on Monday,
as investors were still cautious about the economy and corporate earnings
outlook after the markets closed for four sessions last week because of the
terrorist attacks on America.
The Dow Jones industrial average fell 17.30 points, or 0.19 percent, to
8,903.40, the lowest close in nearly three years. The index tumbled 684.81
points on Monday, the largest fall in its history.
Broader stock indicators were down. The technology heavy Nasdaq composite
index dropped 24.47 points, or 1.55 percent, to 1,555.08. The Standard &
Poor's 500 index was off 6.03 points, or 0.58 percent, to 1,032.74.
The markets rallied in morning session amid investors' buying, which sent
the Dow index rising more than 100 points above the 9, 000 resistance level
early afternoon, after the Dow plunged 684.81 points, the largest fall in
its history, and the Nasdaq composite tumbled 115.82 points, sending U.S.
stocks into a bear market on Monday.
However, investors still worried about the economy and corporate earnings as
airline and insurance companies, which plummeted on Monday, face possible
bankruptcies in the wake of the attacks.
The insurance and financial companies fell further, with American
International Group declining 95 cents to 70.05 dollars, and American
Express dropping 2.87 dollars to 27.38 dollars after it issued a
third-quarter warning.
But airlines rebounded in hope for the government's support after tumbling
on Monday. AMR Corp., the parent of American Airlines, rose 2 dollars to 20
dollars, and UAL Corp., the parent of United Airlines, advanced 1.49 dollars
to 18.99 dollars. 
The NYSE index closed down 3.62 points at 538.37, the American Stock
Exchange index lost 15.36 points to 837.52, and the Russell 2000 index of
smaller companies slipped 6.01 points to 411.66.
Declining issues outnumbered advancers by a 8-to-5 margin on the New York
Stock Exchange, with 1,224 up, 1,936 down and 181 unchanged.
NYSE volume declined to 1.67 billion shares from 2.36 billion in the
previous session. 

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