
1stlead: Afghan Taliban Not to Hand Over Osama Without Evidence: Zaeef.

Afghan Taliban Chief Representative in Islamabad Mulla Abdul Salam Zaeef
said at a press conference Friday that Taliban would not hand over Osama bin
Laden without evidence.

"Taliban is not willing to hand over bin Laden to the United States" and
"will never surrender to evil and might," he said.

He also said Taliban does not expect Pakistan
<http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/pakistan.html>  to extend assistance
to the United States <http://www.peopledaily.com.cn/english/data/usa.html>
in its anticipated military attacks on Afghanistan
<http://www.peopledaily.com.cn/english/data/afghanistan.html> .

Zaeef said he was sorry for the people who had died in the suicide attacks
on Washington and New York last week, but appealed to the United States not
to endanger innocent people in a military retaliation.

"Our position on this is that if America has proof, we are ready for the
trial of Osama bin Laden in light of the evidence," the Taliban official

An investigation by the United Nations and the Organization of the Islamic
Conference into the attacks is necessary, said Zaeef.

Osama bin Laden was named by the United States as "the prime suspect" behind
last week's terror attacks. Osama, a Saudi millionaire in exile, is believed
to have been hiding in the Taliban-controlled area of Afghanistan.


Development of Cross-Strait Economic Cooperation Irresistible.

This is the title of the signed article published in the October issue of
"Cross-Strait Relations", a magazine run by the Association for Relations
Across the Taiwan Straits (ARATS).
The article says that at the "Economic Development Consultation Conference"
held in Taiwan from July 22 to August 26 this year, industrialists and
businessmen and personages from all walks of life in Taiwan strongly
demanded abandonment of the "no haste, be patient" policy and advocated
active opening of cross-Strait economy, trade and investment, vigorously
promoting cross-Strait air and shipping services and finally incorporating
these as the consensus into this conference.
This reflects that the "no haste, be patient" policy is unpopular and is
finally discarded, the continued development of cross-Strait economic and
trade relations, an early realization of "three direct exchanges" (exchange
of mail, trade and air and shipping services) represent the popular feeling
and are irresistible.
The article expresses the view that the development of cross-Strait economic
and trade relations essentially has its necessity and is irreversible.
Firstly, the sustainable development of Taiwan's economy in the new century
is inseparable from the mainland market of the motherland. On the one hand,
since the rapid development of the cross-Strait economic and trade relations
in the late 1980s, the mainland market of the motherland has gradually
become an important market space for the development of Taiwan economy of an
island type, and now it has become a very important driving force for
Taiwan's economic growth. On the other hand, the further upgrading of
Taiwan's industrial structure also needs to rely on the mainland market.
Benefited from the vast mainland market as the heartland, Taiwan's
industrial structure has smoothly turned from a labor-intensive industry to
a capital- and technology-intensive industry over the past decade. As
Taiwan's industry is faced with new challenges at the present stage, whether
or not it can be successfully reshaped and upgraded, to a large extent,
depends on whether or not cross-Strait economy and trade can be further
effectively integrated.

The article says that strengthening cross-Strait economic and trade
cooperation is also the only road for Taiwan's economy to conform to the
trends of economic globalization and regionalization in today's world. After
China's accession to the WTO, although the Chinese market will face various
kinds of impact, its important position in the Asia-Pacific economic system
can only be strengthened, and not weakened. Precisely because of this, the
United States, Japan, the Republic of Korea as well as Southeast Asian
countries in the world have, without exception, striven to deepen their
participation in the Chinese market. If Taiwan fails to strengthen its
economic cooperation with the Chinese mainland, the grasp of the opportunity
offered by economic globalization and meeting the grim challenges it has
brought about will be out of the question.

The article points out that the "no haste, be patient" policy pursued by Lee
Teng-hui refuses to open cross-Strait direct "three links", the continuation
of this policy by the new leader of the Taiwan authorities after his
assumption of office has caused serious, evil consequences to Taiwan's
economy. Since the beginning of this year, Taiwan's economy has been landed
in the situation of the most serious recession over the past 50 years. The
Taiwan authorities have repeatedly provoked tension in the cross-Strait
relations and have long been obstructing the economic and trade contacts
between the two sides of the Straits, this is obviously one of the decisive
facts. It has not only restrained the development of cross-Strait economic
and trade relations, directly hindered Taiwan's economic growth, more
importantly, it has caused the deterioration of Taiwan's investment
environment and internal and external investors to lose their confidence. It
is precisely from a comparison they made between the economic situation
prevailing on both sides of the Straits and from the hurt they themselves
have suffered that the broad masses of the Taiwan people and industrialists
and businessmen have come to understand that the "no haste, be patient"
policy cannot be continued, but must be discarded, and that cross-Strait
direct "three links" must be realized at an early date and vigorous efforts
must be made to develop cross-Strait economic and trade exchanges and

The article indicates that we welcome all moves genuinely designed to
promote cross-Strait economic exchanges and cooperation and expedite direct
"three links". At the same time, it must be pointed out that the rapid and
smooth development of cross-Strait economic and trade relations requires a
macro-environment based on the one-China principle and on good relations
between the two sides of the Straits. Thus far, the Taiwan authorities still
refuse to accept the one-China principle and deny the "Consensus reached
between the two sides in 1992". At the Taiwan "Economic Development
Consultation Conference", they still refused to accept the opinions on
acknowledgement of the "1992 Consensus" raised by Taiwan industrialists and
businessmen and the three opposition parties-the Kuomintang (KMT), People
First Party and the New Party.
The article emphasizes in conclusion that the Taiwan authorities must accept
the one-China principle, acknowledge the "1992 Consensus" at the earliest
possible date, and regard cross-Strait economic exchanges and cooperation
and cross-Strait direct " three links" as the internal affairs of a country,
remove all obstacles hampering the development of cross-Strait economic and
trade relations, only by so doing can it help Taiwan's economy to shake off
the predicament and embark on the road to further development.


Powell, Ivanov Claim New Progress in Strategic Arms talks .

US Secretary of State Colin Powell and his Russia
<http://www.peopledaily.com.cn/english/data/russia.html> n counterpart Igor
Ivanov said on Wednesday they believed progress had been made recently in
thorny arms control talks that include discussions of Washington's
controversial plans for a national missile shield.

"I think we are moving in the right direction," Powell told reporters after
he saw Ivanov at the State Department for a meeting that focused largely on
possible repsonses to last week's terrorist attacks in New York and

"We have not solved the problem yet of how we can find a new strategic
framework to go forward, but I think ... we can begin to see a way ahead
that will increase stability and lead us in the direction of a new strategic
framework," Powell said.

Ivanov agreed, although he stressed that many issues remained unresolved.

"On some of the issues, our positions are becoming closer," he said. "On the
other issues, we are continuing active consultations."

The two men did not elaborate.

US President George W. Bush has declared the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile
(ABM) treaty, which prohibits national missile defense systems, a Cold War
relic and has vowed to develop a missile shield even if it means
unilaterally withdrawing from the pact.

Bush has said he wants to develop a new "strategic framework" with the
Russians and talks between the two sides on possible radical amendments or
replacements to the treaty have intensified in recent months ahead of
several meetings planned between Bush and Russian President Vladimir Putin
in October and November.


FM Spokesman Refutes Distorted Reports on China's Anti-Terrorism Stance.
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhu Bangzao Thursday refuted some
distorted media reports on China's anti-terrorism stance, reiterating its
unconditional support for all the anti-terrorism activities.
Zhu made the remarks at Thursday's regular press conference.
Some reports claimed that according to the September 18 press conference,
China's cooperation with the United States to combat terrorism is on the
condition that the U.S. support China against separatists.
Zhu pointed out that some media reports patched up his answers to different
questions and seriously distorted China's position.
China has made clear its anti-terrorism stance, which was clearly stated in
the phone conversation between President Jiang Zemin and leaders of
countries concerned on September 18, he said.
To reaffirm China's principled stand, Zhu said, terrorism has posed a great
threat to world peace and stability and become a common scourge.
He noted that the Chinese government is firmly opposed to terrorist
activities of any type, and it is very necessary and urgent for the
international community to strengthen cooperation.
Zhu stressed that the Chinese side supports attacks on terrorism as long as
the attacks are based on conclusive evidence and with clear targets and a
guarantee of the safety of innocent civilians.
The United Nations Charter should be respected and the role of the UN and
its Security Council should be strengthened, the spokesman said, adding all
anti-terrorist activities should be in the long-term interests of world
peace and development.


China Hopes to See Continuous Growth of Ties with Georgia: Premier.

Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji said Thursday that China believes concerted
efforts made by both China and Georgia will push forward bilateral ties in
the new century. 
During the meeting with visiting Georgian State Minister Giya Arsenishvili,
Zhu said China sincerely wishes to expand mutually beneficial cooperation
with Georgia on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Co-existence.
After giving high remarks on the steady growth of bilateral ties, Zhu said
that the joint statement signed by Chinese President Jiang Zemin and
Georgian President Eduard Amvrosiyevich Shevardnadze has laid a solid
foundation for development of ties, and China respects the social system and
development path chosen by the Georgian people according to the country's
own national conditions.
The premier extended gratitude for the support given by Georgia to China in
international affairs.
Arsenishvili conveyed regards from President Shevardnadze to Premier Zhu and
said that the development of Georgia-China ties was a priority on Georgia's
foreign policy agenda.
Georgia wants to strengthen cooperation with China in political and economic
areas and deepen and expand bilateral ties, he said.
He also thanked China for the political support and economic assistance
given to Georgia during the past ten years after its independence.
He said his current China visit is mainly aimed at expanding economic
cooperation with China and he had reached consensus in the regard during his
talks with Chinese Vice-Premier Li Lanqing Wednesday.
Zhu said that positive results have already been achieved in such areas as
economy, trade, energy, science and technology, and culture, but great
potential remains to be tapped.
He hoped the two countries give full play to the China-Georgia mixed
economic and trade committee as well as the science and technology


China's Trade Union Leader Meets Nigerian Visitors.
Wei Jianxing, president of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU),
said that the CFTU is ready to increase friendly exchanges and cooperation,
and enhance mutual understandings and friendship, with Nigerian trade union
organizations in the new century.
Wei, also member of the Political Bureau Standing Committee and member of
the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party
(CPC), made the remark in a meeting here Thursday with a delegation from the
Nigerian Labor Congress (NLC) led by its President Adams Oshiomhole.
Wei said that Sino-Nigerian relations have developed well since the two
countries forged diplomatic ties in 1971.
Nigeria is a developing country in Africa with a long history, Wei said.
Both China and Nigeria are faced with the common task of developing their
economies and improving the lives of their peoples, he said.
Wei said that the ACFTU and the NLC have enjoyed a long- standing friendly
relationship, and the development of their relations is in the best
interests of workers and the general population of the two countries.
He said he is convinced that the delegation's current visit to China will
further develop the relations between the ACFTU and the NLC.
Wei briefed the visitors on china's political and economic situation and the
ACFTU's work. 
Oshiomhole said he has experienced Chinese people's friendship and
hospitality during this visit. He said that the NLC and the ACFTU share many
similarities and they can learn from each other.
The NLC will further bilateral exchanges and cooperation with the Chinese
side, he said. 
The delegation is here at the invitation of the ACFTU.


Falun Gong Follower Killed by Fellow Practitioner.
A 35-year-old woman follower of Falun Gong was killed by her fellow
practitioners for trying to break away from the cult, headed by Li Hongzhi,
early this year, according to local law enforcement department.

Evidence indicates that Wei Zhihua was killed mercilessly last February by
more than ten Falun Gong followers including her own husband Lan Shaowei,
who believed her mind was infected with "evil " and needed to be cured with
doctrines from Li Hongzhi's books.

After Wei's death, the practitioners, with collective efforts, concealed the
truth, produced fake evidence and kept the case hidden for months before a
fellow practitioner told local police about the truth in July, judicial
investigation has showed.

A witness, who also took part in the action, confessed that on February 19
Lan and other followers bound up Wei's hands and feet and then they read
aloud Li Hongzhi's doctrines to get rid of the "evil in her mind". As Wei
struggled and shouted, they sealed her mouth and nose in spite of her strong

"Wei was struggling at first and cried that she does not want to be disciple
of Li Hongzhi anymore, so they sealed her mouth and nose to stop her," said
the witness. 

Then the practitioners read aloud until Wei eventually ceased struggling and
fell into coma. 

The Falun Gong followers present were excited at Wei's coma and one of them,
named Ouyang Jie, yelled, "it's O.K., the evil is removed," the witness

However, Wei never awoke. Medical staff indicated that she were dead due to
respiration failure.

Police investigation revealed that Wei, once a firm follower of Falun Gong,
cast doubt on Li Hongzhi's doctrines after her beloved mother-in-law, also a
pious practitioner, died last year because of refusing to see doctor for
illness, as instructed in the doctrines by Li Hongzhi.

After that, while still practicing Falun Gong, Wei often doubted if it was
really right. Later, she began to curse Li Hongzhi and condemn him for not
saving her mother-in-law.

Such things greatly angered other followers, who believed she was controlled
by "evil" and the local leaders of the cult decided to eradicate it in
accordance with what Li Hongzhi requires in his books.

Wei's death caused a tremor among other practitioners in Shenzhen, a
well-off coastal city in south China's Guangdong
<http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/province/guangdong.html>  province.

Lan and his confederates made an instant report to Xu Xian, their superior
in the cult with the alias "Da Shan", who told them time and again not to
admit that the death has anything to do with Falun Gong in case police get
to know about it. 

"If the people know about the true story, they will at once be clear about
what kind of things Falun Gong actually is," said Li Yan, an activist
involved in the case.

The participants were instructed to conceal the facts and they conspired to
make identical confessions to deal with the possible police investigation,
investigation showed.


Cambodian PM Meets Chinese Delegation.
Cambodia <http://www.peopledaily.com.cn/english/data/cambodia.html> n Prime
Minister Hun Sen met with the visiting Chinese delegation of the Ministry of
<http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/organs/statecouncil.shtml#hea>  here
Thursday at his residence.

The Cambodian premier appreciated that the leaders of the old generations of
the two nations have set up friendly relationship between the two countries,
and now the leaders of the two countries are continuing to strengthen the

Zhang Wenkang, China's minister of health, said that in recent years, the
leaders of the two nations have further developed the friendly relationship
and cooperation between China and Cambodia through frequent mutual contacts
and visits, noting that under the leadership of King Norodom Sihanouk, the
Royal government has made achievements in the political stability and
economic rehabilitation, and Cambodia has entered into a new period of
social development.

Hun Sen said that Cambodia and China has an age-old history of friendly
relationship, and their cooperation is very important to them as nations
along the Mekong river.

The Chinese minister told Hun Sen that the Ministry of Health of China is
eager to cooperate with the Ministry of Health of Cambodia, and both sides
have reached consensus on cooperative research and development of herbal
medicines, prevention and treatment of malaria, and training medical

Zhang Wenkang had talks with his Cambodian counterpart Thursday morning at
the building of the Ministry of Health, and after the talks, the two sides
signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Eliminating AIDS for Mobile
Population in the Mekong Sub-region.

The Chinese delegation arrived in Phnom Penh on Tuesday evening for a 5-day
visit to the country.


Lukashenko Sworn in as Belarussian President .

Alexander Lukashenko was sworn in as the Belarussian president for the
second term Thursday, Russian news agency reported.
Lukashenko was re-elected in the September 9 presidential election with a
support rate of 76 percent.
Speaking at the inauguration ceremony, Lukashenko thanked the Belarussian
people for their confidence and trust.
Noting the government is facing a responsible and difficult period, the
president, who will take office for another five years, vowed to further
develop a powerful policy of social welfare.
"We have a idea to built a powerful and prosperous Belarus," he added.
Russian President Vladimir Putin sent a congratulation message to Lukashenko
on the same day, pledging to further strengthen bilateral relations.
"Our countries are steadfastly and invariably working on the consolidation
of the fraternal friendship, cooperation and multifaceted relations in the
(Russian-Belarussian) union," Putin wrote.
"I am confident we can solve the grand tasks of further integration between
Russia and Belarus in the interests of strengthening the union and ensuring
welfare and prosperity of our peoples" he added.


1stlead: Afghan Taliban Not to Hand Over Osama Without Evidence: Zaeef.

Afghan Taliban Chief Representative in Islamabad Mulla Abdul Salam Zaeef
said at a press conference Friday that Taliban would not hand over Osama bin
Laden without evidence.

"Taliban is not willing to hand over bin Laden to the United States" and
"will never surrender to evil and might," he said.

He also said Taliban does not expect Pakistan
<http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/pakistan.html>  to extend assistance
to the United States <http://www.peopledaily.com.cn/english/data/usa.html>
in its anticipated military attacks on Afghanistan
<http://www.peopledaily.com.cn/english/data/afghanistan.html> .

Zaeef said he was sorry for the people who had died in the suicide attacks
on Washington and New York last week, but appealed to the United States not
to endanger innocent people in a military retaliation.

"Our position on this is that if America has proof, we are ready for the
trial of Osama bin Laden in light of the evidence," the Taliban official

An investigation by the United Nations and the Organization of the Islamic
Conference into the attacks is necessary, said Zaeef.

Osama bin Laden was named by the United States as "the prime suspect" behind
last week's terror attacks. Osama, a Saudi millionaire in exile, is believed
to have been hiding in the Taliban-controlled area of Afghanistan.


1stlead: Afghan Taliban Not to Hand Over Osama Without Evidence: Zaeef
Afghan Taliban Chief Representative in Islamabad Mulla Abdul Salam Zaeef
said at a press conference Friday that Taliban would not hand over Osama bin
Laden without evidence.

"Taliban is not willing to hand over bin Laden to the United States" and
"will never surrender to evil and might," he said.

He also said Taliban does not expect Pakistan
<http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/pakistan.html>  to extend assistance
to the United States <http://www.peopledaily.com.cn/english/data/usa.html>
in its anticipated military attacks on Afghanistan
<http://www.peopledaily.com.cn/english/data/afghanistan.html> .

Zaeef said he was sorry for the people who had died in the suicide attacks
on Washington and New York last week, but appealed to the United States not
to endanger innocent people in a military retaliation.

"Our position on this is that if America has proof, we are ready for the
trial of Osama bin Laden in light of the evidence," the Taliban official

An investigation by the United Nations and the Organization of the Islamic
Conference into the attacks is necessary, said Zaeef.

Osama bin Laden was named by the United States as "the prime suspect" behind
last week's terror attacks. Osama, a Saudi millionaire in exile, is believed
to have been hiding in the Taliban-controlled area of Afghanistan.

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