From: Colombian Labor Monitor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2001 17:27:38 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: AI: Urgent Action UA 240/01 on Colombia

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20 September 2001

UA 240/01 Fear for Safety/Extrajudicial Execution

COLOMBIA       Yolanda Ceron
               Members of Catholic Church organization
               Pastoral Social, and other human rights
               defenders in Tumaco, department of Narino

On 19 September 2001, Yolanda Ceron, human rights defender and
Director of the Catholic Church organization Pastoral Social, was
killed by two gunmen thought to be members of army-backed
paramilitary forces in the town of Tumaco, department of Narino.

Yolanda left her office around noon and as she approached Narino
Park, in central Tumaco, several shots were fired at her. She was
transported to hospital in Tumaco, where she was pronounced dead
soon after arriving as eight shots had fatally wounded her.  For
several days prior to her killing, Yolanda reportedly informed her
Pastoral Social colleagues that their offices were under constant
surveillance, that she was being harassed and that she was being
followed by unidentified men.

Yolanda and other members of Pastoral Social have campaigned
against the increasingly grave human rights situation in the region
and have provided assistance to victims. Her death raises serious
concerns for the safety of members of Pastoral Social, other human
rights defenders, and the civilian population of Tumaco. It also
heightens concerns for neighboring communities, whose inhabitants
are predominantly Afro-Colombians and members of indigenous

Paramilitaries backed by the security forces began operating in
Tumaco in September 2000 and threatened to kill human rights
defenders shortly afterwards. A number of human rights activists
have actually been killed (2 April 2001 - Further information on UA
382/00 19 December 2000; UA 206/01, 17 August 2001).

The Colombian army and security forces and their paramilitary allies
commit serious human rights violations with virtual impunity. In the
last five years alone, several thousand civilians have been killed. The
security forces, who maintain a heavy military presence in the region,
have responded by reportedly capturing a number of paramilitaries. In
1989, the government suspended the constitutional legal base for the
formation of paramilitary organizations and issued directives to the
armed forces to combat and disband such groups. However,
paramilitaries continue to work with the support of the security forces
in many areas of the country.

Armed opposition groups have also committed serious violations of
international humanitarian law, including executions of those they
accuse of being security force or paramilitary force collaborators.

RECOMMENDED ACTION: Please send appeals to arrive as quickly
as possible:
- calling for a full and impartial investigation into the 19 September
killing of Yolanda Ceron, human rights defender and Director of the
Catholic Church organization Pastoral Social, and into recent attacks
on human rights defenders in the region;
- expressing concern for the safety of members of Pastoral Social,
other human rights defenders in Tumaco and the civilian inhabitants
of the region;
- urging the authorities to do everything deemed appropriate by those
under threat to guarantee their safety;
- calling for a full and impartial investigation into links between the
security forces and paramilitary groups operating in Tumaco,
department of Narino, urging that the results are made public and
those found responsible for supporting and participating in such
groups are brought to justice;
- urging the authorities to take immediate action to dismantle
paramilitary groups, in line with stated government commitments and
United Nations recommendations.

President of the Republic
Senor Presidente Andres Pastrana Arango
Presidente de la Republica
Palacio de Narino
Carrera 8 No.7-26
Santafe de Bogota
Telegram:      President, Bogota, Colombia
Fax:           011 57 1 566 2071 / 286 7434 / 286 6842 / 284 2186
Salutation:    Dear President / Excmo. Sr. Presidente

Minister of Defence
Dr. Gustavo Bell
Ministro de Defensa Nacional
Ministerio de Defensa Nacional
Centro Administrativeo Nacional
Avenida Eldorado - Carrera 52, OFI 217
Santafe de Bogota
Telegram:      Ministro de Defensa, Bogota, Colombia
Telex:         396 42411 INPRE CO; 44561 CFAC CO
Faxes:         011 57 1 222 0059
Salutation:    Dear Minister / Sr. Ministro

Commander of the Marine Infantry Training Base BEIM2
Lieutenant Colonel Nicolas Montenegro Montenegro
Commander of BEIM 2 (Base de Entrenamiento de Infanteria de
Marina Apostadero Naval
Tumaco, Narino
Telegrams:     Comandante BEIM2, Tumaco, Colombia
Telefax:  011 57 927 272 821
Salutation:    Sr Comandante.

National non-governmental human rights organization
Pastoral Social
Diocesis de Tumaco
Tumaco, Narino

Ambassador Luis Alberto Moreno
Embassy of Colombia
2118 Leroy Pl. NW
Washington DC 20008
Fax: 202-232-8643

Please send appeals immediately. Check with the Colorado office
between 9:00 am and 6:00 pm, Mountain Time, weekdays only, if
sending appeals after November 20, 2001.

Scott Harrison
for the Urgent Action Network
Amnesty International USA

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