TODAY'S NEWS (September.26.2001 Juche 90)



DPRK-China friendship fish farm

Hong Chang Su retains title of world pro-boxing champion

Rodong Sinmun on anti-reunification moves of splittists

Decision of 54th session of board of DPRK-China hydro-power company inked

Truth about germ warfare committed by U.S. troops during Korean War

Drop of educational policy based on neo-liberalism demanded in S. Korea

Minju Joson on conflicting stands of Germany and Japan

Educational and scientific exhibition

Prevention of capitalist ideological poisoning called for

Greetings to Yemeni President

Roasted goat meat popular at Korean restaurants

For Spanish-speaking people


dirigente kim jong il recibe presentes de delegaciones de varios paises

asado de cabra

hong chang su vuelve a defender posicion de principe mundial de boxeo


DPRK-China friendship fish farm
     Pyongyang, September 26 (KCNA) -- A ceremony of naming the DPRK-China
friendship fish farm took place yesterday. Present there were Choe Jong
Hwan, vice-chairman of the Korean Committee for Cultural Relations with
Foreign Countries who is vice-chairman of the central committee of the
DPRK-China Friendship Association, and officials concerned and Liu Bingyi,
counsellor of the Chinese embassy here, and a fish breeders delegation of
WUKI, China, on a visit to the DPRK.
    The signboard "DPRK-China Friendship Fish Farm" was set up at the
entrance of the fish farm.
    Speeches were made there.
    Participants in the ceremony looked round the fish farm.


Hong Chang Su retains title of world pro-boxing champion
     Tokyo, September 24 (KNS-KCNA) -- Hong Chang Su, Labor Hero and
People's Sportsman of the DPRK and pro-boxer under the General Association
of Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryon), had a match before 10,000
spectators in Japan on Sept. 24 to retain his championship of Super Fly of
WBC. He defeated 3-0 in 12 bouts his Philippine challenger, who is former
champion of Super Fly in the same category and top player at the WBC Super
    This is the third time that Hong retained his title.


Rodong Sinmun on anti-reunification moves of splittists
     Pyongyang, September 26 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today carries a signed
article on more vicious challenges and obstructive moves of the
anti-reunification forces inside and outside Korea. The article says:
    The U.S. imperialists are hell-bent on their moves to establish an
adventurous missile defense system under the pretext of the fictitious
"missile threat" from the DPRK.
    They are staging large-scale military exercises in and around the Korean
peninsula one after another under the simulated conditions of a war against
the DPRK. 
    They have worked out a new military strategy centered on the second
Korean war and transferred combat equipment to the Korean peninsula and its
surroundings from Europe.
    The Japanese reactionaries' moves for reinvasion cannot be overlooked.
They are now resorting to a reckless move to invade the DPRK and other Asian
countries again and went the length of test-firing a "H-2A" rocket
convertible into an inter-continental ballistic missile.
    The anti-reunification forces of South Korea are laying difficulties and
hurdles in the way of independent national reunification in league with the
outside forces against the nation.
    The "Grand National Party" and other right-wing conservative forces are
persecuting those patriotic and democratic forces demanding independence,
democracy and reunification by defining them as "enemy-benefiting elements."
they are also leaving no stone unturned to aggravate the inter-Korean
    The bellicose forces of the South Korean military, too, defining the
fellow countrymen as the "principal enemy," are staging military exercises
to invade the north in "cooperation" with the outside forces and stepping up
arms buildup. It is high time that the Korean nation pooled efforts to make
a decisive counterattack on those anti-reunification forces.
    The article calls upon the whole nation to vigorously come out in the
struggle to achieve the reunification of the country.


Decision of 54th session of board of DPRK-China hydro-power company inked
     Beijing, September 25 (KCNA) -- The decision of the 54th session of the
board of the DPRK-China hydro-power company was inked in Beijing on Sept.
24. Present at the ceremony were the members of the DPRK delegation headed
by Sin Yong Song, vice-minister of power and coal industries and director of
the board, the DPRK ambassador to China, the vice-president of the State
Power Company of China and members of the Chinese delegation.


Truth about germ warfare committed by U.S. troops during Korean War
     Pyongyang, September 26 (KCNA) -- It was disclosed that U.S. troops
carried out a germ warfare in areas of Mudung Hill, Kwangju, and Hwasun
county, South Jolla Province, South Korea, massacring hundreds of people
during the Korean War, according to the Korean newspaper Minjok Sibo
published in Japan. Residents in Hwajong-dong, western district of Kwangju
when meeting with an international investigation group testified to the fact
that two or three days after the U.S. forces' light aircraft sprayed white
liquid under the pretext of a "punitive operation against guerrillas" in
early autumn of 1951 over 300 people died after suffering from a high fever
and diarrhea. 


Drop of educational policy based on neo-liberalism demanded in S. Korea
     Pyongyang, September 26 (KCNA) -- The solidarity for educational action
in South Korea held a rally in Seoul on Sept. 21, demanding the educational
authorities drop an educational policy based on neo-liberalism, according to
Seoul-based MBC. The solidarity for educational action grouping 20
organizations including the "National Teachers Union" and the preparatory
committee for the university professors' union stated at the rally that it
would launch a large-scale struggle to push the democratic revision of the
"law on private schools" and force the authorities to drop an educational
policy based on neo-liberalism.


Minju Joson on conflicting stands of Germany and Japan
     Pyongyang, September 26 (KCNA) -- Germany is paying compensation to
those countries upon which it inflicted tremendous human and material losses
after admitting and apologizing for its war crimes. Following its steps
people are spiting at Japan, clearly seeing through the dirty intention and
nature of Japan behaving quite contrary to Germany. In this regard Minju
Joson today says in a signed article.
    They draw a comparison between Germany and Japan in their attitude
towards the issue of redressing their past crimes because both were "allies"
which committed crimes against humanity in the war.
    Germany keeps taking actions to make compensation in the new century.
    Last May German businesses accepted the decision of the government to
pay 4.5 billion dollars in compensation to those who were drafted for forced
labor in the period of nazism. Its parliament passed a bill on the payment
of the compensation, legally guaranteeing it.
    Of late the German government announced its intention to pay by 2003
compensation to those who were taken for forced labour from Eastern Europe
and other parts of the world during the Second World War, and is taking
practical measures to do so.
    A total of 10 billion mark collected by the all-German fund will
reportedly be used for compensating the victims of Nazism.
    Nevertheless, Japan has neither admitted nor apologized nor compensated
for its crimes in the past though a half century has passed since the end of
the war. Japan is letting loose a spate of rubbish in a bid to shirk its
responsibility to redress its past, ridiculously asserting that it is not
obliged to make any compensation as the issue of old Japan's post-war
compensation was already settled under the "San-Francisco Peace Pact."
    Japan's settlement of its past is not an issue that allows Japan to
behave as it pleases as far as it is concerned.
    This is the need of the times and a vital problem related to the future
of Japan. 
    Japan should clearly understand that it can do nothing and expect no
future without redressing its past.
    The settlement of the past is the only way of saving Japan from moral
and physical destruction.


Educational and scientific exhibition
     Pyongyang, September 26 (KCNA) -- Many people are visiting the
educational and scientific exhibition of Kim Chaek University of Technology.
Displayed at the exhibition according to respective fields are over 8,000
materials of at least 5,000 varieties with which teachers and students of
the university have contributed to the development of the country's economy
and the improvement of the standard of people's living.
    On display there are over 2,250 educational documents and materials for
education, visual aids and video cassettes of 88 varieties needed for basing
education on the party policies and putting it on a modern basis. There are
books of different fields amounting to over 1,100 volumes of 750 kinds
including social science books, the "history of the development of
technology in Korea" and memorial books such as "pressing by flexible
mould", "optical fibre communications" and "self-study pascal".
    Also on display are over 350 experimental apparatuses of 220 varieties
out of at least 1,600 contrived and manufactured by the university in recent
    Exhibits also include materials on achievements made in scientific
researches, which have already been introduced to geological prospecting,
mining, metal, material and electrical engineering, automation, electronics
computer science and communications engineering, such as the development of
modern means of physical prospecting, prospecting methods, the development
of a variety of steel by use of alloy elements, the production of high
pressure pipe, devices for organizing alternative production, welding robot,
special large output semiconductor chip, laser devices and their
    There are also over 250 materials of 180 varieties including
"photographic analytical drawing machine," "64 bit high performance
computer," "spectro-photometer" and "thermal conduction meter" out of over
3,000 gifts of 255 varieties at the university.
    Latest achievements made in scientific researches draw attention of
academic circles. 
    On September 19, leader Kim Jong Il looked round for a long while the
exhibition associated with the devoted efforts of the teachers and students
of the university to learn in detail about achievements made in the
development of education and scientific researches. He was greatly satisfied
with a lot of work done by the teachers and students there.


Prevention of capitalist ideological poisoning called for
    Pyongyang, September 26 (KCNA) -- Preventing the imperialists'
ideological and cultural poisoning presents at present itself as a serious
issue related to defending state sovereignty and national interest. Rodong
Sinmun today says this in a signed article. It goes on:
    Imperialists' ideological and cultural poisoning is a form of aggression
and interference perpetrated by them under the signboard of "cooperation"
and "exchange." 
    It is one of their strategies to dominate the world through reactionary
ideological and cultural poisoning, the ambition they failed to realize by
means of A-bombs and dollars.
    The material wealth destroyed by a war can be restored but nothing can
recover from the damage done to ideology and mentality.
    The harmful nature of imperialists' ideological and cultural poisoning
lies in that it does enormous harm to the best national identity of every
country and nation and makes the popular masses spiritually deformed.
    The socialist idea and culture represent the idea and culture which help
make people spiritually and morally noble and develop their emotion whereas
the capitalist idea and culture play a baneful role of leading people to
seek luxury and a dissolute life and benumbing their sound thinking and
    The article calls for intensifying ideological education among the
popular masses and incessantly struggling to prevent imperialists'
ideological and cultural poisoning. It continues:
    For this it is necessary to cut off all channels of their ideological
and cultural poisoning and intensify the struggle against elements harmful
to socialism, which may undermine the socialist system.
    The historical lessons teach that only when the imperialists'
ideological and cultural poisoning is checked through the demonstration of
the advantages and might of the socialist idea and culture is it possible to
defend the ideological and political base of socialism, ensure steady
development of socialist culture and dynamically push ahead with the
revolution and construction.


Greetings to Yemeni President
    Pyongyang, September 26 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the
Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, yesterday sent a message of
greetings to Ali Abdullah Saleh, President of Yemen, on the occasion of the
39th anniversary of its revolution day. The message extended warm
congratulations to the president, government and people of Yemen on the
occasion of the revolution day and expressed the belief that the friendly
and cooperative relations between the two countries would develop on good
    It sincerely wished the president and people of Yemen greater success in
the work for the stability and prosperity of the country.


Roasted goat meat popular at Korean restaurants
    Pyongyang, September 26 (KCNA) -- Roasted goat meat is popular among
people nowadays. Roasted meat has long been a favorite one of the Korean
    The goat meat can be roasted quickly as it is tender and lean.
    Roasted meat is considered to be the best of the goat meat dishes.
    To prepare this dish it is necessary to slice up meat by 4cm in length,
6cm in width and 0.3cm in thickness.
    One kg of goat meat to be roasted requires 50g of green onion, 20g of
garlic, 70g of sugar, 10g of ginger, 100g of red pepper or other oil, 100g
of wine or cognac, 3g of seasoning, 3g of powdered sesame and 40g of soy
    The meat evenly flavoured with spices is kept for 20-30 minutes before
it is placed for roasting.
    It is good to use vinegared soy, vegetables such as cucumber, lettuce
and onion and peppered bean paste when taking this roasted meat.
    Goats are now widely raised in the DPRK.


For Spanish-speaking people

dirigente kim jong il recibe presentes de delegaciones de varios paises
     pyongyang, 26 de septiembre (atcc) -- el dirigente kim jong il recibio
los presentes de la delegacion del partido socialista obrero de rumania, el
grupo de visita de amistad del ejercito popular de liberacion de china y el
jefe de la delegacion del ministerio de informacion del reino de camboya, de
visita en corea. ion sasu, presidente del pso de rumania quien preside la
delegacion lo entrego a choe thae bok, miembro suplente del buro politico y
secretario del cc del partido del trabajo de corea y el teniente general wu
yuqian, subcomandante de la zona militar de shenyang del epl de china quien
preside el grupo de visita y khieu kanharith, secretario de estado de
camboya quien preside la delegacion de informacion los entregaron
respectivamente a los funcionarios interesados.


asado de cabra
     pyongyang, 26 de septiembre (atcc) -- en estos dias la carne asada de
cabra gana popularidad de las personas. desde la antiguedad la carne asada
es conocida como un plato nacional de corea.
    la carne de cabra es tierna y menos grasienta. asi se coce rapidamente.
el asado es el mejor de varios platos hechos con cabra.
    para asar un kilo de carne de cabra se necesitan los siguientes
condimentos: 50 gramos de cebollino, 20 de ajo, 70 de azucar, 10 de
jengibre, 100 de aceite de pimiento o vegetal, 100 de vino o conac, 3 de
polvo aperitivo, 3 de sesamo en polvo y 40 de salsa de soya.
    sobre la mesa de comer se ponen la salsa de soya con vinagre, pepino,
lechuga, cebolla y otras verduras y pasta de soya con pimiento.
    en los ultimos anos los habitantes se benefician de la cria de cabras
que se desarrolla en gran medida en nuestro pais.


hong chang su vuelve a defender posicion de principe mundial de boxeo
     tokio, 24 de septiembre (snc-atcc) -- el boxeador profesional hong
chang su de la chongryon (asociacion general de coreanos residentes en el
japon), heroe del trabajo y deportista del pueblo de la republica popular
democratica de corea se presento el dia 24 en el certamen de defensa a su
posicion de principe de super fly (categoria de peso ultraligero) del
consejo de boxeo del mundo (wbc) bajo la presencia de 10 mil espectadores en
el japon. el vencio 3 por cero en el juego de 12 rondas al desafiador
filipino, ex principe de la misma division y primer lugar en la division
super fly de wbc. 
    asi defendio 3 veces su posicion de principe mundial del boxeo

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