ML Update :

A CPI(ML) Weekly News Magazine
Vol.-4; No.-49; 5-12-2001

Withdraw Emergency and Resume Dialogue in Nepal
Even as the US war rages in Afghanistan and talks continue in Bonn over the
immediate political future of Afghanistan, a state of Emergency has been
declared in Nepal. Air and ground operations are going on against the
Maoists and the death toll is daily going up. The Indian rulers who
themselves are busy imposing black laws like POTO and introducing undeclared
Emergency have welcomed the ongoing military operations in Kathmandu.
Democratic and peace-loving Indians must join their Nepalese counterparts in
opposing this Emergency and demanding resumption of dialogue with the
The Maoist insurgency had been spreading steadily over the last one decade
in vast portions of rural Nepal. The communist-led democracy movement in
Nepal, which ended the tyranny of the partyless panchayat rule in the early
1990s, was strongest in the Kathmandu valley and had little penetration in
the rural interior of western Nepal. Even in the heydays of the movement for
restoration of democracy, Maoists were not an insignificant force in rural
Nepal. Subsequently, the split in the CPN(UML) and various symptoms of
gradual degeneration of the communist-led government added to the strength
and popular appeal of the Maoists.
In terms of programme, even as the CPN(UML) formulated its thesis of
"multiparty democracy", it never really raised the issue of abolition of
monarchy and establishment of a republic. While the so-called Maoists in
India remained mostly busy with extortionist and anarchist activities,
devoid of any active and independent political content, the Maoists in Nepal
succeeded in lending a political edge to their growing mass appeal. They
were also able to programmatically distinguish themselves with the slogan of
a republic.
It is widely believed that behind the coup in Nepal's royal palace lay the
strategic question of how to tackle the Maoist insurgency in this Himalayan
kingdom. King Birendra had apparently refused to exercise the military
option. The coup led to a massive erosion of the prestige enjoyed by the
palace and the appeal of the Maoist call for a republic grew even stronger
in the wake of the coup. Against this backdrop, negotiations ensued between
the government and open representatives of the Maoists and the two sides
agreed on a cease-fire. Reports emanating from Nepal indicated that the
Maoists were prepared to defer their demand for a republic by agreeing to
entrust a new Constituent Assembly with the task of drafting a new
constitution for Nepal.
The present situation marks a sudden and drastic reversal of this process.
It looks almost like an indirect extension of the US-led global war against
terrorism. While the Vajpayee government may see the ubiquitous ISI hand
behind the unfolding events in Nepal, the US would surely like to see the
insurgency crushed and any possible tilt of Nepal towards China neutralised
by all means. Moreover, the NDA government at the Centre and all state
governments bordering Nepal have already begun using the developments in
Nepal as an additional pretext for promulgation of POTO and its similar
federal cousins in the states.
We do not know what really led to the sudden breakdown of the talks and
reversal of the dialogue process. It is also not clear as to how the Maoists
appraise the present juncture in Nepal in terms of the balance of forces and
what prompted them to suddenly switch over to a frontal battle. All these
questions of Maoist strategy and tactics will surely continue to be debated
in Nepal in the days to come. As of now, democratic opinion in both Nepal
and India must insist on an immediate revocation of the Emergency,
restoration of democratic rights and resumption of the process of dialogue.
We in India must also remain vigilant about any possible Indian intervention
and American interference in Nepal. And last but not the least, Nepal must
not be allowed to be used as a pretext for an assault on democracy in India.

CPI(ML) to Observe Anti-Communal Fascism Day on 6 December
CPI(ML) has in a statement proclaimed to observe December 6, the day Babri
Masjid was vandalised 9 years back, as "anti communal fascism day" this
year. The Party said that the Sangh Parivar and its parliamentary wing BJP
are bent on utilising Ayodhya and POTO to further their narrow political
interest, and are moving fast with their plan to impose communal fascist
dictatorship on the country, where any dissent will be termed as
anti-national and suppressed with the weapon of POTO. Party demanded of the
Govt. of India to honour the nation-wide anti-POTO democratic sentiment and
public opinion reflected in widespread agitations on the issue and desist
from tabling it on the floor of Parliament.
The Party also accused the Vajpayee Govt. of resorting to a conscious
misinformation campaign in order to justify the bringing in of POTO. "As far
as the question of terrorist activities in Jammu & Kashmir and Northeast is
concerned, they are precisely the fallout of the political designs that the
Govt. of India. has been pursuing from the very beginning", the statement
In another statement, the Party strongly condemned the Union HRD Ministry
for ordering deletion of portions from the NCERT history textbooks written
by eminent historians of the country like Romila Thapar and Ram Sharan
Sharma. The Party said that it is nothing but a fascist approach in the
sphere of education to wipe the history clean of facts that are unpalatable
to the ruling coterie.

Nation-wide Protest against POTO and War
In Tinsukia town of Assam, 200 activists led by Com. Subhash Sen and Brij
Pradhan took out a procession on 20 Nov. against POTO and War. They were
arrested by a large contingent of police and CRPF while holding a protest
meeting at the Party district office.
Under the nation-wide protest programme against POTO on 23 November,
demonstrations were staged in front of Vidhan Sabha at Lucknow and at
central places in Varanasi, Kanpur, Lakhimpur Kheri and other districts of
UP. Effigies of Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Home Minister LK
Advani were also burnt in these programmes amidst thunderous slogans.
A procession was taken out at Giridih on 23 November under Party banner
demanding "Scrap POTO immediately". Passing through streets of Giridih it
turned into a dharna in front of the Deputy Commissioner's office, addressed
by Party District Committee members Comrades Parmeshwar Mahato, Vijay Singh,
Mumtaz Ansari, Sukhdev Prasad. Similarly in Dhanbad, a street corner meeting
was held at district headquarter led by District Secretary Comrade Upendra
Singh and effigies of Atal and Adwani were burnt. In Patna in Bihar, a
protest march was taken out on 23 November.
In Delhi, Party and mass organisation activists demonstrated at Jantar
Mantar and held a protest meeting there on 23 November and burnt the effigy
of Atal and Advani. The rally was led by Com Swapan Mukherjee, Rajendra
Pratholi, Ranjit Abhigyan and others.
In Ahmadabad of Gujarat, a protest meeting was held at Shahibag, addressed
by Com. Ranjan Ganguli, state Party incharge, HJ Pagare, state unit secy.,
Nandlal and others.
At Raiganj in North Dinajpur district of West Bengal, a procession was taken
out on 23 Nov. against black ordinance POTO and effigy of Advani was burnt.
In the same district, another procession was held at Goalpukur. On 26 Nov.,
a demonstration against POTO and proposed state legislation POCO was staged
at Raiganj bus stand for four hours. These programmes were led by Com Ajit
Das, Ganesh Chetri, Sibani Mandal and others.
In Tamil Nadu, an anti-POTO, anti-war convention was held in Trichy on 23
Nov. in which around 350 people participated despite the transport strike
(see another news). Com Balasundaram, State Party Secy. was the main
speaker. Prominent among other speakers were Tirumavalan, MLA of DPI, Tamim
Ansari of Tamil Muslim Munnetra Kazhagam and Balakrishnan of CPI. A padyatra
(march on foot) against war and POTO, scheduled to pass Muslim populated
areas on Dec. 2, was denied permission. The Govt. even changed the place of
demonstration and carried the protestors in govt. vehicles to some other
place, where the demonstration was held. It was addressed by Com. S
Kumarsamy, G Radhakrishnan, poet Inquilab and Sriram of Forum against
Nuclear Weapons and Iraniappan, Kanchipuram Party Secy. A call to make
success the Left parties' called Dec. 7 bandh was also issued at the

Police Crackdown in Mirzapur;
Forced to Release Arrested Party Leaders
On the night of 23 November, police arrested three members of Party's
Mirzapur District Committee, Comrades Ashok, Jitendra and Ramkrit, from
their houses at Takia (Madhupur) village in Ahraura PS of Mirzapur. They
were badly beaten and subjected to third degree torture in the lock-up. Led
by Com. Sudhakar yadav, member of State Standing Committee, the three
comrades had returned from the just concluded Padyatra conducted by the
Party in Mirzapur district focussing various people's problems. Taking
advantage of the anarchists' attack on PAC camp at Khoradih in Ahraura PS on
22 Nov., the state administration decided to launch a terror campaign
against CPI(ML) and its support base, so as to deter them from launching
movement against the anti-people policies of Rajnath Singh's feudal-fascist
government. The police contingents started raiding village after village,
beating people, looting their property and raping women in the name of
nabbing terrorists. Strongly condemning this spate of police atrocities,
Party State Committee on 24 Nov. said that it is this murder of democracy at
the grassroots that has provided ground to anarchist activities. Demanding
immediate release of Party activists as well as cessation of police
reprssion and protesting third degree treatment against party activists, a
fax was sent to the Home Secretary.
Meanwhile, Com. Sudhakar Yadav was arrested while he along with other Party
activists had gone to the police station to enquire about the arrested
comrades. They were also lathicharged. On 25 November, Com. Akhilendra
Pratap Singh, Polit Bureau Member and Secy. of UP State Committee, started
indefinite fast at Mirzapur district collectorate to protest arrest of the
four state committee members. He blamed the state govt. for making a plea of
the anarchist attack to launch repression against CPI(ML) cadres and
sympathisers. In the night he was arrested along with 9 other comrades and
sent to the jail.
This enraged the Party ranks throughout the state. On 26 Nov., protest
demonstrations were staged in various districts including Lucknow and even
in Patna, capital of Bihar. Five hundred people were arrested while blocking
roads at Mughalsarai. On 27 Nov. nationwide protest day was observed and a
demonstration was held at UP Niwas in New Delhi. In Lucknow too a dharna was
staged in front of Assembly. Roads were blocked at Chakia, Chandauli. In
Mirzapur the administration adamantly did not allow to stage dharna. A
strong protest was sent to the Home Secretary.
Com. Akhilendra continued his fast unto death in District Jail, Mirzapur. On
1 December, left and democratic parties staged a joint dharna at district
collectorate in Mirzapur demanding unconditional release of Com. Akhilendra.
Com. Swadesh Bhattacharya, Party PB member and Krishna Adhikari, CC member
reached Mirzapur on 28 Nov. and demanded immediate cessation of police
repression, transfer of the DM along with suspension of police officials
responsible for repression on adviasis(tribals) and dalits. A women's dharna
was staged protesting rape of adivasi women by three policemen. They
demanded that police must take local elected representatives along while
searching a house in a village and no house should be searched after dusk.
They firmly stressed that Party's movement against murder of social justice
and democracy by Rajnath Govt. will continue and thousands will reach
Mirzapur on 5 December to participate in dharna led by Party General
Secretary Com. Dipankar Bhattacharya.
Under the pressure of rising mass movement throughout UP and in other
states, the administration was compelled to release Com. Akhilendra and
other activists unconditionally. But the Party has decided to carry forward
the movement against the BJP Govt.

Transport Workers Strike
Transport workers strike in Tamil Nadu for 20% Bonus, supposed to be
"peaceful", has taken the industrial atmosphere in TN by storm and the
streets and prisons of TN are filled with the fighting workers. Workers of
Civil Supplies Corpn. of TN also followed suit stressing the same demand.
The strike has crossed day 19 inspite of the efforts taken by the proxy
government in TN by on the spot recruitment of temporary drivers, by running
private, mini buses, by threatening these striking workers by various means
and so on.
AICCTU effectively intervened in this struggle and it was our initiative
that the success of Civil Supplies Corpn. strike was ensured. All central
TUs came out in support of the striking workers. A rally was called on 17
Nov. for which around 20,000 workers of various trade unions of Chennai
gathered inspite of refusal of permission for it. Com AS Kumar and
Shanmugavel, GS, SGWU were arrested along with others. A Public meeting was
held in Chennai on 20 November by the Joint Committee. Com. S Kumarsamy
AICCTU president addressed the gathering of 5,000 workers.
A general strike was called for by the Joint Committee on 23 Nov and the
workers of AICCTU effectively took part in it.

AICCTU Workshop in TN
A State-level AICCTU workshop in Tamil Nadu was held at Thirupparangunram on
24-25 November in which 45 cadres participated. The central topic of the
workshop was how to achieve a breakthrough in the working class movement in
the present political situation of the state. On the first day, Lenin's
"What is to be done?" was discussed and on the second day, papers on our
work in Chennai, powerloom and beedi sectors were presented. It was decided

to organise courting arrest programme on January 2 in six districts of the
state on the issue of closed industries and other unorganised sectors. A
series of conventions was planned. The workshop was conducted by Com. G
Radhakrishnan and Sankarpandian. It was addressed by Com. Balasundaram and
Pandian. Com. NK Natarajan summed up the discussion on "What is to be done"
and Com. Kumarsamy concluded the discussion on practical work.

AIPWA Workshop in UP
A state-level workshop of AIPWA cadres was held in Lucknow on 23-24
November. Participated in by around 20 cadres, the workshop focussed on (i)
impact of globalisation on women agrarian labourers and other toiling women,
and (ii) challenges before AIPWA in the political situation of UP. Papers
were presented by Shubhra and Ajanta Lohit respectively. Com. Kumudini Pati,
Gen. Secy summed up the discussion. It was resolved to mobilise rural poor
women on the question of employment in the face of introduction of
harvestors in a big way and raise the question of security of dalit women
against feudal gangs and police. Anti-liquor movement would be conducted
against the state govt. which on the plea of revenue was encouraging arrack.
A state-level team was formed to take prompt initiative on incidents of
atrocities on women,including saffron brigades' attempts to impose dress
code, etc., which would also be opposed through cultural programmes.

Stop Tampering with History
Acting on 6 October diktat of the HRD minister Joshi, the CBSE issued a
surreptitious circular citing a notification from NCERT to all affiliate
schools asking them to ensure that ten 'objectionable' paragraphs are not
taught or discussed in the classrooms or questions put to students on these
sections. Prior to this, neither the historians were consulted, nor the
state education ministers.
A majority of the portions that stands deleted are from Prof. Ram Sharan
Sharma's textbook Ancient India for Class IX. These paragraphs have
references to either beef being part of the diet of people in ancient India
or cows and bullocks being killed for Vedic sacrifices. One pertains to the
varna system. It says, "What was done by slaves and other producing sections
in Greece and Rome under the threat of whip was done by vaishyas and shudras
out of conviction formed through brahminical indoctrination and the varna
system". The lone objectionable reference found in Prof. Romila Thapar's
book Ancient India for Class VI also pertains to beef consumption. From the
book Modern India by Prof Arjun Dev and Prof. Indira Arjun Dev
'objectionable' references pertaining to Jats founding the State of
Bharatpur and participating in the court intrigues of Delhi have been
deleted, and same has been the fate of comments on Guru Teg Bahadur's
martyrdom in Prof. Satish Chandra's book Medieval India.
However, the most important is the paragraph relating to the BJP's main
agenda in Ram Sharan Sharma's book. It says, "Archeological evidences should
be considered far more important than long family trees given in the
Puranas. The Puranic tradition could be used to date Rama of Ayodhya around
2000 BC but extensive excavations in Ayodhya do not show any settlements
around that date. Similarly, the earliest inscriptions and sculptural pieces
found in Mathura between 200 BC and AD 300 do not attest to Krishna's
"This is part of a much larger design and they are trying to twist history
to suit certain sections and ideology", Romila Thapar said. "They are trying
to make history an instrument of backward and obscurantist forces", Satish
Chandra said and asserted that this move would stunt historical debate by
making Hindu-versus-Muslim stereotypes dominant.
It is interesting to note that these books were already on their way out as
NCERT has announced that they would be replaced by new books in the next
academic session. Till date, however, it has not been revealed who are
writing the new textbooks and where they are being written. But Sangh
zealots cannot wait, and UP elections are drawing nearer. There must be
issue-after-issue to vitiate the already surcharged situation, be it war,
In an atmosphere where every dissent from a government decision is being
termed "anti-national", the HRD ministry has decided to Talibanise history.
And an avowedly RSS cadre Vajpayee has defended this fascist decision saying
that "one-sided history" should be "corrected". As is clear from above, the
deletions have been done with a Brahminical and sectarian viewpoint.
That is why HT wrote editorially (24 November, 2001), "The Taliban wouldn't
have been so shady". "The blatant usurpation of history, as a partisan
Hindutwa plank, and the clampdown on all other forms of expression,
underlines a fascist mentality". In the NCERT books, the deletions (or
additions) "smack of back-door totalitarianism. It's time Parliament and the
civil society stop this relentless divisive programme. Or else India will
see the kind of cultural ghettoisation, last seen beyond the Khyber Pass".

Nagbhushan Bhawan Inaugurated at Bhubaneswar; Central Party School Held
Through painstaking efforts of the last three years Nagbhushan Bhawan at
Bhubaneswar in Orissa was given a primary shape, and subsequently it was
inaugurated on 27 November by Party General Secretary Com. Dipankar
Bhattacharya in a ceremony held at the Hall of Nagbhushan Bhawan. Earlier,
the life-size statue of Com. Nagbhushan Patnaik, placed on a pedestal in
public view outside the Bhawan Hall, was unveiled by veteran communist
leader and Party PB member Com. Ram Naresh Ram. Thereafter all the CPI(ML)
leaders, leaders of other parties including CPI, CPI(M), SP, AIFB, and
representatives of mass organisations and Phanibhushan Patnaik, son of the
late revolutionary leader, paid floral tributes to the legendary leader. The
statue of Nagbhushan Patnaik was presented by Gunupur Motor Workers'
In his inaugural address Com. Dipankar while paying tributes to Nagbhushan
recalled what Com. VM said about him on his death: "In books I had read
about men of steel forged by revolution, but in real life too I could see
one such man with my own eyes, and he was Com. Nagbhusan". Acknowledging the
fact that apart from CPI(ML) various other progressive and democratic forces
have contributed to the building of this memorial, Com Dipankar stressed
that it was the dream of our leader Vinod Mishra to build such a hall in
Nagbhushan's memory as a centre for cultivating the spirit of the
revolutionary legacy of Indian communist movement. This purpose encompasses
all aspects of social transformation and betterment of human society.
A convention against POTO and War followed the inauguration. Former Speaker
of Lok Sabha Rabi Ray, CPI Orissa State Secretary Dibakar Naik, CPI(M) State
Secretariat member Shivaji Patnaik, Forward Block State Secretary Sarat
Mansing, Samajvadi Party leader Baishnab Parida, Professors Bibhuti Patnaik
and Laxminarain Raisingh and Anadi Behara, Secretary of Chilka Fishermen
Association were prominent among the speakers in the convention. Com.
Khitish Biswal, Secretary of Orissa State Party unit presided over the
inaugural ceremony and thanked the participants. The convention was followed
by a lively, highly acclaimed cultural programme performed by teams coming
from Andhra, Orissa, Jharkhand, Bengal and Bihar.
Next day, on 28 November, Central Party School was inaugurated. Altogether
157 comrades participated in the school, including four teachers. Com.
Dipankar presented his paper on 'Globalisation and Imperialism', Com.
Sivaraman on 'Dynamics of Agricultural Labour Struggles and Certain Related
Theoretical Issues', Com. Arindam Sen on 'More on Communal Fascism' and Com.
Sankar on 'Caste, Class and Dalit Question'. Students were divided into
three groups on the basis of medium, Hindi, Bengali and English and each
teacher presented his paper to the three groups separately. In each session,
after the teacher presented his paper, students were asked to put forth
their questions and views, and then the teacher would answer them while
summing up. Despite the tight time constraint, everybody who wanted to raise
question was given scope to do so and this ensured liveliness of the
discussion. Lastly, on 30 November, the concluding session was held at 4
p.m., in which all the teachers came up with further explanations on their
topics, summing up the experience gained in presenting the papers to
different groups.
In his concluding speech, Com Dipankar put forward his impressions on the
papers and explained the overall implications of the whole exercise taken up
to address the vexing theoretical issues facing us in our practice. On
behalf of the students Com Rajaram Singh thanked the teachers and the
organisers. On behalf of the Party CC and the Central School, Com. Dipankar
thanked the organisers for providing all the needed facilities towards
success of the venture, the techincal teams for translation and, as a
gesture of graitude to the volunteers, presented them with a gift of
Nagbhushan memorial calender. Then he appealed to the participants to
undertake a drive towards fulfilment of the project of Nagbhushan Bhawan and
to this end contribute Rs.1000 each by January 2002. All those students who
could not attend the class as well as all the remaining state
committee/leading team members are also required to do the same.
With the singing of Internationale by performers from Jharkhand, the Central
School drew to a close.
Comrades and friends,
Nagbhushan Bhawan at Bhubaneswar has been inaugurated on 27 November, 2001.
An outcome of three years' painstaking effort by CPI(ML), its mass
organisations, friends, admirers of Com. Nagbhushan, and a good number of
left, progressive, democratic people.
Still Nagbhushan Bhawan is far from complete. It has neither a roof over it
nor a floor below. Not to say of the planned second storey where the library
was proposed to be situated. Much is left to be done before any meaningful
enterprise, as envisioned by Com. Vinod Mishra, can properly start here.
A massive drive to collect resources for completion of this lofty project is
called for. CPI(ML) Central Committee appeals to everybody to contribute
generously towards its fulfillment.

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