Contracorriente: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


More the imperialism develops its terrorist and genocide nature, more it
becomes lying. 

Day and night, during three weeks, the bombardiers of the Yank-Britain air
corps didn't stop throwing bombs over a city, Kandahar, where most
constructions are made of  unburnt bricks. It is calculated that there are
more than 10.000 (ten thousand) of dead civils by bombings.

When the taliban militias retired with all their heavy and slight weapons,
the occupants only found an immense dough of rubbish and cadavers of civils,
babies, old people, women broken trough by the explosive power of the
devices hurtled by the coalition of the terror against this martyr city, as
most Afghanistan's towns and cities.

And the lie also explodes in all medias dominated by the imperialism: "we
finished with talibans; Bin Laden and Omar have escaped".

The reality is that the taliban militias were waiting in the surroundings of
Kandahar the yank troops to come closer to engage battle. But the Yankees do
not engage battles anymore, Viet Nam continues being the gringos' great
nightmare. They have specialized in the "genocide by distance", in the civil
population's massive murder with the most modern technology.

Even this way the talibans get, few days before Kandahar retrying, spread an
ambush to the slippery Delta special forces of gringos north of the city.
Two helicopters cobra demolish with the whole crew and 80 "deltas" dead in
the confrontation.  Washington remains silent and when they speak they lie
to hide the truth about Kandahar. While the taliban retired from Kandahar,
some units of their militias attacked the camp of yank marines to cover the
forces that remain in their retreat. The Yankees deny it. But they have not
been able to hide the anger that has caused them the agreement between the
taliban and some pashtunes tribes to let the taliban militias and the Muslim
volunteers included the most responsible ones... and with the whole
armament. How was it possible? The pashtunes tribes that followed Karzai,
the leader of the marionette government imposed by the gringos to the
Afghanistan's people, know very well, as the gringos, that the talibans were
resolved to engage battle and to die fighting rather than to surrender.
Gringos were not well disposed to take Kandahar by storm and the pashtunes
neither, among those the divisions and internals fights are each time
stronger as it happens in all Afghanistan in misnamed United Front. In that
political and military situation the talibans maneuvered with audacity,
taking the initiative and they took out all their army from Kandahar, after
the defeat inflicted to the yank "deltas". While, the marine and the
"deltas" have been dedicated devoted to attack the civilians' convoys that
escaped from Kandahar.

Kandahar has not been the end of the talibans but the beginning of the war
against the yank invaders and their "antiterrorist" coalition and also the
beginning of the armed confrontations among the Afghan armed groups. The
show given by the pashtunes bands that entered in Kandahar directed by the
Yankees has been criminal and shameful: pillage, violations, robberies,
armed confrontations between them for allotment of a miserable booty and all
under the auspices of the yank empire, the great world terrorist that has to
deny its own deads and to hide its cadavers so that the American people do
not know the truth of what happens in Afghanistan. Because if these truths
that are happening in Afghanistan are known, finally it will arrive to the
truth about the authors of September's attacks in New York and Washington.
The Afghanistan's destruction was planned to the detail more before
September 11th. 

The economic, military and political interests that organized those attacks
are the same ones that direct this bloody and cowardly war against the
Afghanistan's people and that prepare the attack against other people or
that intensify their crimes against the Palestinian people, the Algerian
people, the Colombian people...

It is the war of the yank empire and its coalition of 40 countries against
the people of the third world that don't give in to the imperialism's

And the western society reacts to these genocides like the German people
reacted to the first exterminations carried out by the Nazis against the
Gypsy people: "it doesn't concern us". This in the best case, because there
are many, too many, who applaud the crimes of the new racism.


December 9 th 2001 


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