TODAY'S NEWS (December.12.2001 Juche 90)



U.S. denounced for suppressing Jeju uprising

Chongryon's struggle supported

Japanese authorities urged to halt their crackdown upon Chongryon

End to Japan's political suppression of Chongryon demanded

Lifting of "emergency alert measure" urged in S. Korea

Japanese reactionaries hit for "suspected kidnapping" racket

Anguk temple, one of architectural heritage

DPRK ambassador to Bulgaria appointed

For Spanish-speaking people


"rodong sinmun" condena a autoridades japonesas por represion sobre

declaracion de vocero de cc de union juvenil de corea


U.S. denounced for suppressing Jeju uprising
     Pyongyang, December 12 (KCNA) -- The solidarity for the implementation
of the south-north joint declaration released a statement on December 8
denouncing the U.S. for commanding the operation to suppress the uprising of
Jeju islanders in 1948, according to a news report. The South Korean
newspaper Hangyore carried the testimonies made by the then U.S. military
advisors who were active on the island to prove that the U.S. was chiefly
responsible for putting down the popular uprising on Jeju Island.
    The recent disclosure is just part of the many testimonies that the U.S.
military government commanded the massacre of civilians on the island, the
statement said, and continued:
    GIs have killed so many innocent Koreans since the time they landed in
South Korea. 
    All the Koreans in the south, the north and overseas will pool their
strength to force the U.S. to pay for its bestial atrocities and drive GIs
out of Korea without fail.


Chongryon's struggle supported
     Pyongyang, December 12 (KCNA) -- The council of the National Movement
Organization of Koreans in the U.S. and the Association of Koreans in the
Eastern U.S. sent letters of solidarity to the General Association of Korean
Residents in Japan (Chongryon) and compatriots in Japan. They expressed
belief that Chongryon would emerge victorious in its struggle to shatter the
Japanese reactionaries' moves to crack down upon Chongryon and defend its
    The council in a letter sent to Chongryon on Dec. 6 said that the
council and Koreans from all walks of life in the U.S. extended with warm
compatriotic feelings firm solidarity to the Chongryon officials and
compatriots in Japan in their just struggle to foil the Japanese
authorities' repressive campaign.
    The letter expressed the conviction that the Koreans in Japan would
unite close under the banner of patriotism lifted high by Chongryon and
surely check the Japanese government authorities' repressive moves and
overcome the present ordeals.
    The Association of Koreans in the Eastern U.S. in a letter sent to
Chongryon on Dec. 5 said: The Japanese authorities are cracking down upon
Chongryon, a legitimate organization of the DPRK, far from apologizing for
Japan's crime-woven past. This is an unpardonable criminal act and a vicious
challenge to the dignified DPRK which regards its sovereignty as its life
and soul. 
    The letter urged the Japanese authorities to halt the political
suppression of Chongryon at once, apologize for it and unconditionally and
immediately release those unreasonably arrested.


Japanese authorities urged to halt their crackdown upon Chongryon
     Pyongyang, December 12 (KCNA) -- The Asian Regional Committee for
Supporting Korea's Reunification, the All-India Indo-Korean Friendship
Association and the Indian Committee for Supporting Korea's Reunification
issued a statement on Dec. 4 condemning the Japanese authorities'
suppression of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan
(Chongryon). The statement said:
    The Japanese authorities searched the central and local headquarters of
Chongryon, a dignified overseas citizens' organization of the DPRK, after
pulling up Chongryon without any clear legal ground, and arrested the former
director of the financial department of its central standing committee. This
was a high-handed political suppression of Chongryon and the Koreans in
Japan and a wanton violation of the dignity and sovereignty of the DPRK.
    The Japanese authorities should immediately stop their anachronistic
anti-DPRK moves to mislead the world public opinion by craftily taking
advantage of the recent complicated international situation and fish in the
troubled waters in a bid to realize their ambition for overseas expansion
and properly apologize to all the Korean people and the rest of the world
for their tyrannical actions.
    Availing ourselves of this opportunity, we bitterly denounce the U.S.
for its anti-DPRK war moves, a big threat to peace on the Korean peninsula
and the rest of the world, and strongly demand the U.S. and Japan
immediately drop their hostile policies towards the DPRK and stop acting


End to Japan's political suppression of Chongryon demanded
     Pyongyang, December 12 (KCNA) -- The Japanese authorities' escalated
hostile moves against the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan
(Chongryon) and the DPRK are something unprecedented in history, says Rodong
Sinmun today in a signed commentary. The commentary goes on:
    It was entirely unjustifiable that the Japanese authorities ransacked
the central headquarters of Chongryon by groundlessly linking it with the
issue of the business management of the Korean bank.
    As far as the issue of the Korean bank is concerned, it is attributable
not to certain illegal transactions or "evasion of inspection" but to
general economic depression in Japan.
    Many Japanese banks and banks under the South Korean Residents
Association in Japan (Mindan) are going bankrupt, hard hit by the economic
crisis in Japan. Nevertheless, the Japanese authorities committed fascist
political suppression of Chongryon by groundlessly linking it with the issue
of the Korean bank. This is unpardonable.
    The high-handed search made of the central headquarters of Chongryon, a
dignified overseas citizens organization of the DPRK, by the Japanese
reactionaries after leveling accusation against it without any legal ground
was a political plot to undermine Chongryon.
    The blatant political suppression of Chongryon and the Koreans in Japan
is aimed to serve their sinister political purpose of infringing upon the
sovereignty of the DPRK.
    Any repressive action against Chongryon is a serious infringement upon
the dignity and sovereignty of the DPRK.
    This will only add to the crimes Japan has already committed against the
Korean people. 
    Japan will have to own full responsibility for the grave consequences to
be entailed by the anti-DPRK, anti-Chongryon moves escalated by its


Lifting of "emergency alert measure" urged in S. Korea
     Pyongyang, December 12 (KCNA) -- Representatives of the solidarity for
the implementation of the south-north joint declaration, the headquarters of
the citizens' movement for the withdrawal of the U.S. forces and the society
for inheriting the spirit of pro-reunification patriotic martyr Kim Ryang Mu
held a rally to strongly demand the South Korean authorities lift the
"emergency alert measure." The south headquarters of the national alliance
of youth and students for the country's reunification in a commentary
condemned the "emergency alert" as an unwarranted measure which lays a
stumbling block in the way of implementing the June 15 joint declaration and
goes against the trend of national reconciliation and unity.
    The Kwangju and South Jolla Provincial Federation of University Student
Councils in a statement urged the authorities not to tail behind the U.S.
but opt for cooperating with compatriots under any circumstances.
    The South Korean Federation of University Student Councils and the Seoul
District Federation of University Student Councils in a statement and an
appeal declared that it is a steadfast will of the students to wage a heroic
struggle to meet the need of the nation, under the banner of the June 15
joint declaration, and urged the authorities to drop their stand of
depending on foreign forces quite contrary to the spirit of the joint
declaration and their policy of confrontation with the north.


Japanese reactionaries hit for "suspected kidnapping" racket
     Pyongyang, December 12 (KCNA) -- The spokesman for the central
committee of the Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League today issued a statement
denouncing Japan for recently re-launching a frantic "suspected kidnapping"
racket against the DPRK. He said:
    The Japanese authorities have re-launched the "suspected kidnapping"
racket in a bid to mislead the world public opinion. Lurking behind the
racket is a sinister intention to tarnish the image of the DPRK, isolate and
stifle it, cover up their efforts to turn Japan into a military power and
invent a pretext for overseas aggression.
    The young and other people of Korea will never pardon the Japanese
reactionaries' hostile policy towards the dignified DPRK.
    If the Japanese reactionaries persistently pursue the hostile policy
toward the DPRK and work hard to turn Japan into a military power, motivated
by the anachronistic daydream, the five million Korean youths will become
human bombs and missiles to destroy the bulwark of Japanese militarism.
    The statement expressed the conviction that the progressive youths of
Japan who see through the potential danger of the efforts of the Japanese
reactionaries to revive militarism and are concerned about the destiny of
future Japan will express full support to the struggle of the young Koreans.


Anguk Temple, one of architectural heritage
     Pyongyang, December 12 (KCNA) -- There are many buildings of long
standing which show high architectural art and technics in Korea. One of
them is the Anguk Temple.
    It was erected at the foot of Mt. Pongrin in Phyongsong city, South
Phyongan Province, in 503.
    The present temple was rebuilt in 1785. It was used for the propaganda
of Buddhism at that time.
    It boasts Taeungjon Hall, Thaephyong Pavilion and a stone pagoda, etc.
    The Taeungjon Hall is a two-storeyed building with crane-shaped roof
erected on a high terrace. Its front is more than 17 metres long and its
side more than 13 metres long.
    The interior of the hall was coloured golden, red and blue.
    The carvings of two dragons on each pillar and the carvings of dolls at
each corner are very fanciful and vivid.
    The hall is characterized by big exquisite decorations above the image
of Buddha. 
    The Thaephyong Pavilion and the Stone Pagoda (nine-storeys) are in front
of the hall. 
    The Stone Pagoda 3.2 metre high consists of a two storeyed base and
nine-storeyed stones. Lower and upper sections of the platform are engraved
with lotus flowers. The Anguk Temple is preserved as heritage of a national
treasure by the correct policy of the Workers' Party of Korea on
preservation of cultural relics.


DPRK ambassador to Bulgaria appointed
     Pyongyang, December 12 (KCNA) -- The new DPRK ambassador to Bulgaria
was appointed. Kim Ha Dong was appointed new DPRK ambassador to Bulgaria,
according to a decree of the presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of
the DPRK. 


For Spanish-speaking people

"rodong sinmun" condena a autoridades japonesas por represion sobre
     pyongyang, 12 de diciembre (atcc) -- el diario "rodong sinmun" en un
comentario individual de hoy condena a las autoridades japonesas que desatan
campana de represion sin precedentes contra la chongryon (asociacion general
de coreanos residentes en el japon). el comentario senala en particular:
    es del todo injusto el registro forzoso que hicieron las autoridades
japonesas sobre la sede central de la chongryon vinculandola obstinadamente
con el problema relativo a la gestion empresarial del banco de coreanos.
    este problema no se debe a las transacciones ilegales o a la "evasion de
investigacion" sino a la recesion general de la economia japonesa. ahora
numerosos bancos del japon y de la "mindan" (organizacion de surcoreanos
residentes en el japon) se arruinan a consecuencia de la crisis economica
del japon. a pesar de esto, los reaccionarios japoneses registraron por
fuerza sin ningun fundamento legal hasta la sede central de la chongryon,
digna organizacion de ciudadanos de la rpdc en el ultramar. esto es una
represion politica encaminada a destruir la chongryon. tal represion
constituye un atentado a la soberania de la rpdc y no pasa de ser una
malsana finalidad politica contra esta.
    con esto el japon comete doble acto criminal contra el pueblo coreano.
    si los reaccionarios japoneses se aferran de continuo a las
maquinaciones anti-rpdc y anti-chongryon, produciran un grave incidente. su
responsabilidad recaera enteramente sobre el japon.


declaracion de vocero de cc de union juvenil de corea
     pyongyang, 12 de diciembre (atcc) -- el vocero del cc de la union de la
juventud socialista kim il sung hizo publica hoy una declaracion para
condenar el nuevo frenetico alboroto de "sospecha de secuestro" de las
autoridades japonesas contra la republica popular democratica de corea. la
declaracion senala en particular:
    en estos dias, las autoridades japonesas vulven a vociferar de "sospecha
de secuestro" e inducen en error la opinion publica del mundo para
entenebrecer la imagen de la rpdc, aislarla y aplastarla, ocultar sus
maquinaciones para la potencia militar y procurar un pretexto para su
agresion al ultramar.
    el pueblo y los jovenes de corea no perdonaran jamas la politica de
hostilidad de los reaccionarios japoneses contra la digna rpdc.
    si estos se aferran de continuo a las maquinaciones de hostilidad a la
rpdc sin abandonar su anacronica ilusion y toman el camino para la potencia
militar, los 5 millones de jovenes coreanos serviran de bombas, fusiles y
misiles, para destruir despiadadamente el baluarte del militarismo japones.
    estamos convencidos de que los jovenes progresistas del japon que se
preocupan por el futuro extenderan firme solidaridad y apoyo a nuestra

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