Meeting marks 55th anniversary of
National Resistance War

A meeting was held in Hanoi on December 18, to celebrate the 55th
anniversary of the National Resistance War (December 19).

Prominent among those present were Party General Secretary Nong Duc Manh,
President Tran Duc Luong, and Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Manh Cam.

Tran Van Dang, General Secretary of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central
Committee, delivered a report recalling the glorious victories of the two
resistance wars against French and U.S. aggression. He stressed that the
great victories of the Vietnamese people were inseparable from the
leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam.

Entering a new century, the entire Party and people are determined to follow
the path taken by the Party and President Ho Chi Minh, continuing with
renovation process, promoting national industrialisation and modernisation,
and safeguarding the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Mr Dang said. He also
called upon all Party members and people to uphold the spirit of great
national unity to strive for the target of a prosperous people, a strong
country, and an equitable, democratic and civilised society.

* On the occasion of the 55 years President Ho Chi Minh issued the Appeal
for National War of Resistance (December 19, 1946-December 19, 2001), the
Vietnam Revolutionary Museum and Hanoi Museum, have organised a display
entitled ŒHanoi Joins the Whole Country in the Resistance War, 1945-1975.š
The displaying room features nearly 500 exhibits including those on Hanoi in
early days of the resistance war; weapons and tools used during 1945-1975;
soldiersš mementoes and the support of world people to Vietnamese people in
the two resistance wars.

* Nhan Dan newspaper, in co-ordination with Vietnam Peoplešs Army General
Department of Politics held a get-together for people who got involved in
the propaganda and agitation works among enemy in Hanoi on December 18. This
is an activity to mark the 55th anniversary of the National Resistance War
(December 19), 57th founding anniversary of the Vietnam Peoplešs Army, the
11th anniversary of the National Defense Day and on the occasion, the
Propaganda and Agitation Among Enemy Department, under the General
Department of Politics, received the Peoplešs Army Forces Hero title.

* Also on this occasion, the Viet Minh alliance board of Hoang Dieu citadel
handed over photos, diaries and memoirs of the defense soldiers of the

* The Partyšs Committee, Peoplešs Council, Peoplešs Committee and the
Fatherland Front of Thua Thien-Hue province held a solemn ceremony to mark
the 55th anniversary of the National Resistance War on December 18.

* The Partyšs Committee, Peoplešs Council, Peoplešs Committee and the
Fatherland Front of Binh Dinh province held a seminar to review the past 55
years under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam on the occasion
of the 55th anniversary of the National Resistance War.


Party leader urges Phu Tho to tap potential
for development

General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Nong Duc Manh has urged
northern midland province of Phu Tho, the native land of the founding
fathers of Vietnam, the root of Vietnamese nation, to take advantages of its
geographical, cultural, and historic position to develop the local economy
and tourism.

During his working visit to Phu Tho province on December 16 and 17, he told
local leading officials that by tapping such potentials, Phu Tho's economy
would develop faster than other localities.

The Party leader stressed some important industries which could help the
province change its economic structure. He said that Phu Tho was the first
locality in which the Party Central Committee decided to build an industrial

The province is accessible by road, waterway and railway, and has a
revolutionary tradition, and a time-honoured culture and history. All these
create favourable conditions for the locality to develop, Mr Manh said.

He asked the province to combine the development of industry and
agriculture, agricultural production and agricultural products processing,
and actively apply scientific and technological advances to production.
Industry should help create new trades and services, thus generating more
jobs for local people, Mr Manh noted.

He also requested Phu Tho to take advantage of its culture and history by
building cultural villages and tourist centres to draw more domestic and
foreign visitors.

The Party leader asked Phu Tho to continue implementing Party building work
and exercise more democratic rights at a grassroots level.

Phu Tho's gross domestic product (GDP) growth is estimated at 9.5% this
year, setting up a record in recent years, the Party leader stressed.

The province has registered an average annual rise of 4.5%-5% in
agricultural production with food output reaching 357,000 tonnes in 2001, an
increase of 157,000 tonnes over 1996. Its forest land has expanded to 38.2%
from 21.5% in 1996.

Phu Tho has formed production zones specialising in tea, sugarcane,
vegetables, and other food crops and paper production. There are over 200
farms in the province, thus helping enhance the farm economy in an effective

As a result, Phu Tho has almost eliminate the number of households in hunger
and reduced its poverty rate to 15.5%.

The Party leader urged the local authorities to be consistent in Party
building work. To implement democracy at grassroots level successfully, they
should assign people with more rights to monitor the provincial budget and
spending. They should keep a close watch over the construction of public
works, particularly those built with State funds.

The Party leader urged the Peoplešs Committee, the Peoplešs Council to
strengthen the management capacity and adhere to the implementation of the
grassroots democratic rule and administrative reform.

During his two days working visit to Phu Tho, the Party chief visited
villages of the two districts of Phu Ninh and Doan Hung, and some exemplary
farms to have a better understanding on the life of the local people before
he met the provincial leaders.

The Party leader also visited the Temple of Hung Kings, who established the
country of Van Lang, the first governing body of ancient Vietnam, 4,000
years ago on the soil of Phu Tho; the Lo River Victory Monument; the Bai
Bang Paper Mill and Military Zone No 2.

He congratulated the officers and men of the unit on the 57th founding
anniversary of the Vietnam Peoplešs Army (December 22, 1944-December 22,

He said he expected greater achievements by officers and men of the Military
Zone No 2 in the cause of modernisation and industrialisation, thus
contributing to building a strong socialist country of Vietnam.


President lauds successes in fighting polio, leprosy

President Tran Duc Luong on December 18 awarded the Independence Order,
Third Class, to the preventive medical service for its polio elimination and
virtual leprosy stopping in Vietnam by 2000.

The Vietnamese government's second highest honour for public employees was
presented at a national conference held in Hanoi on December 18-19 to review
the preventive medical work over the last ten years.

In addition to the above-said two major achievements, the service has
managed to prevent the outbreak of epidemics amid worst polluted areas
caused by major floods. The morbidity rates of child killers targeted by the
government's expanded programme of immunisation have dropped between 10 and
100 times over the past 10 years.

The morbidity rate of Dengue fever has reduced by five times while that of
cholera was down by 20 times compared with 1995. The number of people killed
by malaria have gone down by almost 38 times and the number of the deadly
epidemic outbreaks decreased by 98.6% since 1991.

The service has established a virtually complete HIV/AIDS monitoring network
down to the district level. Blood screening has over the past five years
detected almost 850 blood samples positive to HIV, thus contributing to
transfussion safety. The service has managed to provide care and conselling
to more than 65% of registered HIV carriers, and more than 13,800 times of
opportunity infection treatment to AIDS patients.

The workplace environment has considerably been improved as the number of
samples which contained hazardous factors exceeding allowed standards
decreased by 5% to 23.5% in 1996-2000 from 28.4% in the previous five year

The border quarantine network has been expanded to 30 out of the 38
border-gate provinces across the country

The domestic production has reportedly fully met the demand for five of the
10 vaccines used in the national expanded programme of immunisation.

For the first decade of the 21st century, the sector plans to further
concentrate on the preventive measures against both epidemic communicable
and non-communicable diseases. It also plans to mobilise the entire society
to take part in preventive health work. (VNA)


VFF president meets China Congress chairman

The current visit to China by a delegation of the Vietnam Fatherland Front
(VFF) will contribute to strengthening friendship and solidarity between
Vietnam and China, said president of the VFF Central Committee Presidium
Pham The Duyet during his meeting with Chairman of the Standing Committee of
China's National People's Congress Li Peng in Beijing on December 18.

He stressed that the visit would also contribute to the implementation of
the Joint Statement issued during a recent visit to China by Party General
Secretary Nong Duc Manh.

Chairman Li said the relationship between the Parties and States of China
and Vietnam is developing well, particularly after the recent visit to China
by the Vietnamese Party leader Nong Duc Manh. He recalled the good
impressions of his recent visit to Vietnam

Earlier on December 17, VFF President Duyet led the Vietnamese delegation in
talks with a delegation of the Chinese People's Political Consultative
Conference (CPPCC) led by Chairman Li Ruihuan.

Mr Duyet said that the reform and open-door policy in China and the
renovation process in Vietnam have resulted in great achievements,
increasing the Vietnamese and Chinese people's confidence in their Communist
Parties and socialism as well as raising Vietnam's and China's position in
the international arena.

He expressed his wish for an evergreen and long-lasting friendship and
co-operation between the two Parties, States and between VFF and CPPCC.

CPPCC Chairman Li Ruihuan said the Vietnamese and Chinese people have stood
side by side in the past struggle for national independence against
imperialism. The two countries' neighbourly friendship and comprehensive
co-operation further developed well, he added.

Li Ruihuan went on to say that the two nations should boost bilateral
relations with concrete measures in different fields. He said that both VFF
and CPPCC have played a similar role in uniting people of all walks of life,
mobilising them in political activities. He said he believed that the VFF
delegation's current visit would enhance bilateral exchanges and
co-operation between VFF ad CPPCC and contribute to promoting the
neighbourly Vietnam-China friendship.

The VFF delegation has been in China from December 16 for a week-long visit
as guests of the CPPCC. After Beijing, the delegation will visit Hainan
province on December 19 and Guangzhou City on December 22. (VNA)


National Assembly passes the law on its organisation (revised)

National Assembly deputies passed the Law on Organisation of the National
Assembly on December 18, the 23rd working day of its current session, with
84.4% of votes in favour.

The revised law consists of seven chapters and 94 articles, 13 articles more
than the previous law issued in 1992.

Before adopting the law, the deputies discussed and passed the revised law,
section by section.

Accepting deputies' opinions on Article 50 of Chapter IV, the Draft
Committee has adjusted the article, redefining the responsibility of
National Assembly deputies to meet with citizens, receive their petitions,
complaints and denunciations and send them to competent people for

Revised Article 51 says that deputies have the right to ask concerned
agencies, organisations, units and responsible people to take necessary
measures when discovering law violations harmful to the State's interests
and the rights and legitimate interests of organisations, units or citizens.

Articles 57-60 concern full-time and part-time deputies.

Deputies also debated and adopted Article 87 of Chapter V on the process of
staging a no-confidence vote in office holders elected or ratified by the
National Assembly.

They also passed the Foreword with 83.1% of votes in favour. (VNA)

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