December.26.2001 Juche 90



Day of victory of Cuban revolution commemorated

Day of Socialist Constitution observed

Book on folk songs published

Promising acrobat Wi Son Hwa

New treatment method and medicine developed

Greetings to prime minister of Denmark

Japan's fuss about "unidentified ship" refuted

Establishment of interim government in Afghanistan welcomed


Day of victory of Cuban revolution commemorated
     Pyongyang, December 26 (KCNA) -- A meeting and film show were held in
Pyongyang yesterday to commemorate the 43rd anniversary of the victory of
the Cuban revolution. Present at the meeting were minister of education Pyon
Yong Rip who is also chairman of the Korea-Cuba Solidarity Committee,
vice-chairman of the Korean Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign
Countries Jon Yong Jin, officials concerned and working people in the city.
    Present on invitation were Cuban ambassador to the DPRK Esteban Lobaina
Romero and embassy officials.
    Speeches were exchanged at the meeting.
    The participants saw a Cuban documentary film.


Day of Socialist Constitution observed
    Pyongyang, December 26 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today dedicates an
article to the Day of the Socialist Constitution. The article says:
    The DPRK Socialist Constitution authored by President Kim Il Sung and
developed and perfected by leader Kim Jong Il is the most advanced Socialist
Constitution of Korean style in the human history of state constitutions.
    The constitution was adopted and promulgated by the president on
December 27, Juche 61 (1972).
    It was revised, supplemented, adopted and proclaimed on September 5,
Juche 87 (1998) under the guidance of Kim Jong Il.
    The article points to its advantages and originality, noting that it
serves as a powerful weapon in carrying out the cause of socialism as it
fully reflects the demand of the developing revolution and the desire of the
Korean people. 
    The DPRK Socialist Constitution is, in a word, the Kim Il Sung
constitution guaranteeing the eternal life of the president as it is
strictly based on the revolutionary outlook on the leader. It is because its
foundation is the Socialist Constitution authored by the president and it
codifies the idea of Juche-oriented state building, immortal revolutionary
feats and outstanding great personality of the president.
    Reflected in the constitution are the faith and will of Kim Jong Il and
the Korean people to hold Kim Il Sung in high esteem as the eternal
president of the DPRK and finally accomplish the revolutionary cause of
    Therefore, the constitution always sheds its rays as a great political
charter based on the revolutionary outlook on the leader and the great Kim
Il Sung constitution and a great monumental document as it broke a new
ground in the human history of state constitutions, the article stresses.


Book on folk songs published
    Pyongyang, December 26 (KCNA) -- The DPRK has recently published books
"Folk Songs in Land of 3,000-Ri" (vols. 1 and 2). The books are a revision
and enlargement of the book "Folk Songs Sung in Land of 3,000-Ri" which was
brought out in Juche 84 (1995).
    They have been published with additions of words of over 260 songs
including "Song of Myongsim (remember)" and "Five-Fortune Tharyong"
(ballads), in the area of Phyongan Province, "Rice-Cake Tharyong" and "Drink
Tharyong" in the area of Hwanghae Province and Kaesong, "Melody" in the area
of Kyonggi Province and "Phansori" (song of a drama by reciter) in the area
of Jolla Province and some analysis of them is given there.
    The books are a collection of folk songs sung in regions from Hamgyong
Province in the northern part of Korea to Jeju island in the southern most
part of the country. They contain typical old folk songs sung by our
ancestors and folk songs created in the 1920s and the 1930s as well as
sheets of their music.


Promising acrobat Wi Son Hwa
    Pyongyang, December 26 (KCNA) -- Aerial trapeze flight "flying girls" of
the DPRK won "Golden Lion Prize" at the 8th Wuqiao International Circus
Festival held in China from October 27 to November 4. Wi Son Hwa, 23, plays
the leading role in it.
    Her successful quadruple somersault in the air caught the audience
breathless. The instantaneous somersault in a short distance of a few meters
in the air is a trick of top difficulty.
    She perfected the trick in five months.
    She did gymnastic dance better than others from her childhood and
graduated from Pyongyang circus school with high marks. She began her career
in aerial acrobatics when she was 18.
    After painstaking efforts of years, she successfully performed double
flip-flap with a simultaneous treble pirouette in the air at the 9th massy
international circus festival, drawing the attention of the world acrobatic.


New treatment method and medicine developed
    Pyongyang, December 26 (KCNA) -- A new method of treatment and medicine
have been developed in the DPRK. Medical workers of the Kim Man Yu Hospital
have succeeded in developing the method of easily treating the heart
arterial stricture and the stricture of urethra caused by hyperthrophy of
prostate gland. 
    The functions of vein and urethra are put to normal after very thin
alloy lines are pushed into the constricted vein and urethra under a
computer program. 
    The academy of medical science also succeeded in developing a variety of
medicine very good for curing the cancer of mammary gland and hepatic
    This medicine is very efficacious for curing, not only the untransferred
cancer of mammary gland, but hepatic cancer less than 7cm in diameter.
    The medicine is characterized by the fact that it kills only
cancer-affected cells.
    A research group under the ministry of public health has developed
hepatitis-b vaccine, whose antigen dilution is 3-5 times that of other
hepatitis-b vaccine, though its production needs only half of blood as
compared with the consumption in the past.
    The use of the new method of medical treatment and medicine proved
successful in clinical treatment.


Greetings to prime minister of Denmark
    Pyongyang, December 26 (KCNA) -- Hong Song Nam, premier of the DPRK
cabinet, sent a message of greetings to Anders Fogh Rasmusen upon his
appointment as prime minister of Denmark. Hoping that the relations between
the two countries would grow stronger on the principles of respect for
sovereignty, non-interference in others' internal affairs, equality and
mutual benefit, he wished the prime minister success in his responsible
    Meanwhile, foreign minister Paek Nam Sun sent a similar message to his
counterpart per Stig Moeller.


Japan's fuss about "unidentified ship" refuted
    Pyongyang, December 26 (KCNA) -- Patrol boats of Japan indiscriminately
machine-gunned an unidentified ship in the East China sea on Saturday,
sinking it. This was an incident unprecedented in history. This crime
committed in other country's territorial waters is nothing but brutal piracy
and unpardonable terrorism of modern brand that could be committed only by
Samurais of Japan in defiance of international laws.
    Nevertheless, the Japanese reactionaries are spreading a sheer rumour
that the unidentified ship might be a "spy ship from North Korea,"
describing their piracy as a "measure for self-defence."
    This proves that their loudmouthed case of the "unidentified ship" is
another trite charade and a grave provocation, products of the anti-DPRK
hostile policy of the Japanese reactionaries, who never open their mouths
without pulling up the DPRK.
    The anti-DPRK smear campaign launched by the Japanese authorities
linking the DPRK with the case of the "unidentified ship" for no reason is
little short of an act of adding to the crimes already committed against it.
    The Japanese authorities, not content with the recent terrorist act
perpetrated against the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan, an
overseas compatriots organization of the dignified DPRK, are frantically
escalating this hostile policy towards the DPRK under the above-said absurd
pretext. We will never remain a passive onlooker to such moves of the
Japanese authorities.


Establishment of interim government in Afghanistan welcomed
    Pyongyang, December 26 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the DPRK Foreign
Ministry today answered a question put by KCNA as regards the establishment
of the interim government in Afghanistan. He said:
    An interim government made up of representatives of various tribes was
set up on Dec. 22. 
    We welcome the formation of the government in Afghanistan on the basis
of a broad-based national agreement.
    Considering this as the first step for the stability and development of
Afghanistan, we hope that the interim government will promote national
harmony, achieve the prosperity of the country and contribute to the
regional peace. 

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