TODAY'S NEWS (January.06.2002 Juche 91)



Kim Jong Il sees art performance given by KPA merited chorus

Kim Jong Il visits Kim Jong Thae Electric Locomotive Plant

Pakistani ambassador hosts friendly gathering

Korean people's struggle supported

Abolition of "Security Law" demanded

Seoul citizens' meeting reviews implementation of June 15 joint declaration

Japan's bad habit assailed

Great national unity called for

For Spanish-speaking people


dignidad y autoridad de corea juche

nuevos libros de ciencia y tecnica


Kim Jong Il sees art performance given by KPA merited chorus
     Pyongyang, January 6 (KCNA) - General Secretary Kim Jong Il yesterday
saw an art performance given by the merited chorus of the KPA at the
Mansudae Art Theatre on the occasion of the New Year. Among the audience
were Kim Yong Nam, Jo Myong Rok, Hong Song Nam and other senior party and
state officials.
    Put on the stage were chorus numbers including "Cantata to Comrade Kim
Jong Il." 
    The performance vibrant with militant spirit truthfully represented the
unshakable faith and will of the army and the people to accomplish the
revolutionary cause of Juche under the leadership of Kim Jong Il, holding
higher the red flag of the revolution.
    Kim Jong Il waved to the enthusiastically cheering performers and
audience and congratulated the chorus on its successful presentation.


Kim Jong Il visits Kim Jong Thae Electric Locomotive Plant
     Pyongyang, January 6 (KCNA) - General Secretary Kim Jong Il, yesterday
visited the Kim Jong Thae Electric Locomotive Plant to encourage the workers
in their start of the production drive in the New Year. He was accompanied
by premier of the DPRK cabinet Hong Song Nam, secretaries of the central
committee of the WPK Jon Pyong Ho, hHn Song Ryong, Jong Ha Chol and Kim Ki
Nam and chairman of the state planning commission Pak Nam Gi.
    After exchanging New Year's greetings with the officials present to
receive him, he looked round the monument to the plant and the monument to
the on-the-spot instructions given by President Kim Il Sung standing at the
entrance of the plant.
    Saying that, once a small ironworks, the Kim Jong Thae Electric
Locomotive Plant has turned into the nation's leading machine-building
centre under the wise leadership and loving care of the president, he added
that the immortal revolutionary exploits of the president will shine forever
with the history of the plant.
    Looking round various production processes, he acquainted himself with
the production performance there and encouraged the workers in their first
high-pitched drive for increased production in the new year to glorify it as
a year of a new leaping advance in building a powerful nation.
    He was very pleased to learn that the workers and technicians of the
plant are building modern electric locomotives with large traction power and
passenger coaches with convenient and serviceable amenities by extensively
waging a mass technical innovation movement true to the party's policy to
modernize the railways of the country. And he praised their devoted
    Underscoring the need to vigorously push forward the technical
modernization to equip all the processes of the plant with uptodate
facilities with a view to boosting the production of modern transport means
for meeting the requirements of the new century and conduct a drive in a
planned way to create new things from a new technical viewpoint on
technology and in a new way of thinking, he set forth tasks and ways to do
    Noting that the plant has an important duty and role to perform in order
to solve the problem of the railway transport, the pilot of the national
economy, he put forward important tasks to be fulfilled by the plant.


Pakistani ambassador hosts friendly gathering
     Pyongyang, January 6 (KCNA) -- Sultan Habib, Pakistani ambassador to
the DPRK, arranged a friendly gathering at his embassy on January 4 on the
occasion of the New Year Juche 91 (2002). Present on invitation were Kim
Yong Il, vice-minister of foreign affairs, and other officials concerned.
    Speeches were made at the gathering.
    Then the participants talked to each other about boosting the friendly
relations between the two countries.


Korean people's struggle supported
     Pyongyang, January 6 (KCNA) -- Mouhammad Bouchiha, General Secretary of
the People's Unity Party of Tunisia, met the DPRK ambassador to Tunisia some
days ago. He said he is well aware that leader Kim Jong Il has led the
Korean people's struggle to build a powerful nation to victory with his
army-based revolutionary policy, frustrating the imperialists' moves to
isolate and stifle the DPRK. He noted that Kim Jong Il's army-centered
policy is, indeed, an effective way of attaining victory despite all sorts
of difficulties. 
    He expressed conviction that the Korean people would achieve successes
in their efforts to build a powerful nation and accomplish the cause of the
country's reunification under the leadership of the Workers' Party of Korea
with Kim Jong Il as its general secretary.


Abolition of "Security Law" demanded
     Pyongyang, January 6 (KCNA) -- The Kwangju and South Jolla Provincial
Federation of University Student Councils in South Korea on January 3
strongly condemned the South Korean investigation authorities for forcibly
taking away Kim To Hyong, acting chairman of the tenth-term federation and
vice-chairman of the general student council of Chonnam National University,
on charge of violating the "Security Law," according to a news report. The
federation declared that it would hold a rally to protest this action and
demanded the abolition of the "Security Law" and the disorganization of the
"public security investigation force."


Seoul citizens' meeting reviews implementation of June 15 joint declaration
     Pyongyang, January 6 (KCNA) -- The 2001 general meeting of Seoul
citizens was reportedly held in Seoul on Dec. 31 last year to review the
implementation of the June 15 South-North Joint Declaration. It was
sponsored by the solidarity for the implementation of the south-north joint
declaration, the council to inherit the spirit of pro-reunification
patriotic martyr Kim Ryang Mu and the Seoul District Federation of
University Student Councils. The meeting reviewed one year's activities
conducted to smash the U.S. hardline policy towards the north and implement
the joint declaration and vowed to wage a struggle in the New Year.
    It also served as a forum to try the anti-reunification forces for
working hard to frustrate the implementation of the joint declaration,
depending on foreign forces, not seeking cooperation between compatriots.
    A resolution adopted at the meeting charged that the implementation of
the declaration is faced with a serious obstacle entirely because of the
U.S., calling for an all-out struggle to foil the U.S. hostile policy
towards the north. 
    It strongly demanded the "government" authorities stop all the military
actions, among other things, and sincerely approach the south-north


Japan's bad habit assailed
     Pyongyang, January 6 (KCNA) -- Japan, talking about "possible
terrorism" during the forthcoming world football championships, is working
hard to deliberately connect it with the DPRK. Commenting on this, Rodong
Sinmun today says: The Japanese police office in a report on "the review of
public security and its prospect" issued at the end of last year underscored
the "need" to closely watch the moves of the DPRK, letting loose a string of
speculations and nonsense that there might be terrorism from outside during
the 2002 world football championships.
    This is a symptom peculiar to the Japanese reactionaries seized with
hostility towards the dprk.
    They seek to attain a certain aim by taking advantage of the situation
where the DPRK still remains on the u.s. list of "sponsors of terrorism"
with the world football championships at hand.
    They intend to use the championships as a good chance to launch a fresh
anti-DPRK campaign throughout Japan. By doing so, they seek to round off the
militarist fascist system now in the making in Japan and, at the same time,
make all the Japanese regard the DPRK as the "arch enemy" and provide legal
and institutional mechanisms to mobilize all the resources, manpower and
material, needed for Japan's participation in the second Korean war to be
ignited by the united states.
    The groundless anti-DPRK smear campaign launched by Japan with the
championships as a momentum only touches off bitterer anger and hatred of
the Korean army and people against it.


Great national unity called for
     Pyongyang, January 6 (KCNA) -- In order to bring about a decisive phase
in the struggle for national reunification this year, the Korean nation
should get united above all. Unity alone can advance the movement for
reunification and is a decisive factor of its victory. Rodong Sinmun today
says this in a by-lined article.
    It goes on: 
    The movement for national reunification which has been dynamically waged
since the publication of the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration clearly
proves that when the Korean people get united and build up thousand-fold
strength they can eventually attain reunification.
    The prevailing situation more urgently requires the unity of the Korean
people than ever before.
    The United States is persisting in its offensive to isolate and stifle
the DPRK, groundlessly accusing it of "terrorism," "human rights issue" and
"nuclear suspicion". It is aimed to tarnish the international image of the
DPRK and egg the anti-reunification elements in South Korea on to prevent
compatriots from getting united with each other.
    There still go on in South Korea such abnormal developments as cracking
down upon pro-reunification patriots on the charge of the violation of the
"Security Law" and getting on the nerves of the fellow countrymen in the
north by advocating the "arch enemy" theory. All this is intended to serve
outsiders' purpose of creating seeds of discord among fellow countrymen in a
bid to bar the Koreans from going united.
    Once the nation is firmly determined to get united, it can shatter any
moves of the anti-reunification elements and achieve great national unity.


For Spanish-speaking people

dignidad y autoridad de corea juche
     pyongyang, 5 de enero (atcc) -- el diario "rodong sinmun" en un
articulo de hoy senala que el ano pasado la dignidad y autoridad de corea
juche se han manifestado plenamente en todo el mundo y continua: en el mundo
no hay tal pueblo como el pueblo coreano que lleno del gran orgullo,
dignidad y felicidad recuerda con gran emocion el ano pasado.
    el pueblo coreano pudo conservar en lo profundo de corazon el orgullo y
la dignidad nacionales porque se elevan la autoridad y el prestigio de corea
juche gracias a la sabia direccion del dirigente kim jong il.
    la situacion del ano pasado era de veras muy complicada.
    ee.uu. persiguio abiertamente la politica de fuerza y recurrio a todos
los medios y metodos para realizar su heguemonia mundial.
    la administracion bush de ee.uu. que tomo el poder en el nuevo siglo
volco la politica de su precedente poder sobre corea y emprendio la politica
dura sobre ella. pretendio eliminarla en lo militar para demostrar al mundo
la "eficacia" de su politica dura y de esta manera, doblegar facilmente a
otros paises revolucionarios y progresistas.
    el dirigente kim jong il, con la excepcional presciencia y la
clarividencia cientifica tomo la medida revolucionaria de responder con la
sobredureza a la dureza de los enemigos para enfrentarse al cambio de la
situacion y al fortalecimiento de la politica de hostilidad de ee.uu. a
corea y llamo con dinamismo a nuestro ejercito y pueblo a la lucha por la
defensa de la patria y la construccion socialista.
    por eso se hicieron anicos los complots absurdos de las fuerzas
belicosas de los imperialistas tendentes a doblegarnos con las fuerzas por
la gran politica de priorizacion militar.
    por esta gran politica se han creado las circunstancias exteriores
favorables a la revolucion coreana y se ha fortalecido la solidaridad
internacional con la justa causa del pueblo coreano.
    las visitas del dirigente kim jong il a china y rusia fueron un evento
historico de trascendental significado para dar gran influencia al cambio
estructural de la politica del mundo y consolidar y desarrollar mas las
relaciones de amistad corea-china y corea-rusia conforme a la demanda del
nuevo siglo. esto sirvio de un motivo importante para llevar adelante la
causa de la humanidad por la paz y la independencia.
    tambien la visita a la rpdc de la delegacion de nivel supremo de la
union europea efectuada el ano pasado y el establecimiento de las relaciones
diplomaticas entre la rpdc y la ue son la demostracion del nuevo desarrollo
de las relaciones corea-ue y del desarrollo de las relaciones exteriores de
la rpdc en el ambito mundial y son un gran fruto de la politica exterior
independiente del partido del trabajo de corea y el gobierno de la rpdc.
    el ano pasado se elevaron tambien las voces de apoyo y solidaridad con
el pueblo coreano en la escena internacional.
    de veras 2001 fue un ano en que esparcieron sus brillos la dignidad y el
honor de corea juche y se elevaron aun mas su prestigio y autoridad en todo
el mundo. 


nuevos libros de ciencia y tecnica
     pyongyang, 5 de enero (atcc) -- en la rpdc se dan a luz numerosos
libros de ciencia y tecnica. la editorial ciencia y enciclopedia dio a luz
mas de 10 libros tales como "lengua de composicion del programa" (parte
basica), "realidad y creacion de descripcion artisitica de fotos", "cirugia
de rehabilitacion ortopedica", "cirugia de organos digestivos", "clinica
cirujana de hemorragia cerebral hipertensiva".
    "cirugia de rehabilitacion ortopedica" se refiere a los problemas
teorico-practicos que se presentan para llevar el trastorno y la deformacion
de caracter congenito y adquirido a la normalidad y su similitud.
    "clinica cirujana de hemorragia cerebral hipertensiva" contiene las
experiencias clinicas y exitos de investigacion de varios anos en este
particular, y los documentos publicados en el pais y el extranjero.
    la editorial industria dio a luz "explicacion de terminos de
computadora", "fluctuacion y control de los recursos maritimos", "preguntas
y respuestas en torno a los problemas tecnicos sobre el cultivo maritimo" y
    tambien las editoriales agricultura, ferrovia y deportes dieron a luz
libros de ciencia y tecnica tales como "zona de reservacion de biosfera del
monte paektu", "cria y cuidado de gallina ponedora", etc.

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