TODAY'S NEWS (January.07.2002 Juche 91)



Kim Jong Il visits KPA unit

Kim Jong Il visits Russian embassy here

S. Korean authorities' plan to introduce missiles under fire

General onward march for national reunification called for

Natural resources on increase

Russian newspaper on DPRK

Technological modernization brisk

Praiseworthy international Taekwon-do instructor

Mass rallies held to carry out New Year's tasks

Popular books in DPRK

Greetings to ANC

For Spanish-speaking people


kim jong il recorre fabrica de locomotoras electricas kim jong thae

kim jong il presencia funcion de coro benemerito de epc

kim jong il inspecciona unidad no. 942 "guardia kum song" del epc

"rodong sinmun" exhorta a participar en gran marcha por reunificacion de


Kim Jong Il visits KPA unit
     Pyongyang, January 7 (KCNA) -General Secretary Kim Jong Il yesterday
inspected KPA unit no. 942 entitled Kum Song lifeguard. He warmly
congratulated the officers and men of the KPA on the New Year, acknowledging
their enthusiastic cheers.
    After receiving a report on the unit's performance of its duty from the
unit's commander, he acquainted himself with the ideological education among
soldiers at their hall.
    He underscored the need to more energetically conduct the ideological
education among all soldiers so as to prepare them as fighters strong in
idea and faith. He saw the training of the unit's soldiers.
    After watching it he set forth important tasks which would serve as a
guideline in further strengthening the people's army as invincible
revolutionary armed forces.
    He took warm care of their living with his paternal affection, looking
round entertainment and logistic facilities including education room,
bedroom and outdoor rest place.
    He enjoyed an art performance given by soldiers of a company under the
unit. Saying that all the soldiers of the company have not only been trained
into brave combatants but have set an example in creating new culture, he
highly appreciated such noble spiritual world as dedicating their precious
youth to the security of the country and the people.
    He gave the soldiers a pair of binoculars and an automatic rifle as
gifts and had a picture taken with them.


Kim Jong Il visits Russian embassy here
     Pyongyang, January 7 (KCNA) - General Secretary Kim Jong Il yesterday
visited the Russian embassy here at the invitation of the Russian ambassador
to the DPRK on the occasion of the New Year 2002. He was accompanied by Kim
Yong Chun, chief of the general staff of the Korean People's Army, Kim Il
Chol, minister of the People's Armed Forces, Yon Hyong Muk, member of the
NDC of the DPRK, secretaries of the c. c., the WPK Jong Ha Chol and Kim Ki
Nam, generals of the KPA Ri Myong Su, Hyon Chol Hae and Pak Jae Gyong and Ji
Jae Ryong, vice-director of the international department of the c. c., the
    He was greeted at the embassy by ambassador Andrei Karlov and other
leading officials of the embassy.
    Women staff members of the embassy served Kim Jong Il with a piece of
bread and salt according to their traditional custom of receiving the most
distinguished guest and presented a bouquet to him and all its staff members
warmly welcomed him.
    After expressing thanks for the invitation, he had a picture taken with
    Andrei Karlov hosted a dinner in honour of Kim Jong Il.
    The dinner proceeded in an amicable atmosphere.
    An art performance prepared by children of the embassy with special care
was given at the dinner.
    The performance was acclaimed by the spectators.


S. Korean authorities' plan to introduce missiles under fire
     Pyongyang, January 7 (KCNA) -- The South Korean authorities have
decided to introduce 111 missiles from the United States, according to radio
no. 1 from Seoul. The "Ministry of National Defence" of South Korea signed a
contract with the Lockeed Martin Co. on the purchase of ground-to-ground
missiles worth 400 billion won by 2004.
    The U.S. imperialists and the South Korean authorities' planned
introduction of more sophisticated military equipment is intended to lead
the situation to the brink of war.


General onward march for national reunification called for
     Pyongyang, January 7 (KCNA) -- The historic June 15 North-South Joint
Declaration marked a milestone for the country's reunification as it clearly
indicates the fundamental principle, goal and ways for achieving it, says
Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article. The declaration calls for abiding
by the principle of national independence that the issue of the country's
reunification should be solved independently by the concerted efforts of the
Korean nation free from any foreign interference, the article notes, and
    The Korean nation can never reunify the country if it fails to maintain
independence in solving the issue of the country's reunification, the issue
of establishing the sovereignty of the nation throughout Korea and achieving
the reconciliation and unity of the nation.
    The U.S. imperialists and other foreign aggressor forces do not wish
reconciliation, unity and reunification among Koreans.
    Anti-reunification forces in South Korea depend on foreign forces and
seek cooperation with them, instead of abiding by the principle of national
    Adherence to this principle leads to reunification but disregard of it
means division. 
    Specific methods may change according to the changing situation in the
struggle for the country's reunification, but the principle of national
independence should remain unchanged.
    The declaration indicates a clear goal and ways of successfully solving
the issue of the country's reunification on a fair and smooth basis as early
as possible. 
    In the declaration, the north and the south, recognizing that there is
commonness in the north side's lower-level federal proposal for national
reunification and the south side's commonwealth proposal, decided to work
together in this direction in the future.
    The proposal for founding the Democratic Federal Republic of Koryo set
forth by President Kim Il Sung is an embodiment of the great principle of
achieving the country's reunification by federal formula on the conception
of one nation, one state, two systems and two governments.
    National reunification would have been unthinkable without great
national unity, the article notes, and stresses:
    All Koreans truly desirous of national reunification, be they in the
north or the south or overseas, workers, peasants, students, politicians,
businessmen, men of culture and religionists, should get united.


Natural resources on increase
     Pyongyang, January 7 (KCNA) -- As a signatory to the convention on
biodiversity, the DPRK is making positive efforts to preserve and increase
the country's natural resources. In the wake of the adoption of the law on
environment protection in Juche 75 (1986), many new laws were instituted,
including laws on forestry, water resources and the protection of animals,
providing a legal guarantee for the protection and increase of natural
    The government has designated more than 100 regions as nature reserves,
including 15 for animals, six for seabirds, 14 for plants and 15 for aquatic
resources. A defined period has been set for a nationwide campaign to make
the ecological environment more beautiful and useful.
    At the beginning of the new century, a 10-year afforestation plan was
worked out, and its first-year target has been successfully achieved. In ten
years, more than 1.5 million hectares of forests of economic value will be
created, thus enriching the nation's biodiversity and benefiting the people.
    Despite its relatively small size, the country has 542 species of
plants, including 315 indigenous species, and more than 40 species of
endemic animals. Many globally-protected birds can also be found, including
spoonbill and crane.


Russian newspaper on DPRK
     Pyongyang, January 7 (KCNA) -- The Russian newspaper Javtra in its 52nd
issue carried an article titled "Red Korea." The DPRK is now well on the
contrary to the prediction of the west that the DPRK would be collapsed, and
its secret is the special nostrum of North Korea corresponding to the
present world, the article said, and went on:
    The DPRK is well prepared to revive and develop in a new condition as a
vital state. 
    The DPRK launched Kwangmyongsong 1, the first artificial satellite in
its history, with its strength and technology.
    The launch of the artificial satellite is no more than a part of its
comprehensive plan for a breakthrough in the 21st century.
    Now it can be convincingly said that the DPRK, which has laid firm
industrial foundations after the war, will have all characteristic features
of industrial development in the near future.
    Referring to the educational policy of the DPRK, the article said:
    Crafty Americans agreed in 1994 to build two light water reactors of
farthest technology from military use in the DPRK.
    At that time the U.S. thought that the communist system of the DPRK
would surely be collapsed.
    However, the state system of the DPRK did not shake thanks to Korean
leader Kim Jong Il, an excellent statesman and coordinator, but rather
strengthened still further under his leadership.
    The Juche idea served as a banner in liberating the country, defeating
the U.S. aggression and building a socialist state.
    Korea's reunification is the cherished desire of all the Korean people.
The Korean nation is living with desire for reunification as well as a hope
that reunification will be achieved without fail.
    A reunified Korea will be a powerful country with 70 million population,
a strong army, industry that is able to conquer space and is equipped with
latest computer technology, and great commercial and military strategic
potentials and will have enormous natural resources.


Technological modernization brisk
     Pyongyang, January 7 (KCNA) -- Technological modernization is making
brisk headway to boost the production of iron and steel in the DPRK.
According to information available from the field of metal industry, more
than 1,200 technical proposals were introduced into the field last year.
    As a result, there is a bright prospect of markedly increasing the
production of iron and steel with the existing economic foundation.
    A number of new technical proposals were introduced to the
reconditioning of a 150 square meter sintering furnace and large cauldron
heating at the Kim Chaek Iron and Steel Complex.
    The 20-ton capacity oxygen converter of the complex was updated to
improve the quality of steel while cutting down the production time nearly
10 times. 
    The Hwanghae iron and steel complex developed a new energy technology by
use of pyrolysis. This helps boost steel production.
    A two streamline steel rolling method was introduced to the existing
rolling equipment to increase its productivity 1.4-2 times and the actual
rolling rate three percent while saving hundreds of tons of heavy oil in a
    The Chollima Steel Complex succeeded in developing steel for bearing (80
mnsi). It also introduced the technique of coating wire rope with phosphate,
thus extending its life 1.2-1.5 times.


Praiseworthy international Taekwon-do instructor
     Pyongyang, January 7 (KCNA) -- Hong Won Hui, an international
Taekwon-do instructor and 7th grade player, is merited sportsman of the
DPRK. He was born in April Juche 44 (1955). He is 173 cm tall and weighs 77
    He began to learn Taekwon-do when he was 12. He distinguished himself in
various matches. 
    He became an international Taekwon-do instructor in Juche 70 (1981).
    He trained many practitioners in Austria and Poland in Juche 73 (1984)
and in Peru in Juche 79 (1990).
    As a coach he contributed to the DPRK team's victory at the 5th, 6th and
8th world Taekwon-do championships.


Mass rallies held to carry out New Year's tasks
    Pyongyang, January 7 (KCNA) -- Mass rallies were held in South Phyongan
Province, South Hamgyong Province and Kaesong yesterday to carry through the
tasks laid down in the New Year's joint editorial to glorify this
significant year with proud achievements in building a powerful nation.
Reports and speeches were made at the rallies.
    Reporters and speakers called upon all officials and working people to
take the revolutionary exploits of President Kim Il Sung as an eternal
foundation for building a powerful nation in the 21st century and steadily
carry through his last instructions.
    Saying that an ideological source of victory in this year's
revolutionary advance lies in worship for the leader and the transparent
spirit of devotedly defending him, they noted that the society should be
replete with the people's idea that the president is always with us and all
the party members and other working people should be ardent fighters of the
DIU (Down-With-Imperialism Union) in the 2000s who hold leader Kim Jong Il
in high esteem at the risk of their lives and with good actual results.
    They laid stress on stepping up modernization of production processes
and maintaining production at a steady rate in electric and coal industries
and all other sectors of the national economy and increasing the production
of grain, vegetables, livestock and fruit in agriculture.
    Meanwhile, a rally of servicemen under the ministry of people's security
was held on Jan. 5.
    The reporter and speakers said that devotedly defending Kim Jong Il is
the core in giving full play to the spirit of devotedly defending the leader
and the highest life goal of people's security officials.
    They called for upholding our ideology-first viewpoint against the
vicious moves of the imperialists and reactionaries to destroy our
ideological position and rejecting all alien ideological elements contrary
to the Juche idea. 


Popular books in DPRK
    Pyongyang, January 7 (KCNA) -- Books recently brought out by the Public
Health Publishing House of Korea are popular among readers. Typical of them
are "efficacious stimulation therapies" and "diseases and 'efficacious
    "Efficacious stimulation therapies" deals in detail with efficacious
stimulation therapies of a total of 65 symptoms ranging from dizziness,
backache and other symptoms often felt in the daily life to acute diseases
such as hypertension, diabetes and stomach cramps. These diseases can be
treated without using any medicines and medical appliances. The book
introduces together with pictures conception of regions for acupuncture,
finding out of regions for acupuncture, efficacious stimulation therapies
for various symptoms and stimulation methods.
    "Diseases and 'efficacious remedies'" deals with diseases and various
"efficacious remedies" for them under the titles "optimistic life is an
'effective remedy' for any disease," .
    "Movement is an 'efficacious remedy' for any disease," "rational diet is
an 'efficacious remedy' for any disease," "water is a good medicine without
sideeffect," etc. 
    It also carries scores of materials on common sense good for health and
longevity. they include laughing as a good medicine, mysterious music, one's
character and diseases and onions good for the treatment of diabetes.


Greetings to ANC
    Pyongyang, January 7 (KCNA) -- The central committee of the Workers'
Party of Korea sent a message of greetings to the national executive
committee of the African National Congress of South Africa today on the
occasion of its 90th anniversary. The message noted that since its
foundation the ANC has gained a historic victory through the long and
arduous struggle against racism for 90 years and achieved great success in
its work for peace, stability and unity of the country.
    Expressing belief that the good friendly and cooperative relations
between the WPK and the ANC would grow stronger in the future, too, it
wished the ANC greater success in its efforts for the country's independent
development, stability and prosperity.


For Spanish-speaking people

kim jong il recorre fabrica de locomotoras electricas kim jong thae
     pyongyang, 7 de enero (atcc) -- el dirigente kim jong il, secretario
general del partido del trabajo de corea y presidente del comite de defensa
nacional de la republica popular democratica de corea recorrio el dia 5 la
fabrica de locomotoras electricas kim jong thae estimulando a los obreros
enfrascados en la produccion del ano nuevo. el dirigente kim jong il luego
de intercambrar cordial saludo de ano nuevo con los funcionarios que le
acogian recorrio el monumento y el letrero de ensenanzas dadas sobre el
terreno por el presidente kim il sung construidos a la entrada de la
    el secretario general senalo que bajo la sabia direccion y la profunda
atencion del presidente kim il sung la fabrica de locomotoras electricas kim
jong thae que otrora no pasaba de ser una pequena ferreria se ha convertido
hoy en una gran base de fabricacion de maquinas de gran tamano del pais y
anadio que las inmortales hazanas revolucionarias del presidente se
transmitiran eternamente junto con la historia de la fabrica. al recorrer
varios procesos de produccion se entero de los detalles de produccion y
estimulo a los obreros quienes se esfuerzan activamente por el aumento de la
produccion desde los primeros dias del ano nuevo para hacer del presente un
ano del nuevo salto para la construccion de potencia prospera.
    el dirigente dijo que la clase obrera de la fabrica contribuyo
activamente a resolver el problema del transporte ferroviario del pais y
evaluo altamente sus proezas.
    se mostro muy satisfecho de que los obreros y tecnicos de la fabrica al
desplegar ampliamente el movimiento masivo de innovacion tecnica en acato a
la orientacion del partido de modernizar el ferrocarril del pais producen
locomotoras electricas y vagones de pasajeros eficientes, modernos de gran
fuerza de traccion y elogio sus esfuerzos.
    el dirigente kim jong il senalo que para producir mayor cantidad de
medios de transporte modernos y convenientes al nuevo siglo hay que impulsar
con vigor la labor de reconstruccion tecnica para dotar todos los procesos
de la fabrica con los equipos ultramodernos y desarrollar de modo
planificado la labor de crear lo nuevo con el nuevo punto de vista tecnico y
con la nueva manera de pensar e indico las tareas y medios para este
    y dijo que son muy importantes el deber y el papel de la fabrica de
locomotoras electricas kim jong thae para resolver el problema del
transporte ferroviario, vanguardia de la economia nacional e indico las
tareas programaticas que incumben a la planta.
    le acompanaron el primer ministro hong song nam, los secretarios del cc
del ptc jon pyong ho, han song ryong, jong ha chol y kim ki nam y el
presidente del comite estatal de planificacion pak nam gi.


kim jong il presencia funcion de coro benemerito de epc
     pyongyang, 7 de enero (atcc) -- kim jong il, secretario general del
partido del trabajo de corea, presidente del comite de defensa nacional de
la republica popular democratica de corea y comandante supremo del ejercito
popular de corea, junto con los cuadros dirigentes del partido y el estado,
presencio el dia 5 en el teatro de arte mansudae una funcion de ano nuevo
del coro benemerito del epc. le acompanaron kim yong nam, jo myong rok, hong
song nam y otros cuadros dirigentes del parido y el estado.
    el coro benemerito puso en escena "himno al camarada kim jong il" y
otras piezas. 
    a traves de la funcion los actores demostraron bien la firme conviccion
y la voluntad del ejercito y el pueblo de llevar a feliz termino la causa
revolucionaria del juche bajo la direccion del dirigente kim jong il
enarbolando la bandera roja de la revolucion.


kim jong il inspecciona unidad no. 942 "guardia kum song" del epc
     pyongyang, 7 de enero (atcc) -- el comandante supremo kim jong il,
secretario general del partido del trabajo de corea y presidente del comite
de defensa nacional de la republica popular democratica de corea,
inspecciono el dia 6 la unidad no. 942 "guardia kum song" del ejercito
popular de corea. le acompanaron kim yong chun, jefe del estado mayor
general del epc, kim il chol, ministro de las fuerzas armadas populares, ri
myong su, hyon chol hae y pak jae gyong, generales de ejercito del epc.
    el comandante supremo kim jong il al responder a las efusivas
aclamaciones de los militares felicito calurosamente a los oficiales y
soldados del epc en el ano nuevo.
    escucho el informe del jefe de la unidad sobre el estado de cumplimiento
del deber de la unidad y entro en la casa de militares para enterarse del
estado de la labor de educacion ideologica sobre los militares.
    subrayo la necesidad de librar mas dinamicamente la labor de educacion
ideologica para formar a todos los soldados como fuertes en la ideologia y
en la conviccion. 
    vio un ejercicio de los militares de la unidad.
    indico las tareas programaticas que serviran de guia en la labor para
fortalecer y desarrollar el epc como invencibles fuerzas armadas
    al recorrer la sala de educacion, el dormitorio, el lugar de descanso
exterior y otras instalaciones de educacion, cultura e intendencia de la
unidad atendio cordialmente con un sentimiento paternal la vida de los
    presencio la funcion de piezas artisticas de los militares de una
compania de la unidad.
    dijo que todos los militares de la compania han crecido como
combatientes excelentes y dan ejemplo en la creacion de nueva cultura y
elogio altamente el noble rasgo espiritual de ellos que dedican su juventud
a la defensa de la seguridad de la patria y el pueblo.
    dejo como recuerdo el binoculos y el fusil automatico para los militares
de la unidad y se fotografio junto a estos.


"rodong sinmun" exhorta a participar en gran marcha por reunificacion de
    pyongyang, 7 de enero (atcc ) -- el diario "rodong sinmun" en un
articulo de hoy senala que la historica declaracion conjunta norte-sur del
15 de junio es un verdadero jalon de la reunificacion de la patria porque
refleja correctamente el principio fundamental y la meta del particular y
los medios para su realizacion y continua: la declaracion conjunta encarna
en si el principio de resolver de manera independiente el problema de
reunificacion del pais con las propias fuerzas unidas de la nacion coreana
sin ninguna injerencia extranjera.
    si los coreanos no mantienen la independencia en la resolucion del
problema de reunificacion de la patria, que es el de establecer la soberania
nacional y lograr la reconciliacion y la unidad nacionales, no podran lograr
la reunificacion para siempre.
    los imperialistas yanquis y otras fuerzas foraneas agresivas no desean
nunca la reconciliacion, la unidad y reunificacion de nuestra nacion.
    hoy en dia los elementos anti-reunificacion de sudcorea, en lugar de
mantener el principio de independencia nacional, toman el camino
anti-reunificacion en contubernio con las fuerzas foraneas.
    mantener el principio de la independencia nacional significa la
reunificacion y el caso contrario es la division.
    en el camino de lucha por la reintegracion nacional se podra cambiar su
metodo concreto segun el cambio de la situacion, pero es invariable el
principio de la independencia nacional.
    la declaracion conjunta en cuestion indica correctamente la meta y el
medio para resolver mas rapido, equitativo y sin complicacion el problema de
la reunificacion del pais.
    en esta declaracion el norte y el sur reconocieron los puntos comunes
entre el proyecto del sistema federal de la etapa inferior de la parte norte
y la propuesta de confederacion de la parte sur para la reunificacion del
pais y acordaron promoverla en lo adelante en este rumbo.
    el proyecto de la fundacion de la republica federal democratica de koryo
presentado por el presidente kim il sung materializa el gran principio de
lograr la reunificacion de la patria por el metodo de establecer el sistema
federal fundamentado en una nacion y un estado, los dos regimenes y dos
    la causa de la reunificacin de la patria no se puede imaginar al margen
de la gran unidad nacional. todos los coreanos quienes desean de veras la
reunificacion de la patria deben unirse no importa que existan en norte, el
sur y el ultramar y que sean obreros, campesinos, jovenes y estudiantes,
politicos, economistas y hombres de cultura y creyentes religiosos.

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