AP (with additional material by Reuters). 9 January 2002. Colombian
Government Says Rebels Abandoned Peace Talks.

BOGOTA -- Colombia's government on Wednesday ended three-year old peace
talks with FARC rebels and said it was giving the leftist guerrillas 48
hours to vacate a demilitarized zone in the country's south.

Colombia put its army on high alert Wednesday and said leftist rebels
had abandoned peace talks, but a rebel spokesman said the government
peace negotiator was lying.

In either case it was clear peace talks were near total collapse.

Pastrana called for an urgent meeting Wednesday evening with his top
generals and Cabinet members. The U.S.-backed military put all its
troops on high alert, army spokesman Maj. Jose Espejo told The
Associated Press.

Fifteen tanks and 10 trucks loaded with soldiers were seen moving
Wednesday night through the streets of Bogota toward a military base in
the south of the capital, closer to rebel territory.

The only airline - Satena - that has regular flights into the biggest
town in a rebel safe haven said it was suspending those flights.

The president's top peace envoy, Camilo Gomez, said in a nationally
broadcast statement that the rebels indicated that within 48 hours they
would surrender the huge safe haven the government granted them as a
site for the talks.

"The government gives the guerrillas 48 hours to leave the main
municipalities (of the demilitarized zone)," Gomez said.

The rebels have said in the past that if the talks failed, the
government could have the safe haven. Even without it, the FARC -
believed to have some 16,000 combatants - maintain a presence in about
70 percent of rural areas in the Andean nation.

After Gomez made his declarations, FARC spokesman Raul Reyes told
reporters Gomez was lying.

"He lied to the country and the international community when he said the
FARC had asked for 48 hours ... for the armed forces to enter the zone
after not coming to an agreement," Reyes said.

He accused Gomez of "throwing gasoline on the fire at a time when the
future of the nation requires humility, prudence and greatness."

Gomez has spent the past several days in the safe haven of jungle and
pastureland in southern Colombia, trying to resuscitate the talks which
the rebels walked out of last October. The rebels had suspended the
talks after the military increased patrols along the borders of the

Reyes told reporters inside the safe haven that the rebels wanted to
give the government until Jan. 20 to pull back the troops.

"There are still several days and maybe a solution is possible," Reyes

Pastrana has renewed rebel control of the Switzerland-sized safe haven
several times since granting it, and it was set to expire again on Jan.

Gomez said he understood after his latest talks with the rebels that
they would abandon the whole peace process.

"After hearing the FARC in different rounds of negotiations in the past
few days the government understands that this insurgent group will not
continue the peace process, and therefore they have asked for 48 hours"
to vacate the towns inside the safe haven, Gomez said.

Gomez said the government would guarantee the safety of the people
within the safe haven.

But a municipal human rights official in the town of Meseta, inside the
rebel zone, said people there were "scared" by the possibility the haven
might be canceled

"We've been doing well, despite the neglect of the government," Arteaga
said. "All the residents are very scared now."

On Tuesday, sensing a possible collapse of the talks, the FARC blamed
failure on the military and government, and threatened to intensify the

The FARC earlier faxed letters to the military, the Congress, the
Catholic Church, the United Nations and others making the threat, and
calling the military "enemies of the people."

Many observers feared that if talks failed, all-out war would follow in
the 38-year-old conflict that already kills about 3,500 people every

"The decision surprised me ... We will see a stage of higher intensity
warfare," said Daniel Garcia Pena, former government peace advisor.

Military analysts say Colombia's armed forces are understaffed and
underequipped to defeat the FARC on the battlefield, despite more than
$1 billion in mainly U.S. military aid flowing into the country for the
"Plan Colombia."

Analysts predict a bloody stalemate, as the army retakes towns in the
enclave and the rebels escalate bombings and attacks from jungle
strongholds they have occupied for decades.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller

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