Subject: Xinhua: Iraqi Vice President Says U.S. No. 1 Terrorist State in


 Wednesday, January 09, 2002 10:30 PM

      Iraqi Vice President Says U.S. No. 1 Terrorist State in World

      Xinhuanet 2002-01-10 03:08:31

         BAGHDAD, January 9 (Xinhua) -- Iraqi Vice President Taha Yassin
      Ramadan on Wednesday accused the United States of being the
      world's "No. 1 terrorist country" which has committed terrorism
      against Iraq for more than a decade, the state-run Iraq TV
         "The U.S., through its continuous aggressions against Iraq,
      reveals its ugly face and becomes the Number One terrorist country
      in the world," Ramadan told a visiting Spanish delegation which
      came to show solidarity with the embargo-hit nation.
         Ramadan stressed that the U.S. has continued "terrorism" from
      1990 till now through "the cruel embargo and the flagrant military
      aggressions," the report said.
         Since the 1991 Gulf War, triggered by Iraq's 1990 invasion of
      Kuwait, the U.S. has been pursuing a policy of containment which
      combines economic embargo and repeated military strikes against
         The U.S. has designated Iraq, under sweeping international
      embargo since 1990, as one of "the state sponsors of terrorism."
         "Ramadan renewed Iraq's call for lifting the embargo and
      stopping the U.S. interference in its internal affairs as well as
      military aggressions against its sovereignty and territorial
      integrity," the report said.
         The U.S. administration headed by President George W. Bush has
      maintained a tough policy toward the Iraqi regime since it took
      office one year ago. Bush has hinted that Iraq might become a U.S.
      target after Afghanistan by demanding the Iraqi regime to allow
      arms inspectors back into the country or face the consequences.
         Iraq has barred arms inspectors since the U.S.-British military
      blitz in December 1998.  Enditem

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