From: Rick Rozoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: China, Russia Threatened By US Military Build-Up In Asia

"Washington now has 13 bases in nine countries ringing
Afghanistan and in the Gulf."
"This [Kyrgyz] base is 250 miles from the western
Chinese border. With US bases to the east in Japan, to
the south in South Korea, and Washington's military
support for Taiwan, China may feel encircled."

Russia edgy at spread of US bases in its backyard
Ian Traynor in Moscow
Thursday January 10, 2002
The Guardian

The US military build-up in the former Soviet
republics of central Asia is raising fears in Moscow
that Washington is exploiting the Afghan war to
establish a permanent, armed foothold in the region.

The swift construction of US military bases is also
likely to ring alarm bells in Beijing, although the
central Asian states appear to be embracing the
Americans to dilute Russian influence in what Moscow
views as its strategic backyard.

In the latest sign of the US build-up, Galaxy
transport aircraft landed at the Manas airfield
outside Bishkek, capital of Kyrgyzstan, yesterday to
prepare for the arrival of at least 3,000 American

The Americans have already stationed about 1,500
troops in Uzbekistan, struck agreements to use
airfields in Tajikistan, set up bases in Afghanistan,
and have secured Pakistani permission for US forces to
pursue al-Qaida suspects on Pakistani territory.

Of the five ex-Soviet states of central Asia,
Turkmenistan alone is resisting pressure to allow the
deployment of US or other western forces on its soil,
although it is allowing overflights of military

In Kazakhstan yesterday, the speaker of the Russian
parliament, Gennady Seleznev, effectively claimed the
power of veto for Moscow on US deployments in central

He pointed out that Russia has a collective security
pact with the central Asian states, except Uzbekistan,
and added: "They [central Asians] must not take any
decisions without joint consultations in the framework
of the treaty. 

"Russia would not approve of the appearance of
permanent US military bases in central Asia."

Russia's armed forces newspaper, Krasnaya Zvezda,
complained yesterday of "the inexorable growth" of the
US military presence in central Asia, even although
the Afghan war was winding down. Washington now has 13
bases in nine countries ringing Afghanistan and in the

An American officer at the Manas base being built in
Kyrgyzstan told the Interfax news agency yesterday
that up to four aircraft were landing daily, that 17
US planes had arrived since December, and that the
base would hold 3,000 troops living in 10-man tents.

This base is 250 miles from the western Chinese
border. With US bases to the east in Japan, to the
south in South Korea, and Washington's military
support for Taiwan, China may feel encircled. At a
meeting in Beijing this week of Chinese, Russian, and
central Asian officials, aimed at dovetailing their
"counter-terrorism" strategies, Russia and China urged
an end to outside interference in Afghanistan.

But the central Asians, par ticularly the Uzbeks,
appear happy to welcome the US as a foil to the big
regional powers. 

The American troops moving to Kyrgyzstan will enjoy
diplomatic status, as they do in Tajikistan, under
deals negotiated with the host countries. The US is
also allowed to control a three-mile security cordon
around Manas base. 

In addition to weakening traditional Russian
domination, the central Asian states - all of them
authoritarian regimes regularly criticised by the US
state department on human rights grounds until
September 11 - are being rewarded by US aid and trade
concessions and security and military cooperation

Scores of French troops were flown to Kabul from
Tajikistan yesterday. In an agreement reached last
week between the French and Tajik defence ministries,
Paris obtained permission to use Tajik airfields for
operations in Afghanistan.

Last September, the Russians pooh-poohed the
possibility of the US deploying to central Asia. Then
President Vladimir Putin gave the green light,
enraging many in his security and military elites.

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