3 January 2002

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine esteems and values the
position taken by the European Union and its current President, the Spanish
government, in rejecting the Israeli request to put the Popular Front on its
list of terrorist organizations.

The Popular Front also calls on the European Union to review the position it
took on the Hamas and Islamic Jihad organizations, which it labeled as
terrorist. The European Union has stood with the Palestinian cause. It took
an active part in passing all the international resolutions that have
condemned the Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands. It has rejected the
"legitimacy" of Israel's settlement building, its expropriation of
Palestinian land, its annexation of eastern Jerusalem. It has condemned the
Israeli occupation's excesses in refusing to implement resolutions of
international legitimacy, and practicing with the cold-blooded repression
and killing of children, to the policy of individual and collective
expulsions and assassinations, the demolition of houses, and bombing of our
people's civil and social institutions.

Because they have taken these positions - which we value - the countries in
the European Union will not be deluded or deterred by the policy of the
terrorist, racist government of Sharon from seeing the real and essential
reason for the continuation of the cycle of violence in the Middle East
region, which is none other than the continuation of the occupation and the
policy of imposing that occupation by force, ignoring international law and
all the documents and laws of international legitimacy.

It is sufficient to understand this fact to see that all the organizations
of the Palestinian people, since they are only exercising their right to
resist the occupation - a right guaranteed them by the international
legitimacy and derived from the United Nations Organization - are indeed
wronged when they are described or listed as terrorist organizations.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine is a Palestinian political
organization that struggles against the Israeli occupation and for the
liberation of its homeland and the freedom and independence of its people.
Its political program is committed to working to implement the resolutions
of international legality and to securing the United Nations as supervisor
over and guarantor in the Palestine-Israeli conflict and the Arab Israeli
conflict. At the same time, the Popular Front is a founding member
organization of the Palestine Liberation Organization, the sole legal
representative of the Palestinian people, recognized by our people and by
the United Nations. The Popular Front always seeks to develop and strengthen
the special role of the European Union in the framework of the international
role in the effort to compel Israel to end its occupation of Palestinian
land and to respect and implement the international resolutions that give
our people their right to return, to self determination, and to the
establishment of their independent state with Jerusalem as its capital, in
order that security, peace and stability may be achieved throughout all the
Middle East region, and so that the cycle of violence may be totally

The Political Bureau
The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
3 January 2002. 

P.O. Box 66
00841 Helsinki
Phone +358-40-7177941
Fax +358-9-7591081
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