Subject: U.S. Sees Long-range Missile Threat From China, North Korea, Iran


Thursday, January 10, 2002 4:28 PM

U.S. Sees Long-range Missile Threat From China, North Korea, Iran

WASHINGTON, Jan 10, 2002 -- (dpa) The Central Intelligence Agency in the
United States said in a report released Wednesday that China will quadruple
or quintuple its number of long-range nuclear missiles by 2015, adding that
by that same year, Washington expects to face missile threats from North
Korea and Iran as well.

The report, which the CIA compiled from information collected by several
intelligence agencies, said China is expected to have 75 to 100
intercontinental ballistic missiles in 13 years, most of which will be
pointed at the United States. Now Beijing has about 20 such missiles.

China is developing three new mobile missile systems to act as a deterrent
to the United States and Russia; two are road-mobile, and the third is
submarine-launched, the CIA said.

In addition, North Korea might be ready to test a multiple-stage missile
capable of reaching the Western United States, said the report, entitled
"Foreign Missile Developments and the Ballistic Missile Threat through

Pyongyang has stopped long-range missile testing until 2003, provided its
talks with Washington continue, but it still continues to develop missiles,
the CIA said.

Iran, which already has a 1,300-kilometer-range medium-range ballistic
missile, is developing a long-range space-launch-vehicle (SLV) system, the
CIA said.

"All agencies agree that Iran could attempt a launch in mid- decade, but
Tehran is likely to take until the last half of the decade to flight test an
ICBM/SLV; one agency further believes that Iran is unlikely to conduct a
successful test until after 2015," the report said.

As for Iraq, the report said it could test long-range missiles before 2015
but only if UN trade restrictions are lifted and if Baghdad received much
help from a foreign source, adding, however, that the possibility was not

But it warned short- and medium-range missiles are already posing a threat
to the U.S. military, U.S. interests and allies overseas.

"Proliferation of ballistic missile-related technologies, materials and
expertise - especially by Russian, Chinese and North Korean entities - has
enabled emerging missile states to accelerate missile development, acquire
new capabilities and potentially develop even more capable and longer range
future systems," the report said.

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