TODAY'S NEWS (January.10.2002 Juche 91)



6th Kimjongilia show to be held

U.S. brigandish logic blasted

Mass rallies go on in DPRK

Building of powerful nation called for

DPRK's renowned film star

Prospecting placed on uptodate technology

Promising women's football

U.S. hit for pulling up DPRK

Rodong Sinmun on way of reunifying Korea

Greetings to Zambian President

Greetings to prime minister of Saint Lucia

For Spanish-speaking people


sexta exhibicion de kimjongilia

futbol femenino prometedor

premier coreano envia mensaje de felicitacion a su homologo de santa lucia


6th Kimjongilia show to be held
     Pyongyang, January 10 (KCNA) -- The 6th Kimjongilia Show will be held
here on the occasion of the auspicious February holiday, birthday of leader
Kim Jong Il. The show will be sponsored by the Korean Kimjongilia Federation
at the Grand People's Study House from February 13, Juche 91 (2002).
    It will be participated in by commissions and ministries of the cabinet,
organs of armed forces, national institutions, provinces (municipalities),
cities, counties, individuals and overseas compatriots who are cultivating
Kimjongilia, and floriculturists and lovers of flowers from different


U.S. brigandish logic blasted
     Pyongyang, January 10 (KCNA) -- The U.S. warmongers are spreading a
rumor that "North Korea may be the next target after the war in
Afghanistan," clamoring about "North Korea's nuclear and missile threat" and
"reduction of its conventional forces". Assailing this, Rodong Sinmun today
in a signed article says: The United States is the arch criminal posing a
real nuclear and missile threat as it does not hesitate to use nuclear
weapons and missiles to exterminate humankind in a bid to realize world
    It is a brigandish logic for the united states to insist on establishing
the Missile Defence System (MD) under the pretext of the DPRK's non-existent
"missile threat". 
    The DPRK is made a main target of the U.S. MD. Therefore, the United
States is planing to deploy missile interceptor radars, the main equipment
of the MD, in South Korea.
    What is more serious is that the U.S. is demanding the DPRK reduce its
"conventional forces" while taking an offensive attitude toward the DPRK
with huge aggressor forces including nuclear weapons deployed in South
    The U.S. hostile policy towards the DPRK and its moves to isolate and
stifle it are escalating the tensions on the Korean peninsula and increasing
the danger of a war.
    It is unilateralism of the united states that it does not bother to
sacrifice others in its interests.
    The Korean army and people will not allow anyone to encroach upon the
dignity of the country and nation in a bid to meet the interests of the
united states and its strategic demand.


Mass rallies go on in DPRK
     Pyongyang, January 10 (KCNA) -- The New Year's joint editorial laid
down the tasks to glorify the dignity and honor of Kim Il Sung's nation
through the full embodiment of the four viewpoints that our leader,
ideology, army and political system are most valuable, and greet the
greatest national holidays with proud successes in building an economically
powerful nation. Mass rallies took place in North Hamgyong, Kangwon,
Ryanggang, Jagang and North Hwanghae Provinces to carry through these tasks.
    Reports and speeches were made there.
    It was stressed at the rallies that the new year's joint editorial is a
militant banner that calls on the whole party and army and all the people to
step up the general onward march to build a powerful socialist nation.
    Reporters and speakers underscored the need to bring about a new great
surge in all sectors of socialist construction this year that greets the
90th birthday of President Kim Il Sung, the significant February holiday and
the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Korean People's Army.
    They said that all the party members and other working people should
bring about a great leaping advance and innovations in all sectors of the
revolution and construction holding high the torch of Ranam, the torch in
the era of the army-based policy lit by leader Kim Jong Il, and make this
year a year of a great turn in the history of our country.
    Meanwhile, a rally of the employees of the ministry of railways was
held. It referred to the tasks to be carried out in glorifying this year
with great achievements in transport.


Building of powerful nation called for
     Pyongyang, January 10 (KCNA) -- Mt. Paektu is the holy mountain of the
revolution where the great revolutionary traditions, which the Korean people
have carried forward century after century, were established. Rodong Sinmun
says this in an editorial today.
    Calling upon them to break through all difficulties in the Mt. Paektu
spirit of offensive whenever they come across hardships, the paper goes on:
The Mt. Paektu spirit of bold offensive is the revolutionary spirit created
by President Kim Il Sung and firmly carried forward by leader Kim Jong Il.
The spirit is the powerful revolutionary spirit in the era of the army-based
policy that everyone should keep in mind.
    The projected powerful nation represents Kim Jong Il's powerful nation
that was designed according to the far-sighted plan and will of Kim Jong Il,
the brilliant commander of Mt. Paektu, and is being built on his mettle and
    To struggle in the Mt. Paektu spirit of offensive is a decisive
guarantee for frustrating the imperialists' moves to stifle the DPRK and
honorably defending the destiny of the country and the nation.
    It is the invariable will of Kim Jong Il to respond to the imperialists'
hard line with a super hard line, force with force and fire with fire.
Thanks to the brave offensive spirit of Kim Jong Il, in recent years the
invincible armed forces which enemy dare not provoke could be consolidated
and a powerful economic potentials of the state provided to guarantee the
army-based policy. 
    To struggle in the Mt. Paektu spirit of offensive is an important
requirement to break through trials and bring an all-round improvement in
all domains. 
    The Mt. Paektu spirit of offensive kept by Kim Jong Il is the invincible
strength to defeat the formidable imperialist enemy and the motive force of
a leaping progress in building a powerful nation.
    Nobody on earth can match those who are prepared for death. Let us see
who will be the final victor. This is the steadfast stand that Kim Jong Il
has consistently maintained in confrontation with the imperialists.
    Based on this confidence in certain victory are his brave trait and Mt.
Paektu spirit of offensive.


DPRK's renowned film star
     Pyongyang, January 10 (KCNA) -- Kim Ryong Rin, 66, is a Korean film
star widely known at home and abroad. Last year he was the first to receive
"Kim Il Sung Prize" among the artistes.
    He played a star role or leading part in over 100 feature films during
his nearly four decade-long career as an actor.
    He made his debut by playing the role of a county party secretary in the
three-part film "The Son of Good Earth". He cut his conspicuous figure in
his thirties by successfully playing leading parts in the film "Five
Guerrilla Brothers," a masterpiece, and the revolutionary film "Flames
Spreading Over The Land."
    He displayed his male attraction by truthfully representing the thought,
character, personality and the way of living of the part he played in the
20-part detective movie "Unknown Heroes", the feature film "People Enshrined
In Our Hearts" and others.
    His talent is characterized by the fact that he quickly grasps his
part's inner world, adapts himself to it, tactfully deals with and
successfully depicts any complicated mental world and the background of his
    In January Juche 58 (1969) he had the honour to recite a poem as the
first number in the artistic skill presentation, the first of its kind, in
the presence of leader Kim Jong Il. In the subsequent period he got
instructions from him on more than 40 occasions, cultivating high depiction
skill, versatile talent, distinguished caliber and refined qualification to
be a famous star. 
    Last year Kim Jong Il, when receiving Kim Ryong Rin, highly praised him
for successfully playing the role of hero in the newly produced "People In
Jagang Province". 
    Usually taciturn, he is dedicating all his passion and energy to
creating famous films and performing splendid acting in the era of the
army-based policy. 


Prospecting placed on uptodate technology
     Pyongyang, January 10 (KCNA) -- A new prospecting method based on
uptodate technology is paying off in the DPRK. The method developed by
researchers of the geological prospecting faculty of Kim Chaek University of
technology proved efficient in prospecting a placer including alluvial gold.
    It helps survey the intensity of magnetic field to measure mineral
content and deposit by travelling different places.
    A prospecting worker carrying a bag containing 5-7 kg equipment with him
can measure underground magnetic field and input the results into a midget
computer before sending them to a main computer for processing.
    This method makes it possible for a group of two or three workers to
prospect 10ha in a day.
    The alluvial gold prospecting method won a silver medal in the 18th
international invention and new technology exhibition held in Geneva in
Juche 79 (1990). 


Promising women's football
     Pyongyang, January 10 (KCNA) -- The DPRK female football team came
first in the 13th Asian Women's Football Championships in December last year
by beating all its opponents. In the championships, the DPRK girls scored a
total of 53 goals, a record high in the history of Asian women's soccer.
    The best player and the top striker of the championships also came from
among them. 
    It was in the 7th Asian Women's Football Championships in Juche 78
(1989) that the DPRK women's football team made its debut in international
    The team proved successful in international games after that and has
made rapid progress since 1999.
    Its prospect is very bright.
    Players of the team are aged 23 on an average and experienced in
international games.
    The team is characterized by high team spirit and individual skill,
strong fighting spirit and patience. It has also its own unique tactical
    It, now a world star, is expected to produce better results in the


U.S. hit for pulling up DPRK
     Pyongyang, January 10 (KCNA) -- The U.S. bellicose elements, not
content with groundlessly charging the DPRK with unreasonable issues of
"human rights" and "religion," do not hesitate to designate the DPRK as the
target of the next "anti-terrorism war" and an "operation to combat a rogue
state." the bush administration continues describing the dprk as a "sponsor
of terrorism" and a "rogue state" in an attempt to undercut the high
authority of the dprk, isolate it internationally and stifle it through a
new state-sponsored terrorism, rodong sinmun today says.
    The news analyst says:
    The domestic and foreign policies of the U.S. imperialists are
characterized by the most outrageous and vicious terrorism.
    The Yankees have applied every possible form of terrorism against the
DPRK. Their start of the Korean War in 1950 was a product of their strategy
of state terrorism and policy of military terrorism.
    What merits attention recently is that they paint the DPRK as a "rogue
state" in a bid to wage an "anti-terrorism war" against it.
    They said that those countries "supporting" terrorists and "rogue states
proliferating" missiles and weapons of mass destruction would be the targets
of their operations. This suggests that the DPRK is made their target.
    If the DPRK should be called a "rogue state" for its manufacture of
missiles for self-defense, how one should term the U.S. that has stockpiled
a lot of missiles of various types and more than 20,000 nuclear warheads?
    Indeed, the U.S. is the worst rogue state in the world.
    No pressure can ever work on the DPRK. If the U.S. challenges the
patience of the DPRK with pressure and power politics, the latter will meet
the challenge with its toughest policy.


Rodong Sinmun on way of reunifying Korea
    Pyongyang, January 10 (KCNA) -- The June 15 North-South Joint
Declaration is an eternal milestone of national reunification and the
independent reunification of the nation depends on the implementation of the
declaration. This was stressed in a joint new year editorial of the
newspapers of the Workers' Party of Korea, the Korean People's Army and the
Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League.
    Rodong Sinmun today says the declaration is that of independence,
peaceful reunification and great national unity--three principles of
national reunification.
    The by-lined article says:
    National reunification is an internal issue that should be settled by
the concerted efforts of the Korean people. The division of Korea is
attributable to outsiders and the outsiders are the main obstacle lying in
the way of national reunification. dependence on the outsiders, therefore,
makes it impossible to reunify the country.
    The country should be reunified in a peaceful way through inter-Korean
dialogue, cooperation, national reconciliation and unity.
    Great national unity is a sure guarantee for national reunification.
When all the Koreans get united to form a single driving force of
reunification, it precisely means national reunification.
    For the great national unity it is necessary for all the Koreans in the
north and south and abroad to make visits, contacts, boost cooperation and
exchange and strengthen solidarity among them.
    The north and south of Korea agreed to achieve reunification by federal
formula on the principle of promoting co-existence, co-prosperity and common
interests, recognizing and respecting the existence of their different ideas
and systems. as a result, a solid foundation has been laid for them to
confidently achieve the reunification of the country with a common blueprint
for it. 
    The attitude towards the declaration shows who wants national
reunification or not and who is a patriot or a traitor.
    All the Koreans at home and abroad should turn out with ardent
patriotism in a grand march for independent reunification of the nation that
began with the publication of the historic declaration, to make a tangible
contribution to the building of a reunified country.


Greetings to Zambian President
    Pyongyang, January 10 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the Presidium
of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK, on Jan. 8 sent a message of
greetings to Levy Patrick Mwanawasa upon his election as President of
Zambia. The message extended warm congratulations to him on his election as
president and expressed belief that the friendly relations between the DPRK
and Zambia would develop on good terms.
    It sincerely wished him success in his responsible work.


Greetings to prime minister of Saint Lucia
    Pyongyang, January 10 (KCNA) -- Hong Song Nam, premier of the cabinet of
the DPRK, sent a message of greetings to Kenny Anthony upon assuming his
office again as prime minister of Saint Lucia. In the belief that the
friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries would continue
to develop on good terms, the message wished him great success in his
responsible work for the prosperity of the country.
    Meanwhile, foreign minister Paek Nam Sun sent a message of greetings to
Julian Robert Hunte upon his reappointment as minister of foreign affairs,
international trade and civil aviation of Saint Lucia.


For Spanish-speaking people

sexta exhibicion de kimjongilia
     pyongyang, 10 de enero (atcc) -- se inaugurara en esta capital la sexta
exhibicion de kimjongilia con motivo de la jubilosa fiesta de febrero
(cumpleanos del dirigente kim jong il). la exhibicion estara montada a
partir del 13 de febrero del ano 91(2002) de la era juche en el palacio de
estudio del pueblo bajo auspicios de la federacion coreana de kimjongilia.
    en ella participaran los cultivadores de esta flor, a saber:
    los comites del consejo de ministros, los ministerios, los organismos de
las fuerzas armadas, los organos centrales y las provincias (ciudades
subordinadas directamente al centro), ciudades y distritos, personalidades
individuales, coreanos en el ultramar, asi como los floricultores y
aficionados a las plantas decorativas de varios paises del mundo.


futbol femenino prometedor
     pyongyang, 10 de enero (atcc) -- en el xiii campeonato asiatico de
futbol femenino realizado en diciembre del ano pasado el equipo de la rpdc
ocupo el primer lugar. en ese campeonato las coreanas anotaron 53 goles que
son el mayor numero de goles en la historia de futbol femenino de asia.
    la futbolista mejor y la anotadora de mayor numero de goles del
campeonato fueron coreanas.
    el equipo coreano de futbol femenino participo por primera vez en el vii
campeonato asiatico de futbol femenino efectuado en el 78 (1989) de la era
    en las competencias internacionales efectuadas posteriormente el equipo
coreano logro buenos exitos y registro un rapido desarrollo despues de 1999.
    la edad media de las futbolistas es de 23 anos.
    el equipo se caracteriza con el espiritu colectivista, la alta tecnica
individual, firme voluntad y gran paciencia.
    tiene su particular sistema tactico.


premier coreano envia mensaje de felicitacion a su homologo de santa lucia
     pyongyang, 10 de enero (atcc) -- hong song nam, premier del consejo de
ministros de la republica popular democratica de corea envio un mensaje de
felicitacion a kenny anthony con motivo de su nueva toma de posesion del
cargo de premier de santa lucia. el remitente expresa al destinatario
conviccion de que las relaciones de amistad y cooperacion entre los dos
paises se desarrollaran continua y favorablemente y le desea que logre
grandes exitos en su responsable labor para la prosperidad del pais.
    por otra parte, paek nam sun, canciller coreano envio un mensaje de
felicitacion a julian robert hunte por su renombramiento al cargo del
ministro de, el comercio internacional y de asuntos de la aviacion
civil de santa lucia.

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