TODAY'S NEWS (January.11.2002 Juche 91)



U.S. strong-arm policy for aggression under fire

Postcards wishing Kim Jong Il good health distributed in S. Korea

KCNA on "missile threat"

Friendship gathering held

Friendly gathering at Russian embassy school

Bush administration's war moves under fire

Famous international Taekwon-do instructor

Famous lake in DPRK

Strong cohesive agent for water purification developed in DPRK

For Spanish-speaking people


?quien es fautor de "amenaza de misil"? - comentario de atcc -

politica despotica agresiva de ee.uu. en fracaso

apoyan editorial conjunto de ano nuevo de corea


U.S. strong-arm policy for aggression under fire
     Pyongyang, January 11 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article
describes the first year of the 21st century as a year of failed U.S.
aggressive foreign policy and a year that precipitated its international
isolation and frustration. Last year the U.S. sparked various clashes and
disputes with different countries including big powers, creating
complications and chaos in international relations and bringing the
international situation to an extreme pitch of tension, the article notes,
and goes on: the U.S. imperialists further escalated the tensions on the
Korean peninsula.
    The Bush administration, advocating a hard line towards the DPRK,
brought pressure to bear upon South Korea to follow it, and massively beefed
up the U.S. forces of aggression and staged war exercises of various forms.
    The U.S. formally declared its withdrawal from the ABM treaty on
December 13 last year and carried out a series of tests for the Missile
Defence System (MD). It did not bother to commit such a high-handed practice
as placing national laws above international laws.
    In late March last year, it formally refused to implement the "Kyoto
    It made accusations against many other countries and interfered in their
internal affairs as part of pressure upon them by applying its own "human
rights standards" and "religious law".
    The Bush administration's hard-line foreign policy failed, throwing the
U.S. into the abyss of international isolation and frustration.
    The upbeat U.S. worked hard to play the role of a world leader but
failed to lead the trend of the international situation as it wished last
year. And its efforts to stem the trend of multi-polarization also proved
    Its withdrawal from the ABM treaty and moves for MD were protested and
denounced by many countries. Despite of the U.S. refusal to implement the
"Kyoto Protocol" a series of advances were made in its fulfilment thanks to
the efforts on the part of EU countries and other countries.
    In may last the U.S. was unseated in the U.N. human rights organization
and the U.N. drug control organization.
    A resolution against the U.S. sanctions toward Cuba was adopted at the
56th UN General Assembly with the approval of 167 countries.
    If the U.S. persistently pursues its policy of hegemony and domination
going against the trend of the era and the aspiration of humankind in the
new century, it will not be able to escape from international isolation and
    This is the main point in the review of the U.S. foreign policy of
aggression last year.


Postcards wishing Kim Jong Il good health distributed in S. Korea
     Pyongyang, January 11 (KCNA) -- Postcards wishing leader Kim Jong Il
safety and good health were mailed to many families in South Korea on the
occasion of the New Year, according to Seoul-based Radio Voice of National
Salvation. Written in the front of the postcards distributed in the name of
the February 16 fellowship society are letters "The New Year, the year of
the horse, begins. Let's all wish in humble reverence the great general Kim
Jong Il, the sun of reunification, safety and good health" against the
background of Jong Il Peak aglow with the sunrise on Mt. Paektu.
    Inscribed in the back of the postcards are letters "Let's achieve
independent reunification, upholding the reunification program of general
Kim Jong Il, a peerless patriot" and the image of people of different strata
marching forward under the uplifted torch of the three charters for national


KCNA on "missile threat"
     Pyongyang, January 11 (KCNA) -- The United States reportedly set up a
special missile unit allegedly to protect its forces in South Korea and the
South Korean army from "missile threat" of the DPRK. This dangerous
development once again fully betrays the trite method employed by the U.S.
for beefing up its forces under the absurd pretext of "threat" from others.
    It is well known that the U.S. is ridiculed and criticized by the
international community for pushing forward its moves to establish the
dangerous "Missile Defence" System (MD) on the plea of "missile threat" from
small countries including the DPRK. The U.S. creation of a special missile
unit in defiance of world opinion shows how incoherently the U.S. is
behaving before the world community after the end of the cold war, styling
itself as the "only one superpower."
    The U.S. is the arch criminal posing a real missile threat in the world
at the moment. 
    No independent sovereign country has ever threatened the U.S. with its
missiles unless the latter made a preemptive strike at the former.
    This notwithstanding, the U.S. is going ahead with the MD under the
pretext of the "missile threat" from other countries though it is the
world's biggest possessor of missiles. Not content with this, Washington set
up even a special missile unit on the Korean peninsula.
    This is one more outright provocation to the DPRK and a criminal move to
disturb the strategic stability on the Korean peninsula and in the
Asia-Pacific region.
    The U.S. design to inveigle South Korea into the special missile unit is
heightening the Korean people's vigilance as it is a wicked criminal
intention to aggravate the inter-Korean relations and block the
reunification of Korea.
    The army and people of the DPRK, considering the recent creation of the
special missile unit as an unpardonable challenge, will channel more efforts
into increasing its capabilities for self-defence.


Friendship gathering held
     Pyongyang, January 11 (KCNA) -- The DPRK Foreign Ministry hosted a
friendship gathering for diplomatic envoys here Thursday evening on the
occasion of the New Year Juche 91 (2002). Present on invitation were
diplomatic envoys of Palestine, Egypt, Cuba, Syria, Libya, Nigeria and
Ethiopia. Vice minister of foreign affairs Kung Sok Ung and other officials
concerned were present there.
    The participants talked to each other about boosting the friendly
relations among the countries.


Friendly gathering at Russian embassy school
     Pyongyang, January 11 (KCNA) -- A friendly gathering between
schoolchildren of the school at the Russian embassy here and Korea-Russia
Friendship Moranbong Senior Middle School No. 1 was held at the embassy
school yesterday on the occasion of the New Year Juche 91 (2002). Invited
there were the vice-chairman of the Korea-Russia Friendship Association,
officials concerned and teachers and pupils of the senior middle school.
    Present there were the Russian ambassador to the DPRK, embassy officials
and teachers and schoolchildren of the embassy school.
    After looking round educational facilities of the school, the
participants enjoyed an art performance given by schoolchildren of the two
    They had colorful sports and entertainment programs to deepen the
ever-growing DPRK-Russia friendship.


Bush administration's war moves under fire
     Pyongyang, January 11 (KCNA) -- The council for national reconciliation
and independent reunification of South Korea reportedly made public a
statement on dec. 30 last year denouncing bush for describing the year 2002
as a "year of a war". The statement dismissed Bush's remarks as an
undisguised challenge to the peace-loving people as they betray the true
intention of the U.S. for the world supremacy.
    It is the unanimous desire of the Korean people and other peoples of the
world to make this year a year of peace free from any war, it noted.
    The statement called for decisively smashing the Bush administration's
war moves in order to bring about a turning point in achieving peace and
reunification of the Korean peninsula this year.


Famous international Taekwon-do instructor
     Pyongyang, January 11 (KCNA) -- Kim Sang Nam, an international
Taekwon-do instructor, is a 6th grade player. He was born on April 10, Juche
49 (1960). He is 170 cm tall and weighs 67kg.
    He had particular penchant for Taekwon-do when he was a small boy.
    He proved successful in various matches.
    He became an international Taekwon-do instructor in Juche 71 (1982).
    He is very quick in his movement and has a special skill in flying kick.
    He trained many practitioners in China from 1993 to 1996 and in 1998 and


Famous lake in DPRK
     Pyongyang, January 11 (KCNA) -- There is Lake Yonphung in the northern
part of South Phyongan Province of the DPRK. This lake made its appearance
after the completion of the Phyongnam irrigation project.
    It covers 14.87 km2 and is 88 km round.
    The lake not only provides irrigation water to the Yoldusamcholli plain
around it but serves as a famous tourist centre.
    The lake and its surroundings present a fantastic scenery as it is
encircled by mountains overgrown with pine, larch, chestnut, oak and pine
nut trees and has crystal-clear water.
    Azaleas and apricot flowers are in full bloom in spring and the area
around the lake turns red with maple trees in autumn.
    It is marvelous to see flocks of wild duck fly when sightseeing boats
pass by. 
    It is very cool in and around the lake even in hot summer days, and the
lakeside reminiscent of a seaside.
    There is a pavilion on a peak north of the lake, where one can enjoy a
bird's-eye view of the lake and its surroundings.
    The lake teems with carp, mullet, crucian carp, etc., drawing anglers.
    The lake is visited not only by many Korean holidaymakers but a lot of
foreign tourists. 


Strong cohesive agent for water purification developed in DPRK
    Pyongyang, January 11 (KCNA) -- A new variety of strong cohesive agent
for water purification was developed in the DPRK recently. This agent
developed by researchers of the metal engineering faculty of Kim Chaek
University of Technology is 5-6 times stronger in cohesive effect than
aluminum sulphate. 
    The main ingredient of the agent is extracted from slag from thermal
power plants. 5-10 grams of the agent are enough to purify one cubic meter
of water. 
    It is little affected by temperature and capable of removing nearly 100
percent of germs in water. it also helps drastically cut down the time of
water purification.
    Sterilization is not required after its purification.
    It is very good not only for purifying water for the production of
cider, syrup, beer and other soft drinks but purifying all kinds of spent
water and sewage. 


For Spanish-speaking people

?quien es fautor de "amenaza de misil"? - comentario de atcc -
     pyongyang, 11 de enero (atcc) -- segun informaciones, ee.uu. creo la
unidad de misil especial para proteger a sus tropas ocupantes de surcorea y
el ejercito surcoreano de la "amenaza de misil" de norcorea. es una
peligrosa evolucion de la situacion que vuelve a revelar el metodo rutinario
de ee.uu. de aumentar sus fuerzas armadas acusando descaradamente a otros.
    al impulsar el establecimiento del peligroso "sistema antimisiles" so
pretexto de la "amenaza de misil" de la republica popular democratica de
corea y otros paises pequenos, ee.uu. es objeto de burla y condenacion de la
sociedad internacional.
    el que ee.uu. haya creado otra vez tal unidad de misil en menosprecio a
la opinion publica del mundo demuestra que este pais autodenominandose
"unica superpotencia" despues del fin de la guerra fria actua tan
incoherentemente ante la sociedad internacional.
    hoy en dia, ee.uu. es el verdadero fautor de la amenaza de misiles.
    mientras ee.uu. no dispare fusil primero contra un estado soberano e
independiente, este pais no dara amenaza de misiles a aquel pais.
    sin embargo, ee.uu. poseedor de un mayor numero de misiles en el mundo
trata de establecer el "sistema antimisiles" so pretexto de la "amenaza de
misiles" de otros paises y, no bastandole con ello, creo la unidad de misil
especial en la peninsula coreana.
    esto es una evidente provocacion hostil a la rpdc y un acto criminal
encaminado a destruir la estabilidad estrategica de la peninsula coreana y
la region asia-pacifico.
    ee.uu. pretende incorporar el sur de corea en su maniobra de crearla.
esto, siendo un siniestro intento criminal de empeorar las relaciones
norte-sur y obstaculizar la reunificacion de corea, suscita la precaucion de
nuestra nacion. 
    nuestro ejercito y pueblo consideran como un imperdonable acto
desafiador la creacion de la unidad de misil especial de ee. uu. y prestaran
mayor atencion al fortalecimiento del poderio autodefensivo.


politica despotica agresiva de ee.uu. en fracaso
     pyongyang, 11 de enero (atcc) -- el diario "rodong sinmun" en el numero
de hoy inserta un comentario senalando que 2001 fue un ano caracterizado por
el fracaso y la frustracion de la politica exterior agresiva de ee.uu., un
ano en que se aceleraron el aislamiento internacional y la ruina de este
pais. el comentario senala en particular:
    al producir el ano pasado los conflictos y disputas de todo genero con
las potencias y otros paises ee.uu.creo la complejidad y caos en la
evolucion de las relaciones internacionales y exacerbo al extremo la
situacion internacional.
    los imperialistas norteamericanos hicieron mas tensa la situacion de la
peninsula coreana. 
    las fuerzas dominantes de bush esgrimiendo la linea de dureza contra
corea ejercieron presiones sobre sudcorea, aumentaron en gran medida sus
fuerzas armadas agresivas y desarrollaron ejercicios belicos de toda clase
en esta parte de corea.
    ee.uu. dio a conocer oficialmente el 13 de diciembre del ano pasado su
retirada del tratato sobre misiles antibalisticos y efectuo mas de una vez
la prueba del sistema antimisiles.
    perpetro sin titubeo tambien el acto arrogante de poner la ley nacional
sobre la internacional. a finales de marzo del ano pasado rehuso
oficialmente la ejecucion del "protocolo de kyoto".
    critico directamente a numerosos paises segun su "norma de derechos
humanos" y su "ley de religion" ejerciendoles presiones e interviniendo en
los asuntos internos de ellos.
    la politica exterior intransigente de la administracion bush trajo
reiterados fracasos y causo un gran aislamiento internacional y la ruina
irremediable de su pais.
    ee.uu. se autotitulaba el dirigente del mundo y actuaba desesperadamente
confiando en sus fuerzas, pero no pudo orientar a su favor la corriente de
la situacion internacional del ano pasado ni tampoco frenar la corriente de
la multipolarizacion del mundo.
    la retirada de ee.uu. del tratado sobre misiles antibalisticos y sus
conjuras para el establecimiento del sistema antimisiles suscitaron la
protesta y condenacion de numerosos paises.
    pese a la negacion de ee.uu. sobre la ejecucion del "protocolo de kyoto"
se registro un avance en su ejecucion por los esfuerzos de los paises de la
union europea y otros varios paises.
    en mayo del ano pasado ee.uu. fue expulsado de la organizacion de
derechos humanos y de la comision de control de los narcoticos de las
naciones unidas. 
    en el 56 periodo de sesiones de la asamblea general de la onu el
proyecto de resolucion contra las sanciones de ee.uu.sobre cuba fue aprobado
por votos en pro de 167 paises.
    al practicar de continuo la politica hegemonica y dominacionista
contraviniendo a la corriente de la epoca y la aspiracion de la humanidad
del nuevo siglo, ee.uu. no podra evitar su aislamiento internacional y su
destino de ruina. 
    esto es un balance principal de la politica exterior agresiva de ee.uu.
del ano 2001. 


apoyan editorial conjunto de ano nuevo de corea
     pyongyang, 11 de enero (atcc) -- el circulo social internacional apoya
activamente el editorial conjunto de ano nuevo de la republica popular
democratica de corea. el vicepresidente del comite nacional ugandes para el
estudio de la idea juche en su declaracion fechada 3 senalo que el principio
de dar prioridad a su lider, idea, ejercito y regimen referido en el
editorial conjunto es un reflejo de la voluntand del pueblo coreano
dispuesto a llevar a buen termino la causa revolucionaria de juche iniciada
por su excelencia kim il sung, gran lider bajo la orientacion de su
excelencia kim jong il, gran dirigente.
    dijo que el pueblo coreano al materializar cabalmente las tareas
presentadas en el editorial conjunto hara del ano nuevo a ser adornado por
las fiestas comunes de la humanidad un ano del nuevo salto.
    el presidente del comite peruano de apoyo a la reunificacion
independiente y pacifica de corea en su declaracion fechada 4 senalo que
para preservar la paz de la peninsula coreana y lograr su reunificacion
independiente nacional es necesario oponerse a las maquinaciones de agresion
y guerra y eliminar el peligro de la guerra, y agrego que los imperialistas
deben abandonar el intento de aislar y aplastar a la rpdc y retirar de
inmediato las tropas agresivas de sudcorea.
    el jefe del grupo de jovenes para el estudio de la idea juche kim jong
il en viena en su declaracion fechada 4 subrayo que apoya activamente la
linea de la construccion de potencia prospera y el proyecto de la
reunificacion de corea presentados por su excelencia kim jong il, secretario
general del partido del trabajo de corea.
    yuri idyumov, redactor en jefe del periodico ruso "glasnosti" en su
entrevista sostenida el dia 8 con el corresponsal de la agencia telegrafica
central de corea en su pais destaco que la idea de dar prioridad a su lider,
idea, ejercito y regimen presentada en el editorial conjunto es la consigna
eterna de la construccion de potencia prospera del siglo 21 que puede
presentar solo corea socialista que se anima con la idea juche.
    el periodico libio "al jamahiriya" en el numero del dia 3 inserto un
articulo senalando que el llamamiento del editorial conjunto de realizar la
cooperacion nacional significa un inicio de la labor importante y practica
del presente ano para lograr la reunificacion del pais.

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