From: mart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: Fw: Russia Slams U.S. Blacklist as Alliance Wobbles


----- Original Message -----
From: Walter Lippmann
Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2002 9:07 AM
Subject:  Russia Slams U.S. Blacklist as Alliance Wobbles

This helps explain why Russia's in
a bit less of a hurry now to close
the Lourdes base...
January 11, 2002
Russia Slams U.S. Blacklist as Alliance Wobbles

Filed at 1:08 p.m. ET

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia on Friday slammed a U.S. decision
to keep it on a list of states with a poor track record on
the spread of weapons of mass destruction, as old disputes
returned to haunt the allies in the war against terrorism.

Last week President Bush allowed U.S. technology firms to
sell high-speed computers to countries previously excluded
by a Cold War-era ban designed to limit the spread of
nuclear arms.

But Russia remained in the third of four categories, far
below countries deemed ``reliable'' by the United States,
the Foreign Ministry said.

``This draws attention to the preservation of the Cold
War-era system of open discrimination, dividing countries
which import U.S. computer technology into different risk
groups,'' the ministry said in a sharply-worded statement.

``We would like to hope that, in the light of the new
strategic relationship announced by the president of the
United States and the president of the Russian Federation,
the American administration will reconsider this
discriminatory decision.''

Washington slapped a ban on high-speed computer exports in
1979, in a bid to restrict advanced computing power that
could allow countries such as Libya and Cuba to develop
missile systems and other weapons of mass destruction.

Exports to Canada, Mexico and all of Western Europe do
not face such restrictions.

Russia's sharp reaction came amid signs that the honeymoon
period in the Russian-U.S. alliance forged following the
September 11 airline attacks, was under strain.

Russian President Vladimir Putin was the first foreign
leader to telephone President Bush to offer his support
after the hijacked airliner strikes on New York and

Initially, the support won Putin a second hearing on his
two-year crackdown on rebels  in Russia's secessionist
Chechnya province. But as the U.S.-led campaign in
Afghanistan winds down the issue has resurfaced, along
with fears over media freedoms and disagreements over
arms control.


On Thursday, the United States accused Russia of using
''overwhelming force'' in its battle to crush Chechen

``The latest information on Russian operations in Chechnya
indicates a continuation of human rights violations and the
use of force against civilian targets,'' State Department
spokesman Richard Boucher said.

Senior Kremlin aide Sergei Yastrzhembsky refused to comment
on the statement, and some experts said Moscow could now
come under renewed pressure from the West.

``If there does not appear that there is a serious attempt
to provide a political solution, if it looks like there are
still a lot of abuses by Russian troops, then this is going
to be an enormous source of irritation,'' Robert Nurick of
the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace told Reuters.

Relations could be further complicated by a court decision
to uphold a closure order against TV6, the only television
network outside Kremlin control. On Wednesday Washington
criticized the ``flawed'' law on which the closure order was
based, and urged the authorities to defend media freedom.

Washington's plans to store, rather than destroy, warheads
removed from nuclear missiles as part of a post-Cold War
disarmament pact, have also left Russian policymakers

``This is not so important militarily as it is politically,
because the Americans tried to weaken Putin's position,''
said the Institute of Eastern Studies expert Grigory

``This is not a disaster. This will not totally change our
relation with the United States, but it makes cooperation
slower, and much more difficult.''

Nurick said despite the success of the military campaign in
Afghanistan, Washington still needed Russia's help if it
planned to retain a presence in Central Asia, an issue that
could provoke Russian nationalists hostile to Putin's
pro-West stance.

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