AFP. 14 January 2002. Diplomats, govt official in rebel zone for
11th-hour peace talks.

LOS POZOS -- Marxist rebels opened a meeting here in rebel-held southern
Colombia with a UN peace envoy and diplomats of ten nations seeking to
revive stalled peace talks, hours ahead of an expected late Monday
military invasion.

James LeMoyne, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan's special advisor on
Colombia, joined the diplomats -- led by French ambassador Daniel
Parfait -- in 11th hour talks with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of
Colombia (FARC).

Top government peace negotiator Camilo Gomez also traveled early Monday
to the area, a presidential palace source said.

The source however did not say if Gomez would participate directly in
the FARC-UN meetings.

Upon departing Bogota, Parfait told reporters the diplomats hope to
revive talks.

"We are not going empty-handed," Parfait said. "We are convinced that
the only way out of the Colombian conflict is by a negotiated political

Parfait coordinates the so-called 'group of ten' countries that actively
support Colombia's peace process. The group is composed of Cuba, Sweden,
France, Spain, Italy, Norway, Canada, Switzerland, Mexico and Venezuela.

Speaking to reporters early Monday in Los Pozos, the heart of the
rebel-controlled area, LeMoyne said that outspoken Medellin Archbishop
Alberto Giraldo, a top national Catholic Church leader, will also be at
the talks.

Gomez and the diplomats traveled in separate airplanes.

According to unofficial sources, Gomez is also traveling to meet with
civilians and residents of the area.

Leftist rebels said Sunday they would meet a 9:30 pm Monday (0230 GMT
Tuesday) government deadline to vacate their Switzerland-sized

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Barry Stoller

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