TODAY'S NEWS (January.15.2002 Juche 91)



KCNA on fever of militarism

Gift to Kim Jong Il from Algerian President

Film show

Wildcat arms build-up under fire

Highest order awarded to Kim Il Sung

Japan urged to show its will to redress past

Rodong Sinmun calls for giving full play to idea of army-people unity

Technical renovation in DPRK

Anecdotes about President Kim Il Sung

Credentials to Kim Yong Nam

Senior officials meet new Chinese ambassador

For Spanish-speaking people


reconstruccion tecnica


KCNA on fever of militarism
     Pyongyang, January 15 (KCNA) -- Japan's chief executive underscored the
need to adjust the "emergency legislation" from the outset of the year,
giving rise to the precaution of the international community. It is not
accidental that the chief executive in a New Year press conference claimed
that it is the responsibility of politics to think of a proposal to cope
with the "forces posing threat" to Japan and that the adjustment of the
"emergency legislation" is a top priority of Japan's politics.
    This proves that in the New Year Japan is trying to more persistently
pursue the policy of turning Japan into a military power and overseas
expansion and legalize the policy as an official stand of the state.
    Such moves of the Japanese reactionaries cannot be tolerated at all as
they represent a grave challenge to peace in Asia and the rest of the world.
    The desire of the Japanese right-wing conservatives to recover from the
past defeat recently reached the height and Japan is dreaming a dream of the
revival of the empire, a military power.
    Japan expanded the theatre of the activities of the "Self-Defence
Forces" to any part of the world on the plea of the logistic support to the
U.S. in "combating terrorism" and eased the restrictions on the use of arms.
It is now trying to build the "SDF" into an "army" and secure a legal and
institutional mechanism for the conversion of Japan into a military power
and overseas aggression. These are dangerous developments.
    All this shows that Japan emerges a real war force posing threat to
peace in Asia and the rest of the world.
    Japan should be mindful that the revival of militarism and overseas
expansion moves lead to self-destruction and act with discretion.

Gift to Kim Jong Il from Algerian President
     Pyongyang, January 15 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il received a gift from
Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika on the occasion of the New Year. An
official of the Algerian embassy in china conveyed the gift to the DPRK
embassy on Jan. 1 


Film show
     Pyongyang, January 15 (KCNA) -- Film show was held here yesterday under
the co-sponsorship of the Korean Committee for Cultural Relations with
Foreign Countries and the DPRK-Turkey Friendship Association to mark the
first anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the
DPRK and Turkey. Present there were vice-chairman of the committee Choe Jong
Hwan who is also chairman of the friendship association and members of the
association and working people in the city.
    The participants saw a Korean documentary film.


Wildcat arms build-up under fire
     Pyongyang, January 15 (KCNA) -- The United States has set up an
organization in charge of the establishment of the missile defense system in
South Korea and shipped missiles into the area. Minju Joson today describes
this as part of its moves to have an unchallenged military edge and to
stifle the DPRK by force of arms and a provocation to the DPRK.
    The news analyst says:
    The DPRK can not remain a passive on-looker to the U.S. arms buildup and
preparations for a new war.
    The DPRK will adopt a resolute self-defensive measure to cope with the
arms build-up. 
    This choice belongs to the DPRK's sovereign right and it is ready to
exercise it. 
    The United States should have a good understanding of the DPRK's army
and people who value their sovereignty and dignity more than their lives and
do not allow anyone to violate them even a bit.
    The U.S. should ponder over the ensuing consequences of its wildcat
moves to stifle the DPRK and act with discretion.


Highest order awarded to Kim Il Sung
     Pyongyang, January 15 (KCNA) -- The organization of solidarity of the
peoples of Africa, Asia and Latin America decided to award its highest
solidarity order "El Mehdi Ben Barka" to President Kim Il Sung. This
decision was adopted at the regular meeting of the executive secretariat of
this organization held in Havana on Jan. 10.
    Juan Carretero Ibanes, general secretary of the executive secretariat,
said at the meeting that Kim Il Sung is the founder of this organization and
the historical leader illuminating the road of struggle for the people in
developing countries.
    We deem it our bounden duty to award the highest order of the
organization to him for his exploits performed in the struggle of the people
in developing countries, he stressed.


Japan urged to show its will to redress past
     Pyongyang, January 15 (KCNA) -- "731 Germ Warfare" tribunal held in
Tokyo recently heard the voices that the germ warfare of the Japanese
imperialists is a war crime, which claimed tens of thousands of human lives,
the victims of the germ warfare denounce the Japanese government for
refusing to admit the germ warfare and Japan should not try to hide crimes
of the past. Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article describes the voices as
a deserved demand. 
    It says: 
    Japan has tried to hide the atrocities of the germ warfare as well as
the crimes of the past committed by the Japanese imperialists and still
refuses to admit them. The atrocities of the germ warfare of the Japanese
imperialists have not been raised as a moral and legal matter of Japan. The
successive Japanese governments tried to keep the criminal germ warfare
buried in oblivion.
    The crimes of the past committed by the Japanese imperialists have not
been redressed. the Japanese government is entirely responsible for it.
    The Japanese government, far from adopting a correct approach to the
crimes of the past, has left no stone unturned to cover them up and avoid
the redress for them.
    It has been the conscience and morality of Japan to allege that the
admittance and redress for the crimes of the past mean persecuting itself of
its own accord. The shamelessness of Japan's conscience and morality is
based on very dangerous militarism.
    Today the Japanese militarists try to repeat a history in which they
plunged the Korean peninsula and the vast Asia-Pacific region into the
bloodbath by force of arms.
    It is owing to the moves of those seeking to repeat a crime-woven
history, instead of redressing the past, that Japan loses international
confidence and remains the target of precaution of the world people.
    If the Japanese government wants to enjoy the confidence of the
international community and dignity, it should show its will to honestly
reflect on and redress the crimes of the past before anything else.


Rodong Sinmun calls for giving full play to idea of army-people unity
     Pyongyang, January 15 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today editorially calls
for giving full play to the might of the army-people unity to accelerate the
general onward movement for building a powerful nation and make this year a
year of a grand march of the army and the people. It goes on:
    The idea of assisting the army and loving the people put forward by the
workers' party of Korea requires that the army should depend on the people,
the people should support and assist the army, and the army and the people
should defend the sovereignty of the nation and socialism with one will and
one purpose and achieve the prosperity of the country.
    No one on earth can match the united strength of the army and the
    The history of the Korean revolution is a proud history in which the
army and the people have defeated the imperialist aggressors and shaped an
era of national prosperity with the might of their integral whole under the
banner of the great army-based policy.
    The people love the army as their own flesh and blood and the soldiers
lay down their lives for the people. This is why no one could bring the DPRK
to its knees and block the advance of its revolution.
    In the magnificent advance to open a new century of history under the
leadership of Kim Jong Il, our revolutionary army and people share the same
idea and aspiration and have the same destiny and future. The soldiers of
the Korean People's Army and people are the revolutionary comrades and
comrades-in-arms who share life and death in holding supreme commander Kim
Jong Il in high esteem. It is a social trend that the army and the people
love and help each other.
    The army-people grand march is a sacred struggle to highly demonstrate
the dignity and might of Juche Korea where all the army and the people are
united as one around Kim Jong Il.
    The invincible unity of the army and the people is the root of the
society and the source of the inexhaustible strength of the powerful nation
of Juche. 
    To put into practice the idea of assisting the army and loving the
people is a fundamental guarantee to glorify this year as a year of a new
surge in building a powerful nation with all the efforts of the army and the
    We should give full play to the united strength of the army and the
people cemented in adversity so as to make overall leaping progress.
    The kindred unity of the army and the people serves as a powerful
instrument of smashing the reckless military pressure and challenge of the
imperialists and defending the dignity and sovereignty of the nation.
    All the officers and men of the Korean People's Army and people should
strengthen the might of the army-people unity in every way true to the
intention of the party and make this significant year a year of the
army-people grand march.


Technical renovation in DPRK
     Pyongyang, January 15 (KCNA) -- Many modern machine tools and major
equipment of the world level were manufactured in the DPRK last year. The
Kusong Machine-Tool Plant developed various kinds of modern and high
performance numerical control machine tools, universal machine tools and
special machine tools.
    It developed technology of controlling several machine tools with one
computer and put 630 mm processing lathe on a flexible manufacturing system
    The Huichon Machine-Tool Factory developed the numerical control lathe
"CNC-400" and two kinds of numerical control machine tools.
    The Ryongsong machinery complex has updated various production processes
with modern technology. It made it possible to put electrodes under
automatic control in a 20t electric furnace and control groups of machine
tools such as 70-meter gantry planer and 18-meter turning lathe. The Kum
Song Tractor Plant developed a new type of tractor of 60 h.p.
    Technical renovation will go on in the DPRK as an important work this


Anecdotes about President Kim Il Sung
    Pyongyang, January 15 (KCNA) -- it happened one day during the korean
war (1950-1953) when it was at its height. A foreign journalist visited the
supreme command and asked for an interview with general Kim Il Sung. The
journalist wished to know about the prospect of the war as the U.S.
imperialists were carrying out a large-scale "new offensive" at that time.
The journalist saw something quite different from what he had imagined when
he entered the room of the general, guided by an official shortly afterward.
    The general was looking at something before an operation table and a
soldier telling about something beside him. The journalist was surprised to
hear from the official that the general was talking to the soldier expected
to study in a foreign country for postwar rehabilitation. The journalist
asked the official to permit him to leave the room without any word. The
former said in an excited tone to the latter that he had already finished
his news coverage. 
    One day in Juche 47 (1958), President Kim Il Sung visited his uncle's
house to meet his grandmother. At that time he asked about a new house near
the house. An official told him that a new house was built for his uncle's
family members as they had lived in an old one storeyed house. The president
said in a serious tone that any property of the people and country should
not be wasted for any private purpose and even his family should not be an
exception. He instructed that the house should be used for other purpose.
    Officials had no alternative but to carry out his instruction.
    It happened in one winter day of Juche 39 (1950) when the general was on
his return trip to the supreme command from his inspection of the front. The
general told his chauffer to stop the car all of a sudden before a sentry
post and got down from the car.
    The general approached the soldier on sentry duty and asked him if he
could stand such a cold weather before closely examining his uniform. The
conditions at that time were so hard and complicated that winter caps could
not be supplied to the soldiers on time.
    The general told his adjutant to bring his own fur cap and gloves from
the car and give them to the soldier.
    After a while, the sentry leader was quite surprised to see the soldier
on duty wearing the supreme commander's cap when he came to him with others
to relieve sentry. 


Credentials to Kim Yong Nam
    Pyongyang, January 15 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the Presidium
of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, received credentials from Doris
Hertrampf, new German ambassador to the DPRK, at the Mansudae Assembly Hall
today. Present there was Choe Su Hon, vice-minister of foreign affairs of
the DPRK. 
    After receiving the credentials, the president had a talk with the


Senior officials meet new Chinese ambassador
    Pyongyang, January 15 (KCNA) -- Premier of the cabinet of the DPRK Hong
Song Nam, vice-premiers Jo Chang Dok and Kwak Pom Gi and minister of foreign
trade Ri Kwang Gun and vice-minister of foreign trade Ri Ryong Nam met and
conversed with Wu Donghua, new Chinese ambassador to the DPRK, who paid a
courtesy call on them at the Mansudae Assembly Hall today. Present were
officials concerned and staff members of the Chinese embassy here.


For Spanish-speaking people

reconstruccion tecnica
     pyongyang, 15 de enero (atcc) - el ano pasado, la republica popular
democratica de corea produjo numerosas maquinas herramientas modernas de
talla mundial y otros equipos principales. la fabrica de maquinas
herramientas de kusong desarrollo las modernas maquinas herramientas de
control numerico, universales y especiales de varios generos.
    hizo que varias maquinas herramientas sean controladas por una
computadora y llevo a efecto la flexibilidad de la elaboradora de 630 mm.
    la fabrica de maquinas herramientas de huichon fabrico el torno de
control numerico "cnc-400" y las maquinas herramientas de control numerico
de dos generos. 
    el complejo de maquinaria de ryongsong logro la manipulacion automatica
del electrodo en el horno electrico de 20 toneladas, el control de varias
maquinas herramientas, tales como la acepilladora de portigo de 70 m y el
torno vertical de 18 m. reconstruye con la tecnica moderna varios procesos
de produccion. 
    la fabrica de tractores de kumsong fabrico el tractor de 60 hp de nuevo
    la reconstruccion tecnica se presenta como una labor importante para
este ano. 

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