Reply-To: "Karen Wald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The Guardian U.K. -
US doesn't have the right to decide who is or isn't a PoW
Ignore the Geneva convention and we put our own citizens in peril
Michael Byers   Monday January 14, 2002
The Guardian

Would you want your life to be in the hands of US secretary of
defence Donald Rumsfeld? Hundreds of captured Taliban and al-Qaida
fighters don't have a choice. Chained, manacled, hooded, even sedated,
their beards shorn off against their will, they are being flown around
the world to Guantanamo Bay, a century-old military outpost seized
during the Spanish-American war and subsequently leased from Cuba by
the US. There, they are being kept in tiny chain-link outdoor cages,
without mosquito repellent, where (their captors assure us) they are
likely to be rained upon.

Since Guantanamo Bay is technically foreign territory, the detainees
have no rights under the US constitution and cannot appeal to US
federal courts. Any rights they might have under international law have
been firmly denied. According to Rumsfeld, the detainees "will be
handled not as prisoners of war, because they are not, but as unlawful

This unilateral determination of the detainees' status is highly
convenient, since the 1949 Geneva convention on the treatment of
prisoners of war stipulates that PoWs can only be tried by "the same
courts according to the same procedure as in the case of members of the
armed forces of the detaining power".

The Pentagon clearly intends to prosecute at least some of the
detainees in special military commissions having looser rules of
evidence and a lower burden of proof than regular military or civilian
courts. This will help to protect classified information, but also
substantially increase the likelihood of convictions.

The rules of evidence and procedure for the military commissions will
be issued later this month by none other than Donald Rumsfeld.

The Geneva convention also makes it clear that it isn't for Rumsfeld
to decide whether the detainees are ordinary criminal suspects rather
than PoWs. Anyone detained in the course of an armed conflict is
presumed to be a PoW until a competent court or tribunal determines

The record shows that those who negotiated the convention were intent
on making it impossible for the determination to be made by any single
person. Once in front of a court or tribunal, the Pentagon might argue
that the Taliban were not the government of Afghanistan and that their
armed forces were not the armed forces of a party to the convention.
The problem here is that the convention is widely regarded as an
accurate statement of customary international law, unwritten rules
binding on all. Even if the Taliban were not formally a party to the
convention, both they and the US would still have to comply. The
Pentagon might also argue that al-Qaida members were not part of the
Taliban's regular armed forces. Traditionally, irregulars could only
benefit from PoW status if they wore identifiable insignia, which al-
Qaida members seem not to have done. But the removal of the
Taliban regime was justified on the basis that al-Qaida and the Taliban
were inextricably linked, a justification that weakens the claim that
the former are irregulars.

Moreover, the convention has to be interpreted in the context of
modern international conflicts, which share many of the aspects of
civil wars and tend not to involve professional soldiers on both sides.
Since the convention is designed to protect persons, not states, the
guiding principle has to be the furtherance of that protection. This
principle is manifest in the presumption that every detainee is a PoW
until a competent court or tribunal determines otherwise.

This too is the position of the International Committee of the Red
Cross, which plays a supervisory role over the convention. The Red
Cross and Amnesty International have both expressed concerns over the
treatment of the detainees. The authorities at Guantanamo Bay have
prohibited journalists from filming the arrival of the detainees on the
basis that the convention stipulates PoWs "must at all times be
protected against insults and public curiosity".

The hypocrisy undermines the position on PoW status: you can't have
your cake and eat it. Even if the detainees were not PoWs, they remain
human beings with human rights. Hooding, even temporarily, constitutes
a violation of the 1984 convention against torture and cruel, inhuman
or degrading treatment. Apart from causing unnecessary mental anguish,
it prevents a detainee from identifying anyone causing them harm.
Forcefully shaving off their beards constitutes a violation of the
right to human dignity under the 1966 international covenant on civil
and political rights. Forcefully sedating even one detainee for non-
medical reasons violates international law.

Although strict security arrangements are important in dealing
with potentially dangerous individuals, none of these measures are
necessary to achieving that goal. If human rights are worth anything,
they have to apply when governments are most tempted to violate them.
There are many reasons why these and other violations are unacceptable.
The rights of the detainees are our rights as well. Yet international
law can be modified as a result of state behaviour. If we stand by
while the rights of the detainees are undermined, we, as individuals,
could lose. British and American soldiers and aid workers operate
around the world in conflict zones dominated by quasi-irregular forces.

The violations in Guantanamo Bay will undermine the ability of
our governments to ensure adequate treatment the next time our fellow
citizens are captured and held. Respecting the presumption of PoW
status and upholding the human rights of detainees today will help to
protect our people in future. The US has occupied much of the moral
high ground since September 11, and benefited enormously from so doing.
Widespread sympathy for the US has made it much easier to freeze
financial assets and secure the detention of suspects overseas, as well
as secure intelligence sharing and military support.

The sympathy has also bolstered efforts to win the hearts and minds
of ordinary people in the Middle East, south Asia and elsewhere. That
might just have prevented further terrorist attacks. Ignoring even some
of the rights of those detained in Guantanamo Bay squanders this
intangible but invaluable asset, in return for nothing but the fleeting
satisfaction of early revenge The detainees should be accorded full
treatment as PoWs and, if not released in due course, tried before
regular military or civilian courts - or even better, an ad hoc
international tribunal.
As the world watches, vengeance is ours. But so, too, are civilised
standards of treatment and justice.

… Michael Byers teaches international law at Duke University, North
Carolina. He is currently a visiting fellow at Keble College, Oxford.

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