
Rodong Sinmun Denounces Japanese Overseas Dispatch of SDF.

Rodong Sinmun of DPRK carried a commentary Jan.13 denouncing Japan for its
overseas dispatch of the "self-defence forces".

Rodong Sinmun of DPRK  carried a commentary Jan.13 denouncing Japan   for
its overseas dispatch of the "self-defence forces".

The article said: 

On the plea of "support" to the U.S. in "combating terrorism" Japan is
trying to realise the overseas dispatch of the "self-defence forces" and
pave the way for a war of aggression by law so as to take the road of
overseas military aggression.

Japan's theatre of military operations spread from the region surrounding
Japan to any part of the world under the "anti-terrorism special law"
adopted on October 29 last year.

Japan is the second biggest country, after the U.S. in terms of military
expenditures. It is ready to turn the "SDF" into a one million-strong army
at a time in the "event of contingency."

The "law on emergency in the areas surrounding Japan" rigged up by Japan to
participate in a joint operation with the U.S. is aimed at coping with the
"event of contingency" on the Korean peninsula.

Japan, who is watching for a chance for the reconquest of Korea, is trying
to expand aggression to Asia with Korea as a springboard.

The commentary warned that if Japan takes the road of a war for reconquest,
ignoring the lesson of history and the changed realities, it will suffer a
more miserable defeat than in the past.


Arab League Chief Warns Against Military Actions on Arab Nations.

Arab League chief Amr Moussa stressed on Tuesday in Cairo that any military
actions against any Arab country, including Iraq, would have "negative
impact" on regional stability.

Arab League chief Amr Moussa stressed on Tuesday in Cairo that any military
actions against any Arab country, including Iraq, would have "negative
impact" on regional stability.

During a meeting with visiting U.S. senator John Kerry, Moussa said that the
worsening situation in the Palestinian territories due to mounting Israeli
aggressions could cause "a real disaster," Egypt's state-run MENA news
agency reported. 

Kerry told reporters after the meeting that the U.S. administration has not
yet made up its mind on the next step of the ongoing anti-terror campaign
after Afghanistan, admitting that Arab leaders are deeply concerned about
consequences of any military operation against Iraq.

Kerry arrived here from Saudi Arabia on Monday as part of his Mideast tour,
which has taken him to Jordan  and will take him to Israel and the
Palestinian self-rule areas. U.S. President George W. Bush demanded last
November that Iraqi President Saddam Hussein allow international arms
inspectors back into Iraq or face consequences, raising fears that the U.S.
might launch military attacks against Iraq under the pretext of the ongoing
anti-terror campaign.

"Attacking Iraq or any other Arab state would be unjustifiable and lead to
the collapse of the international coalition against terrorism," Moussa has
warned recently. 

Wen Ho Lee Says US Targets Him Due to Race.

"Had I not been Chinese, I never would have been accused of espionage and
threatened with execution," U.S. nuclear weapons scientist Wen Ho Lee wrote
of his ordeal in his new book "My Country Versus Me," released on Tuesday.

Lee: Targeted Due to Race

U.S. nuclear weapons scientist Wen Ho Lee, who was once suspected of spying
for China, said he was prosecuted because of race in a book released on
"Had I not been Chinese, I never would have been accused of espionage and
threatened with execution," Lee wrote of his ordeal in his new book "My
Country Versus Me," coauthored with journalist Helen Zia.
The Taiwan-born scientist asserted that the Federal Bureau of Investigation
(FBI) and prosecutors singled him out because he was Chinese. Lee, 63 and a
naturalized U.S. citizen, was fired from his job at the U.S. Energy
Department's Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico in March 1999 amid
espionage allegations the U.S. government was never able to approve.

Get my dignity back
He was arrested on December 10, 1999, denied bail and held in solitary
confinement for nine months. Lee was never charged with espionage. The U.S.
government finally dropped all but one of the 59 charges of mishandling
nuclear weapons data against him, prompting federal Judge James Parker to
apologize to Lee and accuse the U.S. government of " embarrassing our entire
The U.S. Justice Department released a report last month, saying the FBI had
conducted a "deeply and fundamentally flawed" investigation of Lee's case,
but the report rejected claims that Lee was targeted because of his race.
Lee has filed a civil lawsuit against the U.S. government, charging it with
violating his privacy rights in the espionage case.
Lee acknowledged that he downloaded classified data to a nonsecret computer,
but he said he was trying to protect his work and many other scientists also
made back-up copies. In an interview on NBC's "Today" show on Tuesday, Lee
said none of those scientists who did the same thing are Chinese and
therefor they are not prosecuted or put in solitary confinement.
"I can tell you they are not core secrets. Some of them are garbage," Lee
said of the files. 
Lee, who wept during the interview, said that he had never spied on the
United States, but "someone in the government has done very damaging thing
to me." 
Lee has been unable to find work in the wake of the espionage case which he
said has ruined his reputation. "If it's possible I'd like to know who
started this and who should be responsible for this. I'd like to know that
myself, and I hope they change their thinking about me, and I hope someday I
will get my dignity back," Lee said.


Gradual 'Independence' of Taiwan Won't Be Tolerated: Spokesman.

The Taiwan leader has pushed forward activities for Taiwan's "independence"
step by step recently, a spokesman for the Taiwan Work Office under the
Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Taiwan Affairs
Office of the State Council said Tuesday.
Any form of Taiwan's "independence" will not be tolerated, the spokesman

Leaders of Taiwan Broke Promises
The spokesman said that when the leader of Taiwan took office, he promised
not to declare "independence" of Taiwan.
However, he has not done this, the spokesman said, adding the Taiwan leader
has pushed forward activities for Taiwan's " independence" step by step.

"Gradual Independence of Taiwan"
*    Map

Recently, Taiwan's information office stopped using a Chinese map pattern as
its logo. 
*    Word

A non-governmental organization was forced by the Taiwan authorities to omit
the word "China" from its English annual report.
*    Passport

On January 13, the Taiwan leader declared that Taiwan citizens' travel
certificates should have the word "Taiwan" added in English this year, and
referred to it as a gift to the organizations for Taiwan's "independence".
These activities, together with the separatist policies in the cultural,
historical, educational and communication fields, are aimed at creating
favorable conditions for Taiwan's "independence", said the spokesman.

Any form of "Independence" Intolerable
He said that any form of Taiwan's "independence" will not be tolerated.
If the Taiwan authorities continue to push forward their process of the
"gradual independence of Taiwan", the relationship between the two sides of
the Taiwan Straits will be strained and the Taiwan authorities will have to
take the unpleasant consequences.
Taiwan's Move on Passports Step towards 'Independence'
Taiwan leader Chen Shui-bian said Sunday that he had given the go-ahead to
add "Taiwan" to the cover of local passports. Chen said the move was
necessary to distinguish the island in the international community and offer
convenience to Taiwan residents.
His move has drawn criticism from both the mainland and Taiwan. The practice
was described by Beijing's Taiwan Affairs Office as "inching towards Taiwan


Chinese FM in S. Africa for Talks on Important Issues.

Visiting Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan reiterated Tuesday in
Johannesburg that China will earnestly fulfill its obligations within the
World Trade Organization (WTO) while enjoying its rights. China will take
part in international economic cooperation and competition with "a wider and
deeper involvement".
China's deeper involvement in cooperation
Visiting Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan reiterated Tuesday in
Johannesburg that China will earnestly fulfill its obligations within the
World Trade Organization (WTO) while enjoying its rights.
With its official accession into the WTO at the end of last year, China will
take part in international economic cooperation and competition with "a
wider and deeper involvement", Tang said while addressing more than 200
South African businessmen at a gathering arranged by the South African
African-Asian Society.
"China is a responsible country," Tang stressed, while pledging that the
country will open up step by step a wide range of sectors such as financial
services, insurance, telecommunications, trade, commerce, transportation,
construction, tourism and intermediary services.
"We will vigorously explore new ways and means for the use of foreign
capital," he said. "We will allow overseas investors to set up joint
ventures, cooperative ventures or wholly-funded ventures in the
above-mentioned sectors in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations
of China and gradually lift the geographical restrictions for such
Moreover, China will adopt open, transparent and equitable trade and
investment policies, continue to improve the investment and business
conditions, encourage fair competition, accord national treatment where
needed and further strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights
and all the legitimate rights and interests of overseas investors, the
minister said. 

Importance of exchanges
Tang stressed the importance of maintaining exchanges between countries,
saying no country "can afford to stay away from the general course of global
economic and technological developments".
"Every country needs to trade in the global market," he said. " Therefore,
China will timely adopt the reform and opening-up policy."
"In short, a prospering China adamant in reform and opening up will offer
more opportunities for mutually beneficial cooperation with other countries
and will surely contribute more to the global cause for peace and
development," Tang noted.

China's development prospects
Briefing on China's development prospects, Tang said the next five to ten
years will be a significant period for China to achieve the goal of
maintaining sustainable development.
It is expected that in the next few years to come, a 7-percent annual
economic growth will be maintained and hopefully by the year 2010, China's
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) will reach 2 trillion U.S. dollars, according
to Tang. 
The Chinese economy sustained the momentum of rapid growth, high efficiency
and low inflation in the past year despite the slowdown of the world
economy. According to estimates, the Chinese GDP in 2001 reached 1.1
trillion U.S. dollars, with a growth rate higher than the projected 7
Also on Tuesday, South African President Thabo Mbeki met with Tang in
Pretoria and discussed with him ways of promoting bilateral relations and
cooperation in meeting challenges facing developing countries.
Both sides pledged to work together to facilitate peace and development on
the African continent.
Tang arrived in South Africa on January 12 on an official visit.


US Congressman Jabbers About "China Threat" in Russia.

Weldon, congressman of U.S. House of Representatives who is paying a visit
in Moscow, gave a flourish of trumpets on "'China Threat", suggesting that
Russia and the United States join hands in missile defense system.
One of the reasons of his suggestion for a Russia-US missile defense system
is China's long-range missile power and of possible development of long-term
missile systems by the DPRK
No Intention to Sign Treaty with Russia: Weldon
Weldon, congressman of U.S. House of Representatives who is paying a visit
in Moscow, Tuesday declared that US President Bush has no intention to sign
any concrete treaties with Russia on cutting down strategic attacking
Weldon told "Moscow Echo" journalist that according to his understanding
President Bush thought it unnecessary presently to sign any treaty with
Russia for a cut number of strategic attacking weapons for Russia "is not
regarded as our enemy and we will take Russia the way as we do the UK. We do
not sign any treaty with the UK, either, because we are friends."
Weldon added that he would convey such information to his colleagues after
he returns to Washington that US declaration to store up the cut nuclear
warheads instead of destroying them will damage the mutual trust between the
two countries. 

"China Threat" Theory Peddled
During the interview, Weldon gave a flourish of trumpets on "'China Threat",
suggesting that Russia and the United States join hands in missile defense
One of the reasons of his suggestion for a Russia-US missile defense system
is China's long-range missile power and of possible development of long-term
missile systems by the DPRK.

Cambodian Leader Meets with Chinese CPPCC Delegation.

Chea Sim, acting head of state and president of senate, Wednesday met with
visiting Secretary-General of the Chinese People's Political Consultative
Conference (CPPCC) Zheng Wantong in Phnom Penh.

Chea Sim, acting head of state and president of senate, Wednesday met with
visiting Secretary-General of the Chinese People's Political Consultative
Conference (CPPCC) Zheng Wantong in Phnom Penh.

Chea Sim highly appreciated the valuable assistance to the Cambodian people
given by the Chinese government and the Chinese people, which is beneficial
to promoting the rehabilitation and reconstruction of Cambodia.

The friendship between Cambodia and China, which was ushered by King Norodom
Sihanouk and the Chinese leaders of the three old generations, has been
further consolidated and strengthened through high-level contacts and visits
between the leaders of the two nations in recent years.

He made it clear that Cambodia will adhere to the stand of "one- China" and
support the peaceful unification cause of the Chinese people.

Chea Sim said that the Cambodian government welcomes the Chinese firms to
invest in Cambodia and they could invest in all fields, especially in
tourism and agriculture.

Zheng Wantong conveyed warm greetings from CPPCC Chairman Li Ruihuan  to
Samdech Chea Sim, and thanked him for his efforts to promote the
Sino-Cambodian friendly relationship.

Chea Sim also asked Zheng to convey his best wishes to Chinese President
Jiang Zemin, National People's Congress Chairman Li Peng  and CPPCC Chairman
Li Ruihuan. 

Zheng Wantong arrived in Cambodia for a four-day goodwill visit on Tuesday
at the invitation of Cambodian Senate Secretary-General Oum Sarith.

During the visit, he had separate talks with Oum Sarith and the
Cambodian-Chinese goodwill team from the Senate. He is scheduled to leave
Cambodia on Friday.


U.S. Embassy in Yemen Threatened.

The U.S. Embassy in Yemen suspended most consular services Monday and warned
Americans they could be targeted by terrorists, while Yemeni security
officials stepped up protection of the compound, saying it received a
specific threat. 

The U.S. Embassy in Yemen suspended most consular services Monday and warned
Americans they could be targeted by terrorists, while Yemeni security
officials stepped up protection of the compound, saying it received a
specific threat. 

It was not the first time Americans have faced threats in Yemen, where a
terrorist attack on a U.S. warship killed 17 sailors in 2000, but the
security measures came as the United States   presses Yemen's government to
crack down on any militants with al-Qaeda links in the country.

A Yemeni security official told The Associated Press that the U.S. Embassy
recently received a threat but would not comment further.

An embassy official declined to comment on a specific threat but pointed to
a security communique warning Americans that the embassy "believes there is
an increased terrorist threat to U.S. interests in Yemen, including the U.S.

The main road in front of the embassy in the capital, San'a, was closed to
vehicles and pedestrians, and there were increased police patrols around the
compound. Police also stepped up security around U.S. companies and
diplomatic homes in the country, the Yemeni security official said.

The security message said the embassy had temporarily suspended visa and
other routine consular services as of Monday.

It advised Americans to keep a low profile, vary their routines and to avoid
large crowds. It said they should exercise "particular caution" in
U.S.-affiliated franchises and areas where Americans and other foreigners
work or spend time.

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