From: Jari-Pekka Raitamaa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: [luokkataistelu] Anti-war demos organised by socialists in Kashmir

Anti-war demos organised by socialists in Kashmir

The 13 December attack on the Indian parliament, alleged to be the work of
the Islamic group, LET backed by the Pakistani military and security
services triggered off the largest military build-up since the 1971 war
between the two nuclear rivals India and Pakistan. This happened firstly on
the dividing Line of Control (LOC) in Kashmir and then on their
international borders.

Both countries have amassed their armed forces, with over half million
Indian soldiers on the Indo-Pakistani borders which has now become the
biggest 'mine zone" border in the world.

According to media reports, over 100,000 people have been forced to migrate
from the LOC alone. In the three districts in IOK (Indian Occupied Kashmir),
including Jammu, Poonch and Rajoori, over 36,000 thousand school children
after their holidays found their schools housing refugee families according
Kashmir Times (13 January 2002).

In POK(Pakistani Occupied Kashmir) districts of Poonch, Kotli, and others
have too seen thousands of people migrating to safer places. Muslim
Conference government Prime Minister stated here that 28,000 people have
been displaced, while unofficial figures are double that, since the 13th
December attack. Many of the houses of internal refugees have been mined.

A witness described how after taking his family to safety, he returned to
get his belongs including bedding etc he found armed guard and told that his
house was mined all around with a total of 39 mines. He said that the prices
of rent have rocketted up to 3500 Rupees. Hundreds of villagers observed a
strike a few days ago against the Muslim Conference government demanding
housing, food and other basic needs. No concrete steps have yet taken by the
government in POK to help thousands of families, with no shelter
particularly during the winter since the outbreak of renewed military
tension between the two countries.

On 25 December, activists of NAP-Kotli and NSF-Kotli, held an anti-war
demonstration and a public rally in district council hall, led by NAP
president Anwar Khan, NAP-Kotli district president Ali Asghar, Amar Hussian
and Yahssar Malik, president and secretary general of NSF Post Graduate
degree college to protest against the 'imminent' a clash, between the two
nuclear rivals.

One banner read, "Down with US Imperialism, Down with IMF, World Bank and
WTO" and "No to POTO (Prevention Of Terrorism Ordinance- bulldozed by the
BJP and accepted immediately by the Farooq Abdullah National Conference led
cabinet of IOK). Other slogans also read: "No Ordinance 2000" (The Pakistani
Musharaff regime's latest anti-worker legislation).

Another banner read: " Fight for Free Education". Speaking at a rally Anwar
Khan said that US imperialism have imposed another war over the poor masses
of this region after its attacks, which began on 7th October, on
Afghanistan, one of the poorest countries in the world.

He said: " We had said fifteen years ago that, if capitalism was not
uprooted, the oppressed classes in the world would continue to be dominated
by the big powers. The Indian and Pakistani ruling classes are bent upon
destroying the peace in this region."

He appealed to the youth, workers and peasants of Kashmir, India and
Pakistan to come forward and struggle against the capitalist system and
liberate the oppressed classes from the clutches of this exploitative

He explained: "The two nuclear powers of this region and their respective
ruling classes have brought the masses of Kashmir, India, Pakistan and whole
of the region to the brink of a catastrophe. The working class and the poor
masses of the sub-continent are paying the cost for this arms race. Millions
of people in this region are denied their basic needs, that of health,
education and employment and clean drinking water."

Anwar Khan congradulated the NSF-Kotli youth for launching a "Fight for Free
Education" campaign and termed it as bold step. He said free education was
one of the basic rights and criticized the policies of globalisation
dictated by the financial institutions of capitalism like the IMF and World
Bank which have led to the destruction of the lives of millions of youth,
workings class and poor masses in neo-colonial countries and world at large.

While Yahssar Malik, read out the main demands of the "Fight for Free
Education" and welcomed the launching of the International Socialist
Resistance, the international youth organisation at this critical juncture
which affects the future of all youth under the exploitative system of

The following resolution was passed at the rally:

No to War- For an immediate end to the on-going US Imperialist led attacks
on Afghanistan and expressed solidarity with the youth, workers and
Condemned the imposed war situation and massive military build up of forces
of India and Pakistan on the LOC and international borders and appeal to the
trade unions youth, working class and the peasants of POK, IOK, Pakistan and
India, to express unity solidarity. It called for action to demonstrate
collectively against this imminent war, and demanded that the money spent on
the arms race be spent on the basic needs employment, health, education
housing and clean drinking water etc.
Scrapping of POTO and Ordinance 2000 and Special Power Act (POK).
Condemning the policies of IMF in POK, and anti-workers policies, all public
sector working outstanding salaries be paid immediately
All the people displaced on the LOC be given immediate relief, of housing,
food, cloths, and allowances.
Demanded the lifting of the ban on trade unions and students unions.
12 January demo
On 12th January NSF-Kotli and activists of NAP-Kotli again held a demo
against the war on the eve of General Perviaz Musharaff much publicized
speech. Niaz Khan was the main speaker at the public rally held at the main
crossing in Kotli. Around 50 youth were there.

This demo took place when, a day earlier the Indian army chief, remarked in
a press conference that they were "ready for war". The press did not respond
apart from few Urdu newspapers. The Muslim Conference government in
Pakistani Occupied Kaashmir was criticized for not paying any heed to the
plight of the displaced people from LOC.

The use of the Special Powers Act where a number of teachers, including
district president of AJKTO (Azad Kashmir Teachers Organisation-largest
public sector union) amongst others, was forcibly retired on charges of
corruption and not attending his duties has caused further anger amongst the
masses. This Act would be used against other workers and some protest is
being seen in form of statements by the AKTO.

The threat of a war has not receded, after the Sunday speech of Musharaff,
where he announced the banning of 5 main, Jehadi and sectarian organizations
including JEM (Jaish -e- Mohammad), and LET (Lishkar-E- Tayuba - blamed for
attack by BJP government over the 13th December attack on the Indian

The clampdown on sectarian Jehadi organisation had led to arrests of
hundreds of their activists. While the Muslim Conference toed Mush raff's
line and also announced a ban on LET and JEM. All the mainstream Islamic
groups and jehadi groups have rejected the banning of these organisations as
against the "freedom struggle in Kashmir".

Today the Defense Council for Afghanistan and Pakistan (DCAP), Jamiat Ulma -
Pakistan, all pro-Taliban Islamic organistaions, announced a day of protest
on Friday and police have been ordered to stand by and record Friday's
speech prayers of different Mosques and take strict actions against anyone
indulging in "politics".

Colin Powell's tour of India and Pakistan has been described as a
'peacekeeping mission' to reduce Indo-Paki tensions.

While the Musharaff regime has said that " As long as that Indian Capability
remains there, Pakistan would be constrained to keep what it had deployed
close to the border'. While Indian government said that, it would keep its
armed forces on the borders until Pakistan stops 'cross border terrorism'.

Musharaff's speech has been hailed by US, UK and other capitalist powers as
'historical". The Indian and Pakistani armies stay put on 'alert' and clouds
of war still hang over the workers and the poor masses. According to
Pakistani press reports, (Dawn, 15 January 2002) the cost of deployment of
Pakistani armed forces on the LOC have a price-tag of 'R2-3 bn and another
R5-7 bn on the international borders. This will cripple the already debt
ridden economy of Pakistan, after the 13th September attacks on the WTC and
the Pentagon.Indian workers and masses will be burdened with paying for the
cost of R15 bn for the deployment by the Indian armed forces.

16 January 2002

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