
China Supports Pakistan's Positive Role in Afghan Peace Process: Jiang.

Chinese President Jiang Zemin said Wednesday in Beijing that China supports
Pakistan's positive role in the peace process of Afghanistan.

Chinese President Jiang Zemin said Wednesday in Beijing that China supports
Pakistan's positive role in the peace process of Afghanistan.
China will keep contact and coordinate positions with Pakistan in a bid to
safeguard peace and stability in the region, Jiang, also chairman of the
Central Military Commission, said in a meeting with Muhammad Aziz Khan,
chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee of Pakistan.
Over the years, Jing said, along with the international community, China and
Pakistan have made unremitting efforts for a peaceful solution of the issue
of Afghanistan, a neighbor of both China and Pakistan.
China sincerely hopes that all factions in Afghanistan will place national
interests and peace above everything else, and implement relevant agreements
in a down-to-earth manner, so as to restore peace and tranquillity in the
country at an early date, Jiang said.
Jiang said that Afghanistan's fate should be ultimately decided by the
Afghan people and at the same time, the United Nations' role is
indispensable to the political solution of the Afghanistan issue.
On Sino-Pakistani relations, Jiang said China and Pakistan are friendly
close neighbors and over the years the people of the two countries have
enjoyed mutual understanding, support and assistance, and forged a deep
Since the establishment of diplomatic ties half a century ago, Jiang said,
the two countries' friendly relations of cooperation have withstood the test
of changes in the world. Bilateral relations have been characterized by
sincerity, friendship, mutual trust and mutually beneficial cooperation, he
The president said that South Asia is an important part of Asia and there
could be no peace and prosperity in the whole Asia without the stability and
development in South Asia.
China sincerely hopes that South Asia will maintain peace and stability and
score a rapid and sound economic development, Jiang said.
Aziz said that the people of Pakistan and China have supported each other,
treated each other with sincerity, and forged a deep friendship since the
countries established diplomatic ties 50 years ago.
The friendly relations of cooperation between the two countries and their
armed forces have continued to be consolidated and developed, Aziz said.
He also briefed Jiang on Pakistan's views on the international and regional


Israel to Strengthen Military Operations Against Palestinians.

Israeli defense establishments have been considering whether to recommend
the government launch a comprehensive campaign against the Palestinian
National Authority (PNA) and radical groups in the Palestinian territories,
Israel Radio reported Wednesday.

Israeli defense establishments have been considering whether to recommend
the government launch a comprehensive campaign against the Palestinian
National Authority (PNA) and radical groups in the Palestinian territories,
Israel Radio reported Wednesday.
The scheme, due to be submitted to the security cabinet led by Prime
Minister Ariel Sharon, reportedly reasons that Israel could achieve in a
short, sharp battle what has not yet been achieved in the limited military
operations against the Palestinians, and force the PNA back to the
negotiating table with Israel.
The defense establishments have foreseen additional attacks possible in the
Palestinian territories during the next several days, demanding that the
government exert more pressure on the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza
Strip and stop measures aimed at easing the closure on the Palestinians.
Israeli security forces have re-clamped blockades on the West Bank cities of
Nablus, Tulkarm, Ramallah and Bethlehem, the move may indicate a military
operation in retaliation for the deadly Palestinian ambushes on Monday and
Tuesday in the West Bank.
Two Israelis were shot dead in separate Palestinian ambushes on Tuesday,
following the killing of an Israeli soldier in a shooting attack Monday
night. The attacks were in apparent retaliation for the killing of
Palestinian mainstream Fatah movement's militia leader Raed Karmi in an
explosion Monday morning.
Israeli military forces believe that the Palestinian radical groups, such as
the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) and Islamic Jihad (Holy War), have
prepared more suicide attacks against Israelis in the territories.
Amid the recent escalating tensions between Israel and the Palestinians,
both Hamas and Jihad announced earlier this month their refusal to abide by
the ceasefire order of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat and voiced more
resistant measures against Israel's occupation.


Advocacy of "China Threat" Fruitless: FM Spokesman.

It has been reported that Dennis Blair, commander-in-chief of the Pacific
Command of the U.S. Armed Forces, said some military forces of Asia-Pacific
countries including China are aggressive. FM spokesman Sun Yuxi Tuesday
pointed out that the advocacy of this so-called "China Threat" is groundless
and fruitless. China hopes that the U.S. may scrupulously abide by the
One-China policy and adhere to the three Sino-US joint communiques, Sun

It has been reported that Dennis Blair, commander-in-chief of the Pacific
Command of the U.S. Armed Forces, said that the military forces of most
Asia-Pacific countries are defensive, but those of some countries including
China are aggressive. In addition, China is targeting Taiwan.

When asked to comment on Dennis' words, Sun said that it has been
acknowledged as fact that China is an important nation in maintaining peace
and stability in the Asia-Pacific region and the world.

The Chinese government holds a consistent stance on the Taiwan issue from
first to last, Sun said. China hopes that the U.S. government will
scrupulously abide by the One-China policy and adhere to the three Sino-US
joint communiques so as to promote a healthy development of Sino-US


China's Role in Global Environmental Cooperation Reinforced.

China finds its role in global efforts and negotiations for the settlement
of major environmental issues more and more important. Through using Global
Environment Funds, donated funds and loans from the World Bank and foreign
governments, China has been able to fulfill its commitments to the
international society to solve environmental problems step by step.

Playing an important role
China finds its role in global efforts and negotiations for the settlement
of major environmental issues more and more important as its international
influence is increasing.

As the world's biggest developing country and having great significance in
global environmental protection, China has been actively involved in
international cooperation of environmental protection, according to an
official with the State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA).

He said "environment diplomacy" is becoming vital to a country' s foreign
relations because the influence of environmental factors now have increasing
impacts on various fields such as national security, economy and foreign

China has signed more than 30 bilateral agreements or memorandum on
environmental protection with 27 countries, as well as agreements on
cooperation in the field of nuclear safety with some 10 countries, said Wang
Zhijia, director of the SEPA's Department of International Cooperation.

The country is also a key member of many environmental organizations in Asia
and Pacific regions, Wang said.

Promoting environmental protection work
So far, China has joined in more than 20 international conventions that deal
with environmental issues such as biological diversity, climate change, the
protection of the ozone layer, and the control of transboundary movements of
hazardous wastes. 

Through using Global Environment Funds, donated funds and loans from the
World Bank and foreign governments, China has been able to fulfill its
commitments to the international society to solve environmental problems
step by step, Wang said.

He said international and domestic situations at present are favorable for
China to carry out international cooperation in environmental sector.

To achieve sustainable development has become a consensus of many countries,
which in turn will enable China to obtain more overseas supports to promote
the industry of environmental protection.


US Sends Troops to Philippines for Joint Military Exercise Against

Some 250 U.S. troops have arrived in the Philippines for a joint military
exercise and anti- terrorism training, U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald
Rumsfeld said Wednesday.

Some 250 U.S. troops have arrived in the Philippines for a joint military
exercise and anti- terrorism training, U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald
Rumsfeld said Wednesday.

Addressing a press conference here, Rumsfeld said more than 200 of the
troops will take part in the joint military exercise with Philippine
<http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/philippine.html> forces which will
last two and a half weeks, while several dozens of others are in an advance
team for U.S. special forces who will provide counter-terrorism training for
the Philippine forces.

The training group will eventually increase to 600, according to U.S.

Rumsfeld indicated that the cooperation between the U.S. and the Philippines
are part of U.S. efforts to expand the war against terrorism.

"What's taking place in the Philippines is that this is a global problem,
that we are addressing it globally, not just in Afghanistan," he said.

U.S. President George W. Bush vowed to help Manila fight Muslim extremists
led by Abu Sayyaf during a visit to Washington by Philippine President
Macapagal Arroyo last November.

Asked if there is evidence the Abu Sayyaf group was involved in the
September 11 attacks on America, Rumsfeld stressed that there is no question
that there have been "linkages" between terrorism in the Philippines and
Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda network.

He said that a terrorist network didn't have to be involved in the attacks
on the World Trade Center and Pentagon in order to be targets in the
campaign against terrorism.


Lithuania Hopes for Closer Ties with China.

Lithuanian President Valdas Adamkus said Wednesday in Vilnius that Lithuania
hopes to further develop ties with China and expand cooperation within the
United Nations and other international organizations.

Lithuanian President Valdas Adamkus said Wednesday in Vilnius that Lithuania
hopes to further develop ties with China and expand cooperation within the
United Nations and other international organizations.

The President made the remarks while meeting Chinese Ambassador to Lithuania
Guan Hengguang, who is leaving the Baltic republic after a full-term service

Adamkus expressed satisfaction with the progress in bilateral relations. He
said the two countries have enjoyed positive developments in their relations
in recent years, citing the increased exchanges of visits between their
leadership and the expanded economic and trade cooperation, with last year's
trade volume doubling that of 2000.

Recalling his meeting with Li Peng, head of China's National People's
Congress (parliament), in September, 2000, in Iceland, which had furthered
bilateral ties, Adamkus said there are still great potentials for the two
countries to enhance cooperation.

The President also said he would like to pay a visit to China and witness
the achievements China had made in recent years.


Wall Street Stocks End Sharply Lower.

Wall Street stocks ended sharply lower Wednesday, with the Dow index
tumbling more than 200 points, as investors thought an economic recovery
might take longer time after Intel cut its capital spending in 2002 and
negative earnings reports came from General Motors and JP Morgan Chase.

Wall Street stocks ended sharply lower Wednesday, with the Dow index
tumbling more than 200 points, as investors thought an economic recovery
might take longer time after Intel cut its capital spending in 2002 and
negative earnings reports came from General Motors and JP Morgan Chase.

The Dow Jones industrial average tumbled 211.88 points, or 2. 13 percent, to
9,712.27, after rebounding 32.73 points on Tuesday.

Broader stock indicators were sharply down. The technology heavy Nasdaq
composite index plunged 56.47 points, or 2.82 percent, to 1,944.44. The
Standard & Poor's 500 index dropped 18.62 points, or 1.62 percent, to

Investors were worried about the economic outlook and corporate earnings
after Intel, the world's largest chip maker, said that it will cut its
capital spending by 25 percent in 2002, citing weak demand in semiconductor
sector, after the company reported sharply lower earnings on Tuesday.

The market tumbled after a lower opening on Intel's announcement, along with
grim earnings reports from bellwethers such as General Motors and JP Morgan
Chase, with the Dow index dropping more than 100 points and the Nasdaq
composite plunging nearly 2 percent in the first 15 minutes of the trading.

Meanwhile, a Federal Reserve report, known as the Beige Book, said that U.S.
business activity remained generally weak from late November to early
January although there are some signs of an economic improvement.

General Motors fell 21 cents to 49.75 dollars after the world's largest auto
maker reported that its quarterly earnings per share plunged to 60 cents
from 1.15 dollars a year ago, while Ford lost 9 cents to 14.95 dollars, and
DaimlerChrysler declined 64 cents to 40.15 dollars.

JP Morgan Chase dropped 1.67 dollars to 36.20 dollars as the financial
company said that its earnings per share fell to 12 cents in the fourth
quarter from 37 cents a year earlier due to exposure to the Enron bankruptcy
and the Argentine economic crisis.

In technology sector, Intel closed down 97 cents at 33.71 dollars, Microsoft
slipped 1.68 dollars to 67.87 dollars, Oracle skidded 41 cents to 16.58
dollars, Cisco Systems sank 74 cents to 18.94 dollars, and Compaq Computer
declined 23 cents to 11.17 dollars.

The NYSE index closed down 7.47 points at 575.16, the American Stock
Exchange index lost 6.10 points to 829.42, and the Russell 2000 index of
smaller companies was off 8.58 points at 476.42.

Declining issues outnumbered advancers by a 9-to-5 margin on the New York
Stock Exchange, with 1,132 up, 2,006 down and 200 unchanged.

NYSE volume increased to 1.46 billion shares from 1.38 billion in the
previous session. 

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