
China's Top Legislator Meets Belarussian Parliament Head.

When meeting with A. P. Voitovich, chairman of the House of Republics of the
Belarussian National Assembly, Li Peng, Chairman of the Standing Committee
of NPC, said that China hopes the bilateral ties between China and Belarus
will grow further in the new century.

Li Peng, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's
Congress, said Thursday that China hopes the bilateral ties between China
and Belarus will grow further in the new century.
Li made the remarks in his meeting with A. P. Voitovich, chairman of the
House of Republics of the Belarussian National Assembly.

Li: bilateral ties pleasing
 Li said that mutual understanding and support form a solid foundation for
the healthy and steady development of China- Belarussian ties, adding that
China is pleased to see such development in political, economic and other
areas a decade after the two countries forged diplomatic ties.
He said that the two countries have already signed more than 50 documents
for cooperation and have set up mixed committees for economic affairs and
scientific and technological cooperation, respectively, thus enhancing
mutual understanding and friendship.
Li thanked Belarus for its support to China on the issues of human rights,
Tibet and Taiwan. 
Li also spoke highly of the frequent contact and close cooperation between
the NPC and the Belarussian National Assembly, saying that such contacts
play an important role in the growth of bilateral ties. He welcomed the
cooperation between special committees of the Belarussian parliament and
their counterparts of the NPC.
Li also briefed the guests on China's policy on anti-terrorism and the
admission into the World Trade Organization (WTO).

Voitovich: cooperation to be strengthened
 Voitovich told Li that the Belarussian National Assembly attached
importance to its ties with the NPC. He said that the legal basis of the
bilateral ties are solid and sound and the Belarussian parliament and the
NPC should strengthen their cooperation in law-making for the further
progress of such ties.
He congratulated China on its WTO entry and said that his country can learn
from China in this area.
He reiterated that Belarus will consistently adhere to the One- China policy
and support China's reunification.

President Jiang Meets US CCAI Delegation.

Chinese President Jiang Zemin met Wednesday with a delegation from the
Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute (CCAI) of the United States
led by Senator Mary Landrieu and Congresswoman Anne Northup in Beijing.
Jiang welcomed the U.S. visitors and he hoped that this
Chinese President Jiang Zemin met Wednesday with a delegation from the
Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute (CCAI) of the United States
led by Senator Mary Landrieu and Congresswoman Anne Northup.
Jiang welcomed the U.S. visitors most of whom were on their first visit to
China, and he hoped that this visit would enable them to learn more about

Jiang on China's efforts in children protection
Jiang said that the Chinese government has always paid great attention to
the welfare of children and has made tremendous progress.
China has protected children's rights and interests in the past through
legislation, law-enforcement and the building of the guarantee system. It
has made efforts towards the adoption, nurture and settlement of orphans and
disabled children, noted Jiang.
He went on to say that China has also take an active part in international
exchanges and cooperation for the protection and growth of children, and has
forged transnational adoption cooperation with 15 countries.

CCAI hopes cooperation with China in children adoption
 Jiang mentioned Sino-U.S. cooperation in this regard and said that such
cooperation has helped promote mutual understanding between the two nations.
Saying that transnational adoption is also of positive significance for
world peace and development, Jiang said that he hopes that concerned
departments and institutions in China and the U.S. will strengthen their
exchanges and cooperation and do a better job in this field.
Landrieu said she hoped the U.S. and China, two great nations, will continue
their friendly relations and their cooperation in the adoption of children,
adding that joint cooperation in this regard is of positive significance to
the development of bilateral relations.
Northup said China's adoption system has set an example to world countries.
She hopes to further bilateral cooperation in children adoption, which, in
her words, can be a bridge to friendship between the two nations.


Saddam Blasts US in Gulf War Anniversary Address.

In his annual Gulf War anniversary address, Iraqi President Saddam Hussein
blasted the use of force by the U.S. in the world and claimed the U.S. is
heading toward abyss.

In his annual Gulf War anniversary address, Iraqi President Saddam Hussein
blasted the use of force by the U.S. in the world and claimed the U.S. is
heading toward abyss.
Saddam said that the September 11 attacks in the U.S. and the subsequent
U.S. reaction "came to reveal extensively how the U.S. is going headlong in
antagonizing the world," referring the U.S. retaliatory anti-terror attacks
against the Taliban and the al- Qaeda terrorist network in Afghanistan.
"People all over the world now feel a strong antagonism toward the U.S. and
the role it is playing or planning to play," Saddam said in the address
carried by the official Iraqi News Agency (INA).
The Iraqi leader warned the U.S. to change its way of treating not only the
world but also itself "fairly and justly."
"But it (U.S.) will not do what is right and it is inevitably heading toward
the abyss," Saddam said.
He accused the U.S. of having established "a metropolis of force" which is
devoid of historical values and "destructive of the human soul and the human
structure founded on faith and human affection."
Saddam's speech came amid fresh warnings by U.S. President George W. Bush on
Wednesday to the Iraqi leader to allow United Nations arms inspectors back
or face the consequences.
"I expect Saddam Hussein to let inspectors back into the country ... If he
doesn't, we will have to deal with him at the appropriate time," Bush said
at the start of a meeting with visiting Turkish Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit
at the White House.
Speculation has been ripe that the U.S. may attack Iraq under the pretext of
Iraq's refusal to arms inspections, which have been suspended since the
U.S.-British military strikes against Iraq in December 1998.
Striking a defiant note, Saddam said bombing Iraq does not bring honor to
whoever does it because "Baghdad is the symbol of the Arabs and Muslims, the
cradle of their culture, the glorious and deep-rooted part of their
Thursday marks the 11th anniversary of the outbreak of the Gulf War, which
started in the early morning of January 17, 1991 when the U.S.-led
multinational forces began a bombing blitz on Iraq and Iraqi troops in
Kuwait. The six-week war was triggered by Iraq's invasion of Kuwait in
August 1990. 


Jiang Holds Talks with Jordanian King
Chinese President Jiang Zemin said Thursday in Beijing that economic
cooperation between China and Jordan has been developing rapidly in a
parallel way with their political ties increasingly being strengthened.
Jiang Reiterated China's stance on Taiwan, Middle East and Anti-terrorism

New Opportunities for Bi-economic Cooperation
Chinese President Jiang Zemin said Thursday in Beijing that economic
cooperation between China and Jordan has been developing rapidly in a
parallel way with their political ties increasingly being strengthened.
China's accession to the World Trade Organization will create new
opportunities for economic cooperation and trade development between the
two, Jiang said when meeting with visiting King Abdullah II Bin Al-Hussein
of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

Reunification Unshakable Goal: Jiang on Taiwan Issue
Relating to the Taiwan issue, Jiang pointed out that the question of
sovereignty and territorial integrity involves the national feelings of
China's 1.3 billion people, including the Taiwan compatriots.
"The ultimate reunification of the motherland is our unshakable political
goal," Jiang said. He also expressed appreciation for Jordan's consistent
stance in adhering to the One-China principle.

Middle East Issue to Settled Through Peace Talks
*    China's Stance

As to the Middle East situation, Jiang said that China is concerned about
the conflict escalation between Israel and Palestine and the turbulent
situation in this region. China has been making positive efforts to ease the
tension, he noted. 
"China maintains that the only correct solution for the Middle East issue
lies in the early resumption of peace talks as violence and armed conflict
will only bring hatred and alienation," Jiang stressed.
*    Efforts of International Community

He urged the international community to make greater efforts in this regard,
and pledged China will work with the international community, especially the
Arab countries, towards the promotion of an early settlement of the Middle
East issue. 

Anti-Terrorism Stance Reiterated
On anti-terrorism, Jiang reiterated China's stance against all forms of
terrorism, saying China advocates international cooperation against
terrorism, especially the role played by the United Nations.
China also stresses no double standards should be used in the fight against
terrorism, Jiang said, pointing out that China is against random
anti-terrorism strikes.

Views Shared By Two Sides: King Abdullah
King Abdullah said that he shares many of China's views, or has similar
views on the international affairs. He noted that China as an important
member of the international community plays an important role in issues
relating to anti-terrorism and the Middle East situation.
The Jordanian King, whose entourage includes many officials from the
economic sector and business leaders, said he expects to explore in greater
depth the potential of economic cooperation with China.
After the talks the two heads of state chaired a ceremony for the signing of
agreements for economic cooperation and aid.
Jordan Keen on Developing Close Ties With China: King
Jordan is keen on developing close ties with China and that the bilateral
ties and Mideast situation will be high on the agenda of his upcoming visit
to Beijing, said King Abdullah Bin Hussein on January 14.
*    Relations with China Satisfactory
The King voiced satisfaction with the current status of Jordan's relations
with China, saying that the two countries have maintained close cooperation
in the political, cultural and economic fields both on the government and
people-to-people levels.
*    More Economic Cooperation Urged
Jordan wants to attract more Chinese investments, particularly after Amman
signed a free trade pact with the U.S., an association agreement with the EU
and free trade agreements with other Arab countries in 2001, Abdullah said.
He said that China will further speed up its economic development after its
entry into the World Trade Organization and thanks to its efforts to promote
trade relations with the U.S., the EU and Arab countries.

About Sino-Jordan Political Relations
China and Jordan established diplomatic relations on April 7,1977. And the
relations have been developing steadily.


Global Problems Call for Global Answers: Chinese FM
Visiting Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan called on Thursday for closer
international cooperation in meeting global challenges, saying global
problems demand global answers with cooperation among nations being

Visiting Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan   called on Thursday for
closer international cooperation in meeting global challenges, saying global
problems demand global answers with cooperation among nations being

"At present, the world is plagued by widespread economic slowdown with
substantial decrease of global trade, dwindling foreign direct investment,
and further aggravation of poverty and social injustice," Tang told a dinner
hosted in his honor by the Asia House of Britain.

"Given their global nature, these challenges cannot be resolved only by
relying on the resources and strength of a single country, " he added.

On threats posed by terrorism, Tang said many countries have of late sought
common ground and stepped up dialogue and cooperation at both multilateral
and bilateral levels.

"In particular, relations among the major powers have improved markedly
after a period of tension and setbacks, as evidenced by increased
consultation and coordination," he said.

Tang praised the "primary role" the United Nations has played in the
international war on terrorism and the post-war reconstruction of
Afghanistan <http://www.peopledaily.com.cn/english/data/afghanistan.html> .
He stressed that the five permanent members of the Security Council voted
unanimously for relevant anti-terrorist resolutions.

As one of Afghanistan's neighbors, he said, China hoped to see an
Afghanistan that would no longer breed terrorism and whose people would soon
enjoy a happy and peaceful life. The Chinese government would make efforts
to develop its ties with the Afghan interim government and take an active
part in Afghanistan's post- war reconstruction, he said.

Tang reiterated China's anti-terrorism policy, saying no matter when, where,
how, and against who ever terrorism strikes, the international community
should take a common stand for resolute condemnation and counterattacks.

He said China, too, is threatened by terrorism. "Evidence shows that the
'East Turkistan' terrorist forces, as trained, armed and financed by
international terrorist organizations, have carried out a series of
terrorist activities both inside and out of China. Combating and eradicating
the 'East Turkistan' terrorist forces is an important component of the
international struggle against terrorism," he added.

The Chinese foreign minister stressed that China pursues an independent and
peaceful foreign policy, with a view to maintaining world peace and
promoting common development by working with the international community.

On Sino-British relations, Tang said China has always attached great
importance to this.

"In 1998 the two countries agreed to establish a comprehensive partnership.
Our leaders have maintained close contact with bilateral dialogue, in all
fields and at all levels, conducted with increased intensity," said Tang. He
is the first Chinese Foreign Minister to visit the United Kingdom in five

"Our consultations and cooperation on such issues as international security,
arms control, peacekeeping, human rights and regional hotspots have been

He described as "fruitful" the talks he held with Prime Minster Blair and
his British counterpart, Jack Straw. "We agreed that in light of the
complicated and changeable international situation, China and Britain have a
heavier responsibility on their shoulders and their common interests are
increasing, all calling for even closer cooperation," he said.

The Chinese Foreign Minister arrived Wednesday in London after traveling to
Eritrea, Ethiopia and South Africa
<http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/southAfrica.html> . He is scheduled
to visit Scotland Friday for talks with leaders of its semi- autonomous


World Congress of Peaceful Reunification of China to Open in Sydney.

The World Congress on the Peaceful Reunification of China and World Peace is
to open in Sydney from February 20 to 23.

The World Congress on the Peaceful Reunification of China and World Peace is
to open in Sydney from February 20 to 23.

The congress has been organized by the Australian Council for the Promotion
of Peaceful Reunification of China (ACPPRC).

ACPPRC Chairman William Chiu told Xinhua Friday that more than one thousand
of representatives of overseas Chinese will attend the congress and several
outstanding Australian politicians as well as former U.S. President William
Clinton will make address to it.

The session topics includes the peaceful reunification of China and global
harmony, the benefits for all from the peaceful reunification of China, one
country two systems, barriers to the peaceful reunification of China and the
effectiveness of concerned people all over the world in the influence and
ultimately the achievement of a peaceful reunification of China.

Chiu said it would be the biggest congress on the subject of China's
peaceful reunification.

"Peaceful reunification of China has become the common wish and strong call
of the majority of the overseas Chinese, including those with background of
both sides of the Taiwan   Strait," he said.


Arafat Urges EU to Get Peace Process Back on Track.

Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat on Thursday urged the European Union to
help bring the stalled Middle East peace process back on track and implement
the signed agreements between Israel and the Palestinians.

Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat on Thursday urged the European Union to
help bring the stalled Middle East peace process back on track and implement
the signed agreements between Israel
<http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/israel.html>  and the Palestinians.

Arafat said in a joint news conference held here with visiting Spanish
Foreign Minister Josep Pique that his country is at the head of the European
Union, that he [Arafat] welcomes any effort of the EU to push forward the
peace process. 

"Especially after the European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana had
participated in Mitchell committee that prepared Mitchell report's
recommendations," said Arafat.

Arafat reiterated his commitment he made in a speech on December 16 related
to stopping all attacks on Israel, ceasefire and resuming peace negotiations
between Israel and the Palestinians.

Asked if the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) or he [Arafat], are
involved in the arms-laden "Karine A" ship that was captured by Israel in
the Red Sea on January 3, Arafat said that there is no relation at all with
either the ship or with Iran .

"Despite all of this we had formed an internal inquiry panel to investigate
what is the relation between those names mentioned and the ship," said
Arafat. "We call upon the EU if they want to share the investigation with

Arafat criticized the Israeli government for being uncommitted to the
ceasefire dealing, adding that Israeli wanted seven days of calmness, and
there were 24 days of calmness "and Israel continued closure and

Pique said that he welcomes the efforts exerted by the PNA, adding that all
parties must share obligations in pushing forward the peace process and
implementing the signed agreements.

"Every one of us knows that the situation is very difficult," said Pique.
"We have to make painful and difficult political decisions. We in The EU
evaluate all efforts to fight terrorism," said Pique.

He told reporters that the EU has several ideas and proposals to renew the
peace process, end violence and resume the peace negotiations between Israel
and the Palestinians.

"The EU guaranteed to work side by side with the United States   and other
international and Arab parties in order to work together to find the way to
achieve peace," said Pique.

The Spanish foreign minister, whose country holds the rotating presidency of
the EU, is on a Middle East tour that involves Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, the
Palestinian areas and Israel.

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