From: "Lysander Zimmerman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 17:14:38 -0500
To: "Direct Democracy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [R-G] Global inequality: Top 1% earn as much as the poorest 57%

People are wondering why the police are becoming militarized, the military
is undergoing heavy training in urban warfare, and the US is making a dash
to entirely take over the middle eastern oil supply?

Here is the answer, straight from the horse's, or rather the fat pig's


----- Original Message -----
From: "Neil Tangri" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2002 4:46 PM
Subject: [IMF-WB-Protest-Discuss] Global inequality: Top 1% earn as much as
the poorest 57%

> And here we go again...the World Bank reports this shocking finding and
> then continues to believe that the solution is more of what caused it...
> Top 1% earn as much as the poorest 57%
> Larry Elliott and Charlotte Denny
> Guardian
> Friday January 18, 2002
> The world's richest 50m people earn as much as the poorest
> 2.7bn and may soon be forced to live in heavily protected gated
> communities to escape the resentment of the billions living
> below the poverty line, a senior World Bank economist warns
> today.
> Research from Branko Milanovic, published today in the
> Economic Journal, shows a staggering increase in global
> inequality, which has been rising as rapidly internationally as in
> Britain under Mrs Thatcher.
> In a wide ranging study covering 85% of the world's population
> from 91 countries, Mr Milanovic has found that the richest 1% of
> the world have income equivalent to the poorest 57%.
> Four fifths of the world's population live below what countries in
> North America and Europe consider the poverty line. The
> poorest 10% of Americans are still better off than two-thirds of
> the world population.
> "We can wonder how long such huge inequalities may persist in
> the face of ever closer contacts, not least through television and
> movies, where opulent lifestyles of the rich influence
> expectations and often breed resentment among the poor," said
> Mr Milanovic.
> "Should it be of concern to the rich? Perhaps, if we believe that
> wide income gaps lead to immigration and resentment breeds
> terrorism. For ultimately, the rich may have to live in gated
> communities while the poor roam the world outside those few
> enclaves."
> Mr Milanovic said there were three main reasons for the increase
> in global inequality. Firstly there has been a growing gulf
> between sluggish rural incomes in Africa and several populous
> Asian countries such as India and Bangladesh compared with
> the rich west.
> Secondly the shock treatment administered to the former Soviet
> Union and its satellites in eastern Europe emptied out the global
> "middle class". Before the fall of the Berlin wall, most citizens in
> socialist countries had incomes between those in the rich west
> and the impoverished south.
> Finally, China's embrace of the market economy has opened up
> a divide between more affluent urban dwellers and poor farmers
> in the world's most populous country.
> Mr Milanovic's research compares inequality in 1988 with the
> position five years later. However, he has since used 1998 data
> to check his findings and said that the level of inequality globally
> has remained the same.
> The study used a measure of inequality known as the Gini
> coefficient which uses a scale from zero to 100 where zero is a
> completely equal country and 100 is a country where one
> person has all the money.
> Mr Milanovic said that the world's Gini coefficient was 66 -
> double that in Britain - and equivalent to 66% of people having
> zero income and the remaining 34% dividing the entire world
> among themselves equally.

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