From India News Network (INN)

Employees Burn Economy Orders

Thiruvananthapuram, January 19: Copies of formal orders on denial and curtailment of service benefits to the employees, issued January 17 evening, were burned yesterday in pubic before all the important offices all over the state. The burning of orders were after holding protest demonstrations by the employees and teachers. A lot of women employees also participated in these demonstrations.

The so called economy measures now issued relate to closure of 2040 schools by next academic year, two committees to locate excess employees in offices, provision for going out from employment at 75% of salary, stoppage of encashment of earned leave, stoppage of all loans to employees for house construction, purchase of vehicles, computers etc, extension of period of commutation of pension for 15 years, only basic pay for the first two years of service etc.

It was the finance minister’s turn for further provocate the employees by saying that there is nobody to strange the government even if the employees are denied salary for months together. He said that the government fears nobody he was addressing the annual conference of a pro-Congress (I) organisation of employees of the legislature. He also announced that all the economy measures suggested in the white papers are going to be implemented.

A seminar on impacts of salary cut’ held here yesterday and the economists participated in it said that cut in salaries and payment of salaries only by 15th of next month will have widespread impact on all people and all the financial institutions in the state. Dr. D. Babu Paul, Ex-chief secretary said that the decisions on extremely unfortunate. It is just an attempt of the government for cheap popularity through wrong means. Dr. Homan Pillai said that these cuts in service benefits will further stiffen the economy as it will directly affect the purchasing power of 170 lakh families which an normally spending all that they get every month. This will in turn affect the retail business people, construction workers, street vendors etc all over the state. The participants wanted the employees to seriously note the attempt of the government to divide the employees and the people and to explain that the policy of the govt. is not to allow peace both to the employees and the people.


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