Organization: Antiimperialist Camp News
Reply-To: "Antiimperialist Camp News" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2002 07:23:42 -0600
Subject: Italy: national demo in support of Intifada

We call upon all democratic and anti-imperialist forces to support this
demonstration as it is the first major mobilisation in Europe which does not
long overtly or covertly for the reinstatement of the fake peace accords of
Oslo but sides unequivocally with the popular resistance movement of the
Palestinian people. Only if the full right to self-determination of the
colonised and oppressed Palestinian people is recognised peace will be

Anti-imperialist Camp


Appeal to a national solidarity demonstration with the Intifada
9th March

On January 19th a national meeting in solidarity with Palestine was held in
Rome. In the framework of the "never ending war" where new escalations in
the Middle East are to be expected, the meeting has decided to promote a
national demonstration in Rome (suggested date March 9th) for

· the immediate withdrawal from the Palestinian territories of Israeli

· the dismantlement of Israeli settlements

· the Palestinians' right to self determination

· the creation of an independent Palestinian State with Jerusalem as capital

· the refugees' right to return

· the sending of international observers as asked for by the Palestinians

The Palestine Forum, the associations and the organizations participating in
the meeting call upon the Palestinian National Authority to release Ahmed
Saadat the general secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of
Palestine (PFLP) and all the other Intifida activists arrested under the
pressure of the governments of Tel Aviv, Washington and the European Union,
and to strengthen the unity of the Palestinian Intifada against Israeli
occupation. We decided to accept the international appeal to boycott Israeli
goods and economic relationships with Israel. To this end a work-group will
soon be installed. We consider it urgent to take to the streets and places
in our country in solidarity with the Palestinian people, giving life to
local initiatives culminating in a large united national demonstration which
will prepare and give new impetus to a massive international solidarity
presence in Palestine at the end of March in occasion of al Yom al Ard (Day
of the Earth).
The meeting saw the participation of associations, organizations and
comrades from:

Rome, Florence, Naples, Turin, Perugia, Padova, Bari, Milano, Frosinone,
Teramo, Pesaro, Latina, Palermo, Pescara

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