24 January 2002

Press Release 

Ramallah: Commenting on statements by Qatar's foreign minister in the United
States yesterday, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine stated
that these are expressions of the decline into which the official Arab
regimes have fallen. After the events of 11 September they have yielded to
American dictates. The Popular Front stated that the words uttered by
Qatar's foreign minister encourage Zionist aggression and American pressure
on the Palestinian people, and they constitute an indication of what kind of
resolutions the upcoming Arab summit may issue as regards the Arab and
Palestinian struggle with the Zionists.

The statement by the Popular Front noted that the deteriorated and divided
condition of the official Arab regimes today, requires that the Arab people
stand up to resist this condition. It called on the Arab peoples and their
political parties and trade unions to move quickly to put a stop to such
destructive moral collapse. The statement also called for the convening of
an Arab People's Congress, parallel with the session of the Arab summit,
that would affirm the Arab nation's resistance to Zionist-American
aggression against their land and the dignity of their peoples.

Press Office
24 January 2002. 


24 January 2002

Press Release 

Comrade Jamil al-Majdalawi, member of the Political Bureau of the Popular
Front for the Liberation of Palestine, has made the following statement

After many comments in the press and elsewhere have been made regarding the
alleged "declaration" attributed to the Martyr Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades
issued on 23 January 2002, I wish to affirm the following:

1. All of the Front's authorities have confirmed that none of them have
issued the above-mentioned "declaration," and that they reject the
expressions, denunciations of some people as "traitors," and other epithets
contained in the document, all of which are alien to the Popular Front and
its political rhetoric and language.

2. We advocate and work for assuring, strengthening, and reinforcing
Palestinian national unity so that we can all confront the Israeli
aggression of the criminal Sharon government against our people and holy

3. The continuing detention of Comrade General Secretary Ahmad Saadat, to
the extent that it inflicts great damage on Palestinian national unity and
relations, gives an opportunity to the enemies of our people, to the
frustrated seekers of revenge, and to anyone who wants to fish in troubled
waters to cause still more harm to our unity and to the cohesion of our
people's ranks. It allows them to spread discord in the ranks of the people
and their militant forces. For this reason we have turned and we are turning
to everyone, and in particular to Brother President Abu Ammar (Yasir Arafat)
that he may issue his order immediately freeing Comrade Ahmad Saadat, so
that we might together and irrevocably close the gates of evil and block the
way to all such miserable attempts at sowing discord.

Jamil al-Majdalawi

P.O. Box 66
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