From: "Stasi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: [Peoples War] Argentina: Demonstration Turns Into Violence - Xinhua

Demonstration Turns Into Violence in Argentina
Xinhuanet 2002-01-26 16:16:48

   BUENOS AIRES, January 26 (Xinhuanet) -- At least nine police
officers and three other people were injured early Saturday when a
peaceful demonstration in Argentina turned into violence after
riot police fired tear gas and rubber bullets.

   Thousands of demonstrators gathered in major streets in several
Argentine cities on Friday night in protest against a banking
freeze introduced by President Eduardo Duhalde's three-week-long
caretaker government.

   The Argentine government introduced the austerity measures in a
bid to help the country out of its four-year-long economic
recession, which has resulted in major unpopularity as people have
limited access to their savings.

   Organizers called for a peaceful demonstration, an unusual and
noisy one in which pots and pans were banged. But the
demonstration ended up in a clash between the protesters and the
police amid heavy rains one hour later.

   Demonstrators threw paving stones at the police on motorcycles
and with tear gas rifles in hand.


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