Subject: Xinhua: U.S. Considering Tougher Policy Toward Palestinians

Saturday, January 26, 2002 2:39 PM

      U.S. Considering Tougher Policy Toward Palestinians

      Xinhuanet 2002-01-26 06:17:38

         WASHINGTON, January 25 (Xinhuanet) -- U.S. President George W.
      Bush indicated Friday that the U.S. is considering punitive
      actions against the Palestinian Authority led by Yasser Arafat for
      an attempt to smuggle weapons into the Palestinian-controlled
         "Ordering up weapons that were intercepted on a boat headed for
      that part of the world is not part of fighting terror," Bush said
      on a trip to Maine.
         "That's enhancing terror," he said, noting that he was "very
      disappointed" with Arafat.
         Israeli troops early this month intercepted a ship carrying 50
      tons of weapons and ammunitions in the Red Sea and accused the
      Palestinians of smuggling the arms. But the charge was rejected by
      the Palestinian side.
         The Bush administration, which has sided completely with Israel
      in the recent escalation of conflict in the Middle East, also
      blamed Arafat for the incident and sent "evidence" on the
      Palestinian Authority's involvement in the event to leaders of
      major Arab countries on Thursday.
         According to U.S. officials, the U.S. options include closing
      the Palestinian Authority offices in Washington, suspending the
      peacemaking mission by special envoy Anthony Zinni, or placing
      Arafat's personal security force on the U.S. State Department's
      list of terrorist groups.  Enditem

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