From: Barry Stoller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2002 3:15 PM
Subject: Afghans: 'US killed wrong people'
 AP. 27 January 2002. Afghans:
US Forces Killed Wrong People.
 KANDAHAR -- Distraught villagers trekked to Kandahar on Sunday
to  complain to Afghan authorities that Army Special Forces killed
innocent  people in a raid last week.
 The delegation from the remote town of Khas Uruzgan pleaded its
case to provincial officials as Prime Minister Hamid Karzai traveled
Sunday to  Washington, where he is expected to discuss military
 The villagers said they set out on the 100-mile journey just hours
after  Wednesday night's attack, in which Pentagon officials said
about 15  people were killed, 27 captured and a large number of
weapons destroyed  during a raid on a Taliban arms depot.
 Villagers, however, claimed U.S. forces bombed their town hall
and  clinic, and killed and arrested men loyal to Afghanistan's
U.S.-backed  interim leader, Hamid Karzai.
 "I'm here to talk to these people working for the American Army,"
said  Zainullah, a town council member who like many Afghans
uses only one  name. "The people they have (captured), they are
working for Hamid  Karzai. If they arrest them, they should arrest
 "They were not Taliban. Not one was Taliban," said Zainullah,
the town councilor. "It's impossible."
 Yusuf Pashtun, an aide to Kandahar Gov. Gul Agha, also said
the town's government building and clinic were attacked.
  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 Barry Stoller

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