TODAY'S NEWS (January.29.2002 Juche 91)



U.S. use of biological and chemical weapons assailed

KCNA on U.S. futile attempts

Sports contest for "Paektusan Cup" opens

Bush's projected trip to S. Korea opposed

Japan hit for trying to justify overseas military actions of "SDF"

Senior middle schoolers' mathematic contest held

Anti-U.S. struggle called for

More dendrolites unearthed

Number of books on steady increase at Grand People's Study House

Full play to advantages of Korean socialist economic management called for

Anecdotes about President Kim Il Sung

Central Youth Hall

For Spanish-speaking people


descubiertos nuevos fosiles de vegetales

vana intencion de ee.uu. - comentario de atcc -

"rodong sinmun" califica de tropas agresivas "fuerzas de autodefensa" de

promotor de amenaza de armas bioquimicas


U.S. use of biological and chemical weapons assailed
     Pyongyang, January 29 (KCNA) -- Minju Joson today carries a signed
commentary 50 years after the U.S. full-scale use of biological and chemical
weapons in the northern half of Korea during the Korean War. The U.S.
imperialists began a germ warfare by spreading contagious bacteria including
smallpox. From Jan. 28 to march 1952 they dropped germ bombs and a variety
of things carrying germs on over 800 occasions over more than 400 places in
the northern half of Korea.
    The commentary says:
    The U.S. use of germ and biological and chemical weapons took many lives
of Koreans and seriously polluted the picturesque Korean land and its
ecological environment.
    The U.S. has not even admitted its crimes though a half century passed
since then. This is little short of revealing its intention to repeat such
    The U.S. units for biological and chemical warfare are armed with about
90 types of chemical bombs and have stockpiled more than 3 million chemical
shells. All these facts clearly prove that the U.S. is chiefly responsible
for the threat of biological and chemical weapons.
    The U.S. is well advised to officially admit the war crimes committed by
it by use of biological and chemical weapons in Korea, make an apology to
the Korean people and dismantle as soon as possible the nuclear weapons,
biological and chemical weapons and other weapons of mass destruction
stockpiled in South Korea and the U.S. mainland.


KCNA on U.S. futile attempts
     Pyongyang, January 29 (KCNA) -- The United States is now seeking to
stage such political farces as "investigation" and "hearing" over the human
rights and religious issues of the DPRK, with the mobilization of Ragtags
from the United States, Japan and South Korea, including some
parliamentarians and the U.S. commission on religious freedom. It is getting
undisguised in its moves to isolate and stifle the DPRK after the emergence
of the bush administration.
    Such "hearing" and "international meeting" to be held by the U.S. at the
beginning of the new year are intended to escalate its unjustifiable
pressure on the DPRK.
    This is an expression of the anachronistic hostile policy toward the
DPRK zealously pursued by the U.S. in a bid to increase pressure upon the
DPRK and isolate it by raising even human rights, religious and other minor
issues besides nuclear, missile and conventional weapons issues as
outstanding ones for discussion between the two countries.
    In fact, the U.S. has no right to take issue with any other country over
the human rights issue.
    It should look into its well-known worst human rights situation, before
talking about other country's human rights issue, and frankly make public
its truth to the world.
    In the United States there are countless people seized with unrest and
panic, deprived of elementary human rights and freedom and other vital
    The U.S., which rose from the graves of Indians, natives of America, has
grown fat at the cost of the blood and sweat of African black slaves and
through ceaseless wars of aggression. It is still staging aggression and
war, terrorism and intervention everywhere in the world, wrecking peace and
wantonly violating human rights.
    This is evidenced by its war in Afghanistan conducted under the pretext
of "anti-terrorism" operation. in this war the U.S. has massacred a large
number of innocent civilians in cold blood only to come in for criticism.
    It is sheer hypocrisy and a foolish attempt of the U.S. to pull up the
DPRK over its "human rights issue".
    The U.S. seeks to put pressure on the DPRK, slandering its system where
all human rights are fully ensured. But it is a reckless and futile attempt.


Sports contest for "Paektusan Cup" opens
     Pyongyang, January 29 (KCNA) -- A sports contest of officials of
national institutions for "Paektusan Cup" was opened to celebrate February
16, the birthday of leader Kim Jong Il. The sports contest is held in
Pyongyang on the occasion of his birthday every year in accordance with the
Workers' Party of Korea policy of popularizing sports.
    The contest includes basketball, tug of war and Taekwon-do matches.
    Present at an opening ceremony on Jan. 28 were Kim Jung Rin, secretary
of the central committee of the WPK, officials concerned and officials of
national institutions.
    Ryom Sun Gil, chairman of the c.c., the General Federation of Trade
Unions of Korea, made a speech at the ceremony.


Bush's projected trip to S. Korea opposed
     Pyongyang, January 29 (KCNA) -- The Council for National Reconciliation
and Independent Reunification of South Korea reportedly voiced strong
opposition to Bush's projected trip to South Korea as it would increase the
tensions and the danger of war on the Korean peninsula. The council in a
recent statement denouncing Bush's junket slated for February held that the
U.S. is entirely to blame for unilaterally ditching the DPRK-U.S. agreement,
straining the DPRK-U.S. relations with its hard line toward Pyongyang and
laying obstacles in the way of the implementation of the June 15 joint
declaration and the process to improve the inter-Korean relations.


Japan hit for trying to justify overseas military actions of "SDF"
     Pyongyang, January 29 (KCNA) -- The Japan defense agency is now going
to stipulate "UN Peacekeeping Operations" as the basic duty of the
"Self-Defense Frces" in a new "arms buildup program." Rodong Sinmun today
says in a bylined commentary in this regard:
    This move is little short of officially declaring that the duty of the
"SDF is overseas aggression, not "defence."
    This means that Japan's military strategy has turned into a preemptive
offensive strategy from the purely defensive strategy the purpose of which
is to repel "aggression" from outside and the theatre of Japan's military
operations will extend to any part of the world from the areas surrounding
    Japan keeps huge naval force next to the United States in the pacific
region. It decided to build aircraft carriers and introduce a mid-air
tanker. Such a decision has nothing to do with the defence of Japan. It is a
product of Japan's pugnacious policy of strengthening its position as a
military power and dispatching its aggression forces to any part of the
world to commit intervention in conflict and use of force.
    With a view to justifying such aggressive overseas military operations
Japan is trying to abuse the name of the "UN." It is the ulterior intention
of Japan to partake in worldwide disputes under the name of the "UN
Peacekeeping Forces" to play the role of international gendarme and expand
the sphere of domination and markets.
    No matter what desperate efforts Japan is making to go under the
signboard of the "UN Peacekeeping Forces" it cannot conceal its true colors
as an aggressor hell-beat on overseas military expansion.


Senior middle schoolers' mathematic contest held
     Pyongyang, January 29 (KCNA) -- The 10th National Mathematic Contest of
third and fourth year senior middle schoolers (those of senior middle
schools no. 1 included) was held here from Jan. 23 to 27. The contest drew
over 460 schoolers. In the competition they were divided into third and
fourth year pupils of senior middle schools no. 1 in all provinces, senior
middle schools no. 1 in cities and counties and senior middle schools and
    Many schoolers achieved good results thanks to their high ability to
solve problems and splendid idea.
    The first place went to the groups of fourth year pupils of Changdok
School and third year pupils of senior middle school no. 1 in Sariwon in the
provincial category and the groups of third and fourth year pupils of
Pyongyang in the city and county category and to a group of fourth year
pupils of Pyongyang and a group of third year pupils of South Phyongan
Province in the senior middle school category.


Anti-U.S. struggle called for
     Pyongyang, January 29 (KCNA) -- The "committee for peace against war
and for national independence of the national people's solidarity for
national independence, democracy and people's right to existence"
inaugurated in South Korea in November last year reportedly held a meeting
on Jan. 11 to discuss its future activities. The meeting called upon the
people of lower classes to play a main role in the anti-U.S. struggle for
reunification, strengthen the unity of the ranks of the reunification
movement and people's movement and urged the committee to perform a major
role in the struggle for peace against war and for national independence.


More dendrolites unearthed
     Pyongyang, January 29 (KCNA) -- Over 300 species of fossil plants
belonging to the third period of miocene believed to be at least 25 million
years old were unearthed in the DPRK. Among them 11 species were discovered
for the first time in the world.
    Particularly noteworthy were five species of qurcue fossil.
    Among them three species were newly named quercus schistophglla, quercus
jusonensis and quercus kogonwonensis, for their shapes rare to be seen in
the world. 
    These species are considered to be standard fossil of the miocene in the
light of the geological period.
    The newly excavated fossil plants are of great academic significance in
studying the statigraphic importance and conditions for the formation of
underground resources.


Number of books on steady increase at Grand People's Study House
    Pyongyang, January 29 (KCNA) -- The number of books is on a steady
increase at the Grand People's Study House situated in the central part of
Pyongyang. Leader Kim Jong Il, always deeply concerned for the development
of science and technology in the country sent there 753 books of 43 kinds
and hardware on eight occasions in just 20 days of this mouth. 200,000 more
books are coming to the house every year.
    New scientific and technological books including those on it electronic
engineering tale-communications science and medicine are be widely read by
visitors at home and abroad as well and various other interesting books.
    A daily accommodating foreign visitors capacity of the house is over
12,000 persons. 
    The house with a total floor space of 100,000 square meters has over 600
rooms including 20 reading rooms, 14 lecture rooms.
    Its capacity is at least 30 million books.
    International conferences and other meetings can be held there.
    It has friendly and cooperative ties with over 600 libraries of more
than 120 countries and 8 international organizations.
    The exchange of books is brisk.
    Drawing particular attention of visitors are rooms giving CD service and
service for find computer files that started at the outset of the year.


Full play to advantages of Korean socialist economic management called for
    Pyongyang, January 29 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today editorially calls
for giving fuller play to the advantages of the Korean-style socialist
economic management. The main orientation set by the Workers' Party of Korea
to improve and perfect the Juche-based socialist economic management is to
apply a method of economic management effective in ensuring the greatest
profitability while adhering to the socialist principle.
    The key to success in the socialist economic construction is to smash
the imperialists' moves and abide by the socialist principle, the editorial
notes, and says: 
    Through life experience, the Korean people have deeply grasped the truth
of revolution that when the socialist principle is adhered to, progress can
be made in the socialist economic construction despite any storm and stress
and worldwide economic crisis.
    We should firmly abide by the principle of socialism and solve all the
problems arising in the economic management in keeping with the intrinsic
nature of socialist society, as in the past, so in the 21st century, too.
    The economic management should be improved and perfected in a
revolutionary way on the principle of ensuring profitability. This is the
main content of the WPK's strategy for economic construction. Ensuring
profitability in socialist society means making a substantial contribution
to the promotion of the people's wellbeing and to the interests of the whole
    Our socialist economic system established by President Kim Il Sung is
the most advantageous and viable system, and it is necessary to have a
proper understanding of the advantages of our socialist planned economy.


Anecdotes about President Kim Il Sung
    Pyongyang, January 29 (KCNA) -- It happened on October 8, Juche 51
(1962) when the elections of deputies to the third Supreme People's Assembly
took place in the DPRK. That day President Kim Il Sung was supposed to go to
an election district to vote together with workers.
    Before leaving, he asked his aide if he took the president's certificate
of citizenship with him.
    On hearing that it was not with him, the president said that he, too,
should abide by the law of the country as a citizen of the DPRK. And he told
his aide to bring the certificate though it might cause a delay.
    When the aide came back, the president put the certificate into his
inside pocket after carefully examining it.
    Upon reaching the voting place, he showed his certificate to officials
there and received a voting card to vote.
    Kim Il Sung looked around the inside of a small railway station in a
mountain area at sunset of Feb. 6, Juche 52 (1963) when he was giving
on-the-spot guidance.
    At that time, a table showing railway fares vertically written in
Chinese characters was hanging on a wall there.
    He met the station-master and told him that the fares on the table
should be written in Arabic figures horizontally to make it easy for the
passengers to read the table.
    He left there after promising the master to come there again and see a
new table. 
    Early in the morning of the next day he visited the station again and
saw the new table. Praising officials of the station for what they did, he
instructed that all the railway stations should have such horizontally
written tables. 
    Later easily readable tables of railway fares appeared in all railway
stations of the country.
    It happened when the president gave field guidance to Kaesong area on
September 14, Juche 61 (1972). He asked officials there what was the special
food of the area. 
    None of them could give a correct answer to the questions repeatedly put
by him in the course of the on-the-spot guidance.
    While visiting factories in the city he met old men who had lived there
for years and found out that loach soup was a special food of the city.
    And he made sure that a new restaurant was built there to serve only
loach soup to the customers.


Central Youth Hall
    Pyongyang, January 29 (KCNA) -- The central youth hall is located on the
east bank of the River Taedong flowing through Pyongyang. It is always
crowded by youth and students enjoying leisure-time activities.
    More than 5,000 youth and students on a daily average come to the hall
to conduct circle activities according to their wishes and aptitudes. They
acquire a good knowledge of up-to-the-minute science and technology and
cultivate their talents through diverse sports and artistic activities.
    The hall with a total floor space of at least 51,000 square meters was
built on May 18, Juche 78 (1989).
    It has more than 740 rooms with modern facilities including a 2,000-seat
theater, a 600-seat theatre, a hall available for various purposes with an
accommodation capacity of over 1,000 and four 250-seat meeting halls.
    International functions such as the April Spring Friendship Art Festival
and sports and cultural functions for youth and exhibitions of inventions
and rationalization proposals and contrivances were held here.


For Spanish-speaking people

descubiertos nuevos fosiles de vegetales
     pyongyang, 29 de enero (atcc) -- en corea fueron descubiertos mas de
300 nuevos generos de vegetales pertenecientes al n1 del tercer periodo
(antes de cerca de 25 millones de anos). de ellos 11 son descubiertos
nuevamente por primera vez en el mundo.
    particularmente fueron descubiertos 5 generos de fosiles de qurcue. de
estos 3 generos que tienen formas no conocidas por el mundo fueron
denominados respectivamente: qurcue yuson, qurcue de hojas divididas y
qurcue kogonwon. 
    estos generos se consideran como fosiles modelo de aquella epoca
    los fosiles descubiertos tienen gran significado para dar aclaracion
cientifica a las premisas paleogeograficas de la formacion de los recursos


vana intencion de ee.uu. - comentario de atcc -
     pyongyang, 29 de enero (atcc) -- en estos dias, ee.uu. pretende
organizar una bufanada politica como "averiguacion" y "audiencia" sobre el
problema del derecho humano y la religion de la republica popular
democratica de corea, movilizando para este fin a algunos parlamentarios
norteamericanos, el "comite internacional por la libertad religiosa" y
gentuallas de ee.uu., el japon y sudcorea. ee.uu., despues de la aparicion
de la administracion bush, hace mas abiertas sus maniobras de aislar y
aplastar la rpdc. intenta efectuar desde el inicio del ano nuevo la
"audiencia" y la "reunion internacional" con el proposito de ampliar de modo
escalonado la ofensiva injusta de presion sobre la rpdc.
    esta es la manifestacion de la anacronica politica hostil a la rpdc de
ee.uu. encaminada a elevar el grado de presion sobre la rpdc y aislarla al
presentar como los de actualidad entre ambos paises el problema del derecho
humano y la religion y otros insignificantes ademas de los problemas de
armas nucleares y misiles y de armas convencionales.
    a decir verdad, ee.uu. no esta en condiciones de hablar del problema del
derecho humano de otro pais.
    ante todo, debe averiguar el estado del derecho humano de su pais
reconocido ampliamente por el mundo "como lugar de privacion del derecho
humano" y publicarlo francamente al mundo.
    ahora, en ee.uu. hay incontables personas quienes tiemblan de inquietud
y terror sin disfrutar de la elemental libertad del derecho humano y el
derecho a la existencia.
    ee.uu. surgido sobre las tumbas de los indios se ha engordado por el
sudor y la sangre de los esclavos negros de africa y por las incesantes
guerras de agresion. tambien hoy perturba la paz y pisotea arbitrariamente
el derecho humano a traves de la agresion, la guerra, el terrorismo, las
intrigas y las intervenciones en todos los lugares del mundo.
    ee.uu. es objeto de censura por haber asesinado a numerosos habitantes
inocentes en la guerra de afganistan que desarrolla bajo el pretexto de
guerra anti-terrorista.
    el que ee.uu. trata de ejercer presion sobre la rpdc al acusarla de
"problema del derecho humano" es una descarada hipocresia y un desafio
    es vana la intencion de ee.uu. de denigrar el regimen de la rpdc en que
se aseguran mas autenticamente todos los derechos del hombre y de ejercer
presion sobre ella.


"rodong sinmun" califica de tropas agresivas "fuerzas de autodefensa" de
     pyongyang, 29 de enero (atcc ) -- el diario "rodong sinmun", en un
comentario individual de hoy, califica de un desarrollo muy grave de la
situacion el hecho de que recientemente la agencia de defensa del japon
intenta incluir en su "nuevo plan de defensa" como el deber principal de las
"fuerzas de autodefensa" las "actividades para el mantenimiento de la paz de
la onu". el comentario senala en particular:
    la intencion del japon de tomar por deber principal de las "fuerzas de
autodefensa" su participacion en la operacion militar de las "fuerzas para
el mantenimiento de la paz de la onu" significa la declaracion oficial de
que el deber de las "fuerzas de autodefensa" se convertira de "defensa" en
la agresion al ultramar.
    segun eso, la estrategia militar del japon se cambia de la de "defensa
exclusiva" que toma por lo principal detener la "agresion" del exterior en
la de ataque anticipado y la region de operacion militar del japon se amplia
de una vez de su contorno a la esfera mundial.
    el japon, que ocupa segundo lugar en la posesion de las fuerzas navales
despues de ee.uu.en la region del pacifico, decidio construir portaaviones e
introducir el avion nodriza.
    tal medida no tiene nada que ver con la defensa del japon sino
enteramente con su politica belicosa para fortalecer la posicion de su
potencia militar, despachar a sus fuerzas armadas agresivas a cualquier
region del mundo y perpetrar la guerra de injerencia y el uso de sus fuerzas
    el japon pretende legalizar tal operacion militar en el ultramar de
caracter agresivo poniendose la gorra de la "onu".
    el siniestro designio del japon es inmiscuirse en varias regiones de
conflicto del mundo bajo el nombre de las "fuerzas para el mantenimiento de
la paz de la onu" para desempenar el papel de la policia internacional y
ampliar la esfera de dominio y el mercado.
    por mucho que intente disfrazarse con la mascara de las "fuerzas para el
mantenimiento de la paz de la onu", el japon no puede ocultar su naturaleza
agresiva enloquecida en la expansion militar al ultramar.


promotor de amenaza de armas bioquimicas
    pyongyang, 29 de enero (atcc) -- el periodico "minju joson" inserto en
el numero de hoy un comentario por cumplirse los 50 anos desde cuando en la
pasada guerra coreana ee.uu. perpetro de modo intensivo la guerra
bacteriologica en la parte norte de corea. el comentario senala:
    los imperialistas norteamericanos iniciaron la guerra bacteriologica al
difundir los bacilos de viruela y otras enfermedades contagiosas y lanzaron
en el periodo del 28 de enero a marzo de 1952 en mas de 800 ocasiones las
bombas bacteriologicas y distintos objetos con microbios de homicidio en mas
de 400 lugares de la parte norte de nuestro pais.
    por la aplicacion de las armas bacteriologicas y bioquimicas de ee.uu.
fueron muertos tragicamente numerosos coreanos, contaminado el hermoso
territorio de nuestro pais y destruido el habitat.
    hasta hoy a un medio siglo de aquel entonces, ee.uu. no reconoce sus
actos criminales, tratando de repetirlos.
    las unidades de guerra bioquimica norteamericanas estan armadas con
bombas quimicas de unos 90 generos y poseen mas de 3 millones de proyectiles
quimicos. esto es una prueba clara de que ee.uu. es el verdadero promotor de
la amenaza de las armas bioquimicas.
    ee.uu. debe reconocer oficialmente sus atrocidades de guerra bioquimica
perpetradas en corea y pedir disculpa al pueblo coreano y eliminar lo mas
pronto posible enorme cantidad de armas nucleares y bioquimicas y otros
armamentos de exterminio masivo acumulados en su pais y sudcorea.

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