
Chinese, Moldovan Leaders Exchange Greetings on Anniversary of Diplomatic
Chinese and Moldovan leaders exchanged greetings on Wednesday on the
occasion of the 10th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic
relations between the two countries.

Chinese and Moldovan leaders exchanged greetings on Wednesday on the
occasion of the 10th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic
relations between the two countries.
In a congratulatory message to his Moldovan counterpart, Vladimir Voronin,
Chinese President Jiang Zemin said the establishment of Sino-Moldovan
diplomatic ties on January 30, 1992 opened a new chapter for the two
countries in developing friendly cooperative relations.
During the past decade, the two countries have understood and supported each
other in safeguarding national independence, state sovereignty and
territorial integrity and in dealing with other major issues of national
interests, said the Chinese president.
He said the two countries have maintained close and fruitful exchanges and
cooperation in various fields, and they have established a new type of
state-to-state relationship based on political equality and mutual trust,
mutually beneficial economic cooperation and mutual support in world
Jiang stressed that a comprehensive, lasting and healthy development of
bilateral ties can be realized only by adhering to the principles of mutual
respect, equality and mutual benefit, and non-interference in each other's
internal affairs. 
It serves the basic interests of the two countries and two peoples to
further Sino-Moldovan ties and enhance bilateral friendship in the new
century, he said. 
In a separate message to Moldovan Parliament Speaker Eugenia Ostapciuc, Li
Peng, chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress
of China, said the Sino-Moldovan friendship, with a wide-ranging social
foundation, is supported by the two peoples, and the Chinese people have
always regarded the Moldovan people as reliable partners and close friends.
In his message to Moldovan Prime Minister Vasile Tarlev, Chinese Premier Zhu
Rongji, said that since China and Moldova established diplomatic relations
10 years ago, the two countries have consistently strengthened exchanges and
cooperation in such fields as politics, economy, trade, science and
technology, culture, education and health care.
He expressed the belief that mutually beneficial cooperation between China
and Moldova, the two countries which have great potential and broad
prospective for further cooperation, will be fruitful through unremitting
efforts by both sides.
Voronin, in his message to Jiang, said he is pleased to see the smooth
development of bilateral relations on the basis of equality, respect and
mutual trust since the establishment of diplomatic ties between the two
Jiang's visit to Moldova in July 2001 has further strengthened the
friendship between the two countries, he said.
Ostapciuc and Tarlev sent messages to their Chinese counterparts separately
on the occasion. 
Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan and Moldovan Foreign Minister Nocolae
Dudau also exchanged congratulatory messages.


Russia Puts New Strategic Missiles on Combat Duty.
The Russian Defense Ministry put six new-type Topol-M strategic missile
systems on combat duty as planned in 2001, and is putting more mobile
missile complexes in army service this year, Russian Deputy Defense
Minister, Colonel-General Alexei Moskovsky, announced Tuesday.

The Russian Defense Ministry put six new-type Topol-M strategic missile
systems on combat duty as planned in 2001, and is putting more mobile
missile complexes in army service this year, Russian Deputy Defense
Minister, Colonel-General Alexei Moskovsky, announced Tuesday.

"Another six Topol-Ms will be purchased by the Defense Ministry and be used
in the Armed Forces this year," the general told reporters.

It takes 18 months to manufacture one Topol-M missile. The state program on
the development of weapons until 2010, which the government adopted days
ago, sets the rate of putting missiles on combat readiness, he said.

Topol-M is a most up-to-date intercontinental ballistic missile that was
developed in 1990s and can be launched from either a silo or carrier. It
adopts solid booster fuel, highly precise guiding systems and
faster-launching technologies, featuring much higher flight speed than any
other Russian strategic missiles.

Russian military experts say it can penetrate any missile defense umbrella.

In 1998, when 10 such systems were adopted, 40 percent of the governmental
spending on arms purchases was channeled to the development of strategic
forces, In 2001 and 2002, only 18 percent was assigned to the strategic
rocket force, Moskovsky said.

Moscow plans to fully equip its strategic rocket force with such missiles by


Arafat Meets With Russian Envoy Over Mideast Situation.

Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat on Tuesday discussed with visiting Russian
Mideast envoy Andrei Vdovin the current situation in the region in the West
Bank city of Ramallah, reported the Palestinian News Agency (WAFA).

Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat on Tuesday discussed with visiting Russian
Mideast envoy Andrei Vdovin the current situation in the region in the West
Bank city of Ramallah, reported the Palestinian News Agency (WAFA).

The two sides also discussed a four-way meeting proposed to be held in the
United States , said WAFA.

During the meeting, Arafat briefed Vdovin on the continuous Israeli attacks
against the Palestinian people and the international efforts to put an end
to the Palestinian-Israeli violence and to restore the peace process in the

After the meeting, the Russian envoy told reporters that the four-way
meeting in Washington will deal with the deteriorating situation in the
Middle East and means of resolving the current crisis.

"We believe that it is necessary to end terrorism and all kinds of violence
without infringement of the Palestinian National Authority," said Vdovin,
adding that "Rather, we have to strengthen the PNA's position as an
essential partner in the peace process."

What's now important is to discuss the issue with all peace brokers to try
to reach a coordinated stance on ways of dealing with the current crisis, he

Vdovin added that he had discussed the matter with Arafat and was acquainted
with Arafat's positions in this regard.

China Calls for More Attention to African Realities in Seeking Solution.

China Tuesday called for more world attention to African realities in
discussing and seeking a solution to the African issue, which is of great
concerns to the UN Security Council and the world at large.
"The Chinese Government will as always continue to strengthen its
cooperation with African countries and make efforts to help find solutions
to regional issues in Africa", says Chinese permanent representative to the

China Attaches Importance to Sino-African Relations: Vice President

China Tuesday called for more world attention to African realities in
discussing and seeking a solution to the African issue, which is of great
concerns to the UN Security Council and the world at large.

Different characteristics on African continent
 Wang Yingfan, the Chinese permanent representative to the United Nations,
told an open Security Council meeting that "we believe that when discussing
and seeking a solution to the African issue, we should never forget the
realities in Africa and neglect its unique characteristics."
"Our world is diversified," he said. "The African continent is an important
part of it." 
"After long and unremitting struggles, most African countries won national
independence by the middle of the 20th century," he said. "However, due to
years of colonialism as well as other reasons, their economic foundation is
extremely weak, education for their people is minimal and their
socioeconomic development has been hampered by many factors."

China Will Always Be Africa's "Good Friend": Chinese Leader

-After winning independence, many African countries have traversed a
difficult path of twists and turns," he said. "At present, like many other
places, Africa also faces the two tasks of peace and development."
"But these two tasks take on different characteristics on the African
continent and have a lot to do with its history, relations between countries
and ethnic groups as well as the socioeconomic realities there," he said.

Poverty and armed conflicts cause terrorism
 After the September 11 event, the international community has come to
realize that poverty and armed conflicts are causes of terrorism, he said.
"We believe that, only by increasing development aid to African countries
and helping them develop economy and eradicate poverty can we lay a solid
basis for a thorough solution to African conflicts."
The Organization of Africa Unity (OAU) and other African sub-regional groups
are working hard to solve African regional conflicts and to promote economic
development there, he said.
"As a primary organ for maintaining world peace and security, the Security
Council has squarely on its shoulders a responsibility to solve the issue of
African conflicts," he said.
"Promoting peace and development in Africa and strengthening cooperation
with African countries constitutes an important part of China's foreign
policy," he said. 

Active cooperation to solve regional issues
 In October 2000, China successfully hosted the China-Africa Forum on
Cooperation in Beijing, the Chinese capital. The senior officials meeting
and the ministerial meeting of the China-Africa Forum on Cooperation will be
held in Ethiopia this year and next year respectively.
"Preparations for these two meetings are smoothly under way," he said. "The
Chinese Government has always tried to provide necessary assistance to
African countries to the best of its capacity."
The China-Africa Forum on Cooperation has already identified the fields and
some projects of cooperation between the two sides, he said. "The Chinese
Government has also made a pledge on reducing and exempting debts owed by
African countries to China."
By now, more than 20 countries have signed with China the protocol on debt
reduction and exemption, he said. "The Chinese Government will as always
continue to strengthen its cooperation with African countries and make
efforts to help find solutions to regional issues in Africa."


Why China Gives Huge Financial Aid to Afghanistan? (I)

"After the start of its reconstruction, Afghanistan needs huge amounts of
materials and financial aid. I have stressed on many international occasions
that Afghanistan is like a car on its onward run. When Afghan people are
sitting in the driveršs cab and controlling the steering wheel in their
advance, we resolutely oppose others treading on the throttle or applying a
brake, the Afghan people should be allowed to become genuine drivers.

The following article is about a call on a Chinese ambassador in charge of
Afghan affairs, the source of which is drawn from China Youth Daily.
"After the start of its reconstruction, Afghanistan needs huge amounts of
materials and financial aid. I have stressed on many international occasions
that Afghanistan is like a car on its onward run. When Afghan people are
sitting in the driver's cab and controlling the steering wheel in their
advance, we resolutely oppose others treading on the throttle or applying a
brake, the Afghan people should be allowed to become genuine drivers."
The above remarks were made by Mr. Wang Xuexian, Chinese ambassador in
charge of Afghan affairs and Chinese ranking official of the Asian-European
conference. The information transmitted from the ambassador's figurative
metaphor has received the unanimous favorable comments from Afghanistan's
interim government and many developing countries. On January 25, he accepted
the exclusive interview by a reporter of China Youth Daily in Beijing. That
same day, Sun Guoxiang, deputy director of the Asian Department of Chinese
Foreign Ministry, briefed foreign reporters from the Beijing Foreign
Reporters Information Center concerning the situation regarding
Afghanistan's provisional government President Hamid Kazai's visit to China.
On the evening of a day before, China formally announced to the world that
on the basis of the respective financial aid of RMB30 million and US$1
million, China would further provide Afghanistan with assistance of US$150
million (one US dollar is equivalent to 8.3 yuan). At that time, Wang
Xuexian, as a "special envoy of the Chinese government", just returned from
the Tokyo Aid-to-Afghanistan Conference to Beijing. Ambassador Wang
explained that the Chinese ambassador in charge of Afghan affairs handles
China's international multilateral coordination relating to the Afghanistan
issue, particularly relating to Afghanistan's multilateral international
conference, generally speaking, it does not involve China's internal
coordination and China-Afghanistan bilateral relationship.

Tokyo Conference Extends Generous Aid
According to the estimate made by the United Nations, World Bank and Asian
Development Bank, in the coming 10 years, at least US$15 billion will be
needed for Afghanistan's reconstruction, US$10 billion will be needed for
the first five years alone, only with this aid will it be possible for
Afghanistan to restore and maintain its normal operation. This sum does not
include humanitarian aid extended in the form of medicine, foodstuffs and
tents to Afghanistan. The January 21-22 Tokyo meeting was crowned with rich
fruits. Numerous countries, particularly the developed ones and neighboring
countries, based on consideration of their different interests, extended
huge amounts of money. The US$4.5 billion worth of funds collected at the
conference was beyond Kazai's own expectations.
Of course, there are reasons for this. The United States, which has badly
battered Afghanistan, naturally need take out huge amounts of funds to help
Afghanistan's reconstruction, otherwise, it will be difficult for America to
keep a foothold in Afghanistan and Central Asia, the United States sent out
a 130-plus-member formidable delegation headed by Secretary of State Colin
Powell, indicating the importance it attached to the conference. At the
meeting, the United States donated US$296 million, which made it, among
single nations, the country extending the greatest donation in one year.
Japan, as the host, also donated US$500 million, its aim was no more than an
anxious intention to expand its influence on the Central Asian region. For
this reason, Japan's generosity was extended without regard for the great
cost, despite the fact that it had been crying in the face of other
countries about its decade-long economic depression. India also readily gave
promise of aid to Afghanistan. Iran readily promised US$560 million, Saudi
Arabia, as a Moslem brother, took out US$220 million, EU extended an amount
of US$495 million, but it repeatedly stressed on many occasions, "the amount
of aid we, EU members, extended to Afghanistan was the greatest."
Notwithstanding, some members within the EU complained that they had spent
too much this time. Noteworthy is that the aid extended by certain developed
countries to Afghanistan was attached with preconditions, the aid was either
hooked up with politics, or with military affairs, or with getting closer to
security, the aim of these countries was trying to seize initiative on the
issue of Afghanistan.
Speaking specifically about the Tokyo conference, Ambassador Wang said that
attending the Tokyo conference were representatives from 61 countries and 21
international organizations. The conference was the continuation of many
international conferences on Afghan affairs, it is closely connected with
the already concluded Washington Conference, Islamabad Conference, Brussels
Conference and Bonn Conference. The Tokyo Conference was co-chaired by the
United States, Japan, EU and Saudi Arabia, the four chair states of the
"special guidance group" for the Afghanistan issue. Ambassador Wang
commented, "Generally speaking, this was an active and pragmatic conference,
the international community paid great attention to this meeting, because it
was linked together with the international anti-terrorism endeavor."
Ambassador Wang said, "It goes without saying that Afghanistan is in
desperate need of aid. Settlement of the anti-terrorist military problem in
Afghanistan is followed by the need to solve the problem regarding
Afghanistan's reconstruction. The various parties exhibited enormous
enthusiasm in providing Afghanistan with humanitarian aid and helping the
Afghan people in rebuilding their homeland, adopted many positive and
effective measures and made many promises. On this basis, a total of US$4.5
billion was raised at the conference, the amount of aid for the first year
was US$1.8 billion. Of course, the stand points of various countries in
extending aid to Afghanistan differ in a thousand and one ways." Wang added
that the Chinese government expressed its appreciation of this pragmatic
conference, and believed the conference would produce positive impact on
Afghanistan's embarkation onto the development road of peace and stability,
nevertheless, the more arduous task in the future is to honor the

Chinese Aid to Its Neighbor-Afghanistan
Ambassador Wang said that China, as neighbor of Afghanistan, has a common
boundary of 92 km with Afghanistan. Historically, China and Afghanistan had
all along been friendly to each other. China had always maintained friendly
contacts with the Afghan government prior to the Taliban regime. China had
always been concerned about the peaceful settlement of the Afghanistan issue
and had paid consistent attention to humanitarian aid to Afghanistan and its
post-war reconstruction. Together with the international community, China is
willing to actively participate in Afghanistan's post-war reconstruction.
The Chinese Foreign Ministry's Website quoted an official with the Asian
Department as saying, "China and Afghanistan, as neighbors, have maintained
a very good relationship. The Chinese people have always cherished very
friendly sentiments for the Afghan people. China's aid to Afghanistan has
never been interrupted, even in the periods of former Soviet invasion of
Afghanistan and the country's civil war, China offered aid each year to
Afghanistan through relevant international agencies."
Ambassador Wang revealed that on the occasion of the founding of the Afghan
provisional government, China provided Afghanistan with 30 million yuan
worth of emergency humanitarian material aid. At the Tokyo conference, the
Chinese government again announced that it would further provided
Afghanistan with US$1 million in spot exchange as funds for starting the
functioning of the Afghan provisional government. This amount of US$1
million has been transferred to the account of the Afghan interim
government. On January 24, Chinese President Jiang Zemin, in meeting with
Kazai, again announced China's offer of reconstruction aid worth US$150
Why does China extend so generous aid to Afghanistan? The ambassador said
there are still many poverty-stricken areas in China itself, and now
large-scale development of the western region is under way, each cent of
money is useful in China. The fact that China tries its best to aid
Afghanistan is based on the following four aspects of consideration:
*    First, assistance and support to the developing countries are the
consistent stand and starting-point of China's foreign policy. To many
developing countries in the world, when they encounter difficulties, China
invariably provides them with possible help, this is determined by the
nature of China's foreign policy. Since China and Afghanistan established
diplomatic relations, the two countries have all along maintained neighborly
and friendly ties, furthermore, many among the Chinese leaders of the older
generation had visited Afghanistan.
*    Second, as a neighbor bordering on Afghanistan and as a permanent
member of the UN Security Council, China hopes that Afghanistan would
achieve peace, national conciliation and national prosperity. Such an
Afghanistan is very important to the entire Central Asian region as well as
to China, what is more, Afghanistan's peace and development are vitally
important to the crackdown on terrorism in the region.
*    Third, when Taliban was in power, Bin Laden's "Qaida" had also trained
China's "Turkistan" separatists who posed serious threat to peace and
stability in China's Xinjiang and its western region, China is also a victim
of terrorism. Speaking from this angle, China's help to Afghanistan in its
anti-terrorism actually is a help to China itself.
*    Fourth, China's aid to Afghanistan is helpful to the future economic
and trade cooperation between China and Afghanistan, it can also boost the
development of Chinese enterprises on the Afghan market. Nowadays,
Afghanistan is heavily damaged with many things waiting to be done, there
are many opportunities and advantages for China to participate in
Afghanistan's construction and development, for instance, in Afghanistan's
construction of infrastructure and agriculture.

In the meantime, Sun Guoxiang also indicates, "China takes a positive
attitude in its help to Afghanistan's post-war reconstruction. China has
both technology and ability to participate in Afghanistan's post-war
rebuilding work. We will conduct further discussions with Afghan provisional
government on the concrete projects."
In short, the ambassador stated: China's aid to Afghanistan is both
beneficial to the Afghan people and helps promote the long-term cooperation
between China and Afghanistan.


Dow Drops 247 Points.

Investors showed a growing lack of faith in corporate America's accounting
practices Tuesday, sending the Dow Jones industrials tumbling nearly 250
points on worries that more companies might be vulnerable to bookkeeping

Investors showed a growing lack of faith in corporate America's accounting
practices Tuesday, sending the Dow Jones industrials tumbling nearly 250
points on worries that more companies might be vulnerable to bookkeeping

Analysts said Wall Street, already jittery about the timing of an economic
recovery, was concerned that companies including the conglomerate Tyco might
suffer from the same type of balance-sheet irregularities that brought down

The Dow fell 247.51, or 2.5%, at 9618.24. It was the biggest point drop in
three months. The losses were even more significant in broader indicators.
The Nasdaq composite index fell 50.92, or 2.6%, to 1892.99. The Standard &
Poor's 500 index dropped 32.42, or 2.9%, to 1100.64.


U.S. President's Niece Arrested, Charged With Prescription Fraud.

The daughter of Florida Gov. Jeb Bush was arrested Tuesday in Tallahassee on
charges of trying to fill a fake prescription for the popular tranquilizer

The daughter of Florida Gov. Jeb Bush was arrested Tuesday in Tallahassee on
charges of trying to fill a fake prescription for the popular tranquilizer

Bush and his wife, Columba, issued a statement that they were "deeply
saddened" by the incident involving their middle child and only daughter,
Noelle, 24. 

They asked the media and the public to respect their privacy "during this
difficult time so that we can help our daughter."

A Walgreens pharmacist suspicious about a call-in prescription notified
police at 1:15 a.m. when Noelle Bush showed up at the drugstore's
drive-through in her white Volkswagen to pick it up.

She was charged with prescription fraud, a felony that carries a maximum
penalty of five years in jail and a $5,000 fine. Noelle Bush has no known
criminal record and was released without having to post bond.

Experts say punishment for a first offense is usually drug treatment or

Noelle Bush has been cited for about a dozen traffic violations and was
involved in three automobile crashes since 1995, according to The Associated

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