AFP. 2 February 2002. Milosevic denies issuing atrocities orders.

MOSCOW -- Former Yugoslav president Slobodan Milosevic said in an
interview Saturday he never ordered his military to commit atrocities in
the Balkans.

Milosevic, due on trial for genocide, crimes against humanity and other
charges over events in Bosnia, Croatia and Kosovo, said his army
commanders acted on their own.

"Decrees are being attributed to me that I never signed, and which were
carried out on specific initiatives of the military," Milosevic told the
Izvestia daily.

"They (the military commanders) acted on their own, while defending
themselves from attacks by bandits, who were burning down homes and
killing innocent civilians," he said.

Izvestia said the written interview with Milosevic was conducted by a
reporter with ITAR-TASS, but it failed to specify when.

Milosevic also conceded to suffering from depression, and lashed out at
the international warcrimes tribunal in The Hague for keeping him jailed
and isolated from the outside world.

"My physical and moral health is one of suspension between inertia and
timid hope, which in and of itself is not enough to keep up the presence
of morale," he said.

"But still I am keeping a diary, to hand down to our descendants the ray
of light born in a true Serb."

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Barry Stoller

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