odpoviem si sam, ak by sa to niekomu zislo.
Pytal som sa na aspectj-users at eclipse.org <https://dev.eclipse.org/mailman/listinfo/aspectj-users>. Existuje roky stary (2004) navrh, ktory by umoznoval taketo riesenie:

pointcut all(): execution(* *.*(..))&&  !within(anonymous *);

avsak vo verzii AspectJ 1.6.8 to nie je podporovane.
Mal som vsak to stastie, ze Andy Clement zaradil do noveho dev. release rozsirenie ktore umoznuje zapisat pointcut v takomto tvare:

pointcut all(): execution(* *.*(..))&&  !within(is(AnonymousType));

funguje super, snad sa teda dostane aj do stable release.

see: https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=44365#c10


On 16. 3. 2010 19:29, Peter Kvokacka wrote:
Dobry den

vie niekto poradit co pridat k
    pointcut all() : execution(* *.*(..))
ak chcem vylucit metody z anonymous inner classes ?

Google mlci jedine co som nasiel bol posledny komentar k bugu https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=73050#c6

Adrian Colyer 2005-11-04 08:15:01 EST
I've just commited the fix for this and it will be available in the next
published build. Anonymous types are
now only matched by the name pattern "*" - any other pattern fails to match
since anonymous types are
treated as having no name.

skusal som
    pointcut all() : execution(* *.*(..)) && !within(*.*)

to zafunguje prekvapivo iba pre triedy, ktore su v rovnakom package ako aspect. Ine zufale pokusy neuvadzam aby som Vas neovplyvnoval :).


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