
There's been some discussion to have centralized & unified way to control 
notification levels in KDE4

some quotes from #kde-devel @ freenode

23:50 < aseigo> Tm_T: as for kopete i'm interested in creating a way to make 
it stop notification
                popups on demand similar to how we stop the screensaver
23:51 < aseigo> Tm_T: so when in "presentation mode" you wouldn't get little 
popups on screen
23:51  * aseigo has a cute story about that actually
23:51 < aseigo> JakubS_: try sexy IM msgs popping up on the projector screen 
when doing a pressie for
                a business crowd
23:52 < aseigo> i'm in the middle of a rather seroius presentation and this 
little popup appears with
                the msg "Hey sexy! =))"
23:53 < aseigo> Tm_T: great.. whether that happens through KIMProxy++ or 
through knotify ... i don't
                particularly care, we just need a generic way to accomplish it

23:55  * Tm_T is copying to save aseigos little story ;)
23:55 < fredrikh> aseigo: otherwise you'll have to keep adding things for 
every app in the universe
23:55 < ita> rjune: ssh exchanges keys before encrypting using aes (symmetric) 
23:55 < ita> rjune: signing messages everytime is weak for several reasons too
23:55 < aseigo> fredrikh: yes ... but there are different levels that need to 
be defined i think..
23:55 < rjune> ita, again, my complaint is the log, not the speed
23:55 < ita> rjune: i mean, encrypting with assymmetric encryption
23:56 < fredrikh> aseigo: yeah
23:56 < aseigo> fredrikh: e.g. i don't want IM messages or non-urgent desktop 
notifications, but i do
                want "you have 10 minutes of battery life left" messages to 
appear ;)
23:56 < aseigo> fredrikh: and i'm not sure what would work best for app 
developers (though i have
                some ideas, such as "just use knotify and attach severity to 
them") so i'm polling
23:57 < fredrikh> aseigo: right, i guess that makes sense
23:57  * aseigo notes that a full screen pdf versus a pdf presentation also 
have different needs
23:57 < fredrikh> aseigo: but for IM messages, you have the problem that the 
remote user can set the
                  priority i guess

....and goes on

I think we should come up with our own needs and suggestions, don't you think?

see ya!

Jussi Kekkonen   tm_travolta(at)kapsi.fi & [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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