On Sun, Apr 16, 2006 at 09:27:52AM -0400, Michaël Larouche wrote:
> Le April 15, 2006 03:12, Olivier Goffart a écrit :
> > Dear Kopete users.
> >
> > Some basic ideas:
> >   - implement a new protocol feature-full (or almost)
> I suggest SIP support, lots of users are asking for that.
> >   - port to kde4 an unmaintained protocol or plugin (and improve it)
> That can be done in 1 weeks (max 2 weeks) for the porting.
> >   - good jingle video/audio support.  (that include use Phonon, and make
> > the avdevice config page working)
> Good idea.
> >   - (Win32 port) ?
> Not at the current state of Kopete trunk.
> To this list I'll add
> - Work of new UI based on Johann's mockups

Is this the amarok-like UI mockup that Johann did? If so, I think this
is the wrong way to go with our GUI. I'd like to see us come up with
something truly innovative, or at least something that isn't just a copy
of another app's UI. The amarok UI isn't even really suited for our uses

If we're not talking about the same thing, then where can I see the new

> - OSCAR file transfers

I've started research for this and if no-one steps up to do it for SOC,
I hope to have it done within a few months.

> - Bonjour support
> - Refactor of contact list (KABC integration, the model (Qt Interview), 
> etc...)
> - I could try to sumbit libpapillon as a Google SoC
> Note that I could not mentor any application because I doubt you can be a 
> mentor and a student at the same time, though I would like too.
> > Note: Our participation to google soc has not been confirmed yet.

Our participation in the Google SOC will have to be done through the KDE
project, we will not be our own seperate project.

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