Le April 23, 2006 12:57, Thorben Kröger a écrit :
> Hello again,
> Because the name parameter hasn't been removed (yet?) from the api in
> kparts/componentfactory.h, all the plugin constructors (that will be
> instantiated via KParts::createInstanceFrom*) still have the parameter.

> There are also some more KAction constructors ported.
> Now Kopete::PasswordedAccount::PasswordedAccount() is ambigous, I added the
> explicit allowBlankPassword=false. Is this right/Should this be changed?

Yup, but in another patch. a enum parameter should be used to make the code 
more clear.

> Also another question:
> Sometimes there are things like QString::fromLatin1("_") in the code, but
> sometimes just "_" (for example regarding icon names).
> I now used QLatin1String("some string") sometimes, but I'm not sure this is
> really necessary.
> See: http://doc.trolltech.com/4.1/qstring.html#details, section
> "Conversions between 8-bit strings and Unicode strings" for more. Are we
> trying to use QT_NO_CAST_FROM_ASCII? Otherwise I don't see any point in
> using
> QString::fromLatin1 or QLatin1String on such things as icons and object
> names, after all, there are only ascii characters in those sort of strings,
> right?

KICon takes directly a const char * so no need to use QLatin1String

IIRC, main KDE modules *should* compile with QT_NO_CAST_FROM_ASCII, so putting 
QLatin1String can't harm, and it's faster than QString::fromLatin1 and 

> > And if you ever come to aKademy 2006 at Dublin, I really need to offer
> > you something for all those efforts :)
> Hmm, I don't know if I can come but it would be cool :-)
> What do you all think?

You should double-check if all those setObjectName are required.
After commit

> Thorben

Michaël Larouche
KDE developer working on Kopete, Kamefu, Solid...on dial-up :P
Website: http://www.tehbisnatch.org/
IRC: irc.freenode.org/DarkShock on #kopete,#solid,#kamefu,#plasma

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