I agree with you with the dotted lines. Maybe we can say something to the Qt people, since they have such method for the root, why haven't it for the rest of the items. I cannot do it here since this is not a delegate. I would like to get out those lines.
The no item selected should exist for various reasons:
  1. At start, what plugin do you select. Why to select a plugin at first ? The window could be resized with no point, and would be something like a flicker. If the window resizes because a user clicked on a plugin is OK, but no when loading the dialog.
  2. When hiding a category and your selected item is in there, you lose your selection, again, where do you put your selection ? And what happens if all categories are collapsed ? I think about putting a contextual menu with "Expand all" and "Collapse all", you couldn't select any plugin if they are all collapsed !!!
What message label do you refer to ?
Rafael Fernández López.
kopete-devel mailing list

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